1991 to 1994 Devra West’s Alias Unknown.
No Audio Recordings
1995 to 2005 Devra Ji
AJ White – Board Member of ‘The Circle of Divine Unity’ charity.
- A J White on the psychological abuse and manipulation of students and employees
- AJ White ex charity board member on West's financial impropriety and abuse of students March 2004
- AJ White on Lana Hunter giving up part of her pension and savings to West and how sad she is that others are being milked of all they have
- AJ White on the physical abuse meted out by West to Susannah Felder
- AJ White, former board member of charity alleging that West stole $80,000 from the charity which was subsequently 'struck off' by the MT state gov.
Dave Kushner – Student of Devra West’s unaccredited school.
1. Dave Kushner on the $30,000 loan that Devra never paid back to him.
2. Dave Kushner on the kidnapping, false imprisonment of Marion Cantwell.
Cindy Beeman – Manager of The Circle of Divine Unity charity.
1. CB Employment commencing check bouncing.
2. CB on Ms West's mood swings.
3. CB on working conditions at the charity.
4. CB on Anne Stout being fired.
5. CB on Esther Michaels and Kathleen F being fired.
6. CB on the lies and dishonesty at her job interview.
7. CB challenging Devra on terms of employment.
8. CB on West's mental state and physical abuse of Anandra.
Diane Stoner – Personal Secretary to Devra West.
1. Diane Stoner on being hired and pay decrease on first day!
2. Diane on the nightmare of working for Ms West.
3. Diane on West's abusive behavior and brain washing!
4. Diane on West's ascendancy to a higher plane!
5. Diane On West's physical abuse of students!
6. Diane on West wanting all the money for herself!
7. Diane on West wanting unpaid volunteers and not paying suppliers.
8. Diane on donor paying for West to travel business class while donor flies economy.
9. Diane on the attempts at manipulation using personal information as the weapon of choice.
10. Diane on West's attempts to set the employees against each other.
11. Diane on Esther Michaels being made a 'partner' and promised $20K a month!
12. Diane on Cheryl O'Brien one of West's 'inner circle' and informers!
13. Diane on the charity's finances, Jack West and 'surrendering' to the brain washing!
14. Diane on wherever the rich are that is where Devra will go!
15. Diane on West's contempt for people who gave her money.
16. Diane on West the con artist.
17. Diane on West's belief that she is the Christ!
18. Diane on West's mental illness and demanding money.
19. Diane on West should be shut down she is stealing people's money!
20. Diane on West constantly shopping and spending $2K of charity's money to buy pearl necklace!
21. Diane on her and Cindy Beeman desperate to get out.
22. Diane on pay checks bouncing and Cindy Beeman leaving.
23. Diane on 'wrongful dismissal' of Kathleen Francisco.
24. Diane on the constant pressure to give money for projects that will never happen!
25. Diane on swapping West's dry cleaning for her last pay check!
26. Diane on West using employee’s personal money to pay for bills!
27. Diane Stoner Tues 14th Oct 2003
Esther Michaels – Consultant to Devra West’s nonprofit / for-profit corporations.
1. Esther Michaels Call to Diane Stoner.
2. Esther Michael's phone message to Diane Stoner
Kathleen Francisco – House Keeper to Devra West.
1. KF The hiring and firing of Kathleen Francisco.
2. KF on her working conditions.
3. KF On checks bouncing and West's expensive lifestyle.
5. KF On West's financial impropriety.
6. KF On West's cult, the mind control and how it is used to extract money.
7. KF on West's birthday 'party' and list of presents.
8. KF on being fired, West's and temper tantrums.
9. KF on humiliation of Anandra George.
10. KF On West's financial 'tricks' up her sleeve.
11. KF of West's contempt for those who give money to her!
12. KF On complaints against West for unfair dismissal.
13. KF Pressure on staff to join cult.
14. KF On propping up West with her own money and being asked to 'leave her children!'
15. KF On West's lies and manipulation of staff and students.
16. KF On West's attempts to sabotage the relationships of married couples.
17. KF On Ms West's attitude toward her husband, Jack West.
18. KF & DS On the shredding and falsifying of records!
19. KF On Ms West 'bringing $500K for herself not the charity - spending binge!
20. KF & JC On West's abuse of Cindy Beeman and Diane Stoner.
21. KF On getting the protection of the Sheriff.
22. KF On West getting furious that suppliers were actually paid.
23. KF On Ms West paying her masseuse with 'rubber checks!'.
24. KF & JC On West's micro management of staff.
25. KF On West's opinion of previous housekeepers.
26. KF On West's mental health.
27. KF On West's opinion of all employees.
28. KF On West's treatment of pets.
29. KF On dreading going to work and nightmares.
30. KF On West's rages and excessive drinking.
31. KF On West's alcohol problem.
32. KF On West's belief that she is God & Christ!
33. KF On West, radiation pills and the end of the world.
34. KF Life expectancy of a House keeper 90 days!
35. KF On the lies about health benefits etc.
36. KF On Esther Michaels fighting the brain washing.
37. KF On rooms being bugged and phones tapped!
38. KF On West's cult and the mind conditioning.
39. KF I was lied to by West every day.
40. KF On West sucking the life out of employees.
41. KF On West's lack of integrity and her closet.
42. KF On cult members moving charity money around.
43. DS & KF on shredding documents and the deceit.
44. Kathleen Francisco 4th Oct 2003.
Roger Hill – Manager to Devra West’s nonprofit / for-profit corporations.
1. Roger Hill excerpt
2. Roger Hill excerpt
3. Roger Hill excerpt
Whistle-blower’s Meeting March 2003 with Devra West.
- West on not getting lawyers involved!
- West asking how we can settle our differences over Millennia Mind.
- West asking the whistleblower to explain to her why he thought he was owed compensation! The master's get out of jail card
- West admitting that she asked the whistleblower to set up the non profits and for profits.
- West admitting that it was us that set up Millennia Mind together.
- West challenging the whistleblower to prove that they had an agreement and then admitting her agreements were worthless.
- West admitting that she disposes of people like she does Kleenex.
- West admitting she is an absolute control freak.
- West agreeing that she changed her mind about MM in July.
- West threatening to get f-ing down and dirty.
- F$$$ing over a Spiritual Teacher!
- I feel ‘f**ked up the *rse by you, *uc*ed up the ars*.
- Salary / Shareholdings
- The truth does not matter!
- Agreements not worth anything!
- Does not want Partners.
- Yes, I am a control freak!
- Disposing of people like Kleenex.
- Prince Charming.
- Getting Down & Dirty!
- Accuses Beatrice of being Mentally Ill
- Agreed but not going to fill out a Check
- Good listener and Control Freak
- You will not do that with me
- West proving she is mentally ill
- A Fucked up the Arse Bully
- Full March 2003 Meeting
2006 to 2011 Surya Ma
Carol Patton (Devra Patton West's Stepmother)
1. Introduction / Loaned money won't give it back!
2. Understanding that she would pay it back!
4. Given to buy land - that was the understanding.
5. John had very little money left - it hurts me that she has it.
6. I'm never going to get my money back and that is just the way it is!
8. I was hoping your lawyer would get my money back.
11. If she has done something wrong she should pay the consequences.
Michelle Fetveit – West’s Neighbor in Lakeside MT
1. Michelle - West`s Neighbour at Lakeside
2. Michelle - West`s Neighbour at Lakeside
Sandy Brown – Realtor
1. Sandy Brown Realtor for Fred Burr Property
2. Sandy Brown Realtor
Sandy Richardson – Realtor