Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Rishi Devra



The Fake Guru Devra Patton West and the Criminal / Racketeering Business Model that she has employed in three Western States since 1995.


Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West,


Rishi Devra

In the previous bulletin entitled ‘Devra Patton West - The Occultist Beast Unmasked!’ we directed your attention to a video published on YouTube entitled ‘9 Ways to Spot a Fake Guru or Spiritual Teacher’ which you can review by following this link:-


In this edition, we’ll see how occult thief / suspected serial killer Devra Patton West, scores when assessing the nine ways to spot a Fake Guru or Spiritual Teacher.


(1). Charging large amounts of money.  Both the whistleblower (who was a consultant for Devra West for 6 months in 2002) and some of her employees, Diane Stoner and Kathleen Francisco, speak of $500,000 fees for fake healings that never reached her ‘charity’; which by the way, was struck off for fraud in November 2003.  A quick look at her current website shows that her ‘Pay Portal’ is set up to handle huge sums of money, including a single button for a sustaining endowment of $500,000.


It is thought that Devra West uses her occult knowledge to convince those attending ‘Private Sessions’ that they have incurable diseases; the symptoms of which she induces using occult knowledge and which she then cures for huge fees - just as was witnessed in 2002.


I think it is safe to say that this is a FAIL for fake guru Devra West.


(2). Giving themselves fancy titles and referring to themselves as being enlightened!  Below are some of the latest raft of titles that Devra Patton West has awarded herself.


Rishi Devra, Devra West


Since deciding to target the metaphysical community in Sedona, she is now referring to herself as:-




She is also the Regent of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the western hemisphere.


These titles do not exist in reality, only in the mind of the narcissist Devra Patton West, along with such mental constructs as the ‘Royal Path’ the ‘Universal Archives’ etc.  They can be given as much credence as Devra West’s assertion that she is ‘holding open the gates of time’ or that the Christ gave her two doctorates in person!  


I think it is safe to say that this is a FAIL for fake guru Devra West.


(3). Inability to take criticism –those not genuine will take offence.  In 2002, while attending a seminar hosted by Devra Patton West, then calling herself the Ascended Master Devra Ji, student Beatrice McGuire challenged guru about an obvious lie.  Devra West’s reaction was to attack Beatrice in front of tens of witnesses partially ripping her ear off. 


Rishi Devra, Devra West


West later denied the assault (in spite of the many witnesses) but paid for the victim’s plastic surgery!  Two years earlier, Devra West was challenged by employee Susannah Felder, who caught Devra West stealing an $80,000 donation from the charity to pay for her son’s legal fees in respect of the custody battle with his then wife, Kendall.  According to witness and ex-board member of the charity, AJ White, Devra West grabbed Susannah by the hair and ripped clumps of her hair from her head.


Rishi Devra


You can read what AJ White had to say about the attack, the theft of $80,000 from the charity and the attempts to blame the vicious assault on the victim by Devra West’s then husband, Jack West and other members of the cult present at the time by going here


When the whistleblower announced he was going to sue Devra West for fraud in March 2003, they had a meeting at which she made the following statements, which you can listen to her say by following the links.  WARNING foul mouthed Sage of Sedona, foul mouthed Rishi of the West.


I feel ‘f**ked up the *rse by you, *uc*ed up the ars*.


I think it is safe to say that this is a FAIL for fake guru Devra West.


(4). Overly focused on the end goal – enlightenment but does not explain how to get there!  Below is an excerpt from the only living Rishi’s (gag) current website, where this ex-bankrupt and convicted violent criminal proclaims to be “offering the rarest of opportunities for the dedicated initiate.”


Welcome to Omni Awakening

Divine Transmission with the Rishi

The rarest of opportunities has emerged for the dedicated initiate. Devra Adi Maa is a living rishi, whose mission is to teach, mentor and guide those who are called to the path of divine service. From the moment you walk through the doors, you are embraced in the palpable radiance of divine presence.

Enlightened teachings and contemplative exchange with the Rishi are true food for the soul, for the lasting spiritual enrichment of omni awakening. Her profound transmission ignites the illumination of Christ Consciousness, for all who choose awakened mastery and world service.

"Her profound transmission ignites the illumination of Christ Consciousness, for all who choose awakened mastery and world service.”  The statement implies that by attending her gatherings one can choose to become enlightened!  It is true that under religious freedom laws Devra West can make any claims about herself without fear of prosecution witness her totally fake ‘life journey’ which fails to mention her two Montana arrest warrants, one for criminal check fraud and one for felony theft and her conviction for assault!

I think it is safe to say that this is a FAIL for fake guru Devra West.


(5). Failing to ‘walk their talk.’  Do they radiate love?  Apart from the two female victims of assault mentioned above, there is a third; a local female doctor, who was viciously assaulted by Devra West in 2006 as part of a campaign to extort $1.3 million from her. She succeeded in doing so, at a cost to herself of a $500 fine and a 6 month suspended jail sentence.  Below is an excerpt from the victim’s statement given to the Whitefish Pilot newspaper and published on July 12 2007:-


In her statement to the county sheriff's office, Cole claims Devra West abused her verbally and physically.  "She has told me that she has the 'spiritual' power and authority to 'take me out,' to be composted," Cole wrote in the temporary restraining order statement.

Cole claims Devra West threw a lamp at her and hit her with a briefcase, cell phone and her hand.  "She took off her shoe and hit me on the top of my head, causing my scalp to bleed onto my face, neck and clothes," Cole's statement reads. "She threatened to kill me with a gun to my head, 'blowing my brains out,' and advised me to commit suicide by slitting my wrists, after I'd taken out an insurance policy on myself."  Photos taken after the alleged beating were submitted to the sheriff's office.


Further evidence about the beating and planned murder of Dr. Cole by Devra West were provided by two of her ex-employees. Both made complaints to the authorities about the mental and physical abuse they suffered at Devra West’s hands.  The three part statement from Carlida Finch (excerpt below) details her own suffering and that she overheard Devra West planning the murder of Dr. Cole MD. 


Part 1.  Part 2.  Part 3.  


Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West


The next statement comes from ex-employee, Rebecca West (no relation to Devra West) who makes it very clear that Devra West was running a cult and that she was abusing employees as part of a campaign to force them into joining her cult or firing them before the first 90 days were up; after which she would have to start paying employment insurance.  To read the harrowing email that Rebecca sent the whistleblower in March of 2007, please go here.


Finally, it is clear that Devra West uses her occult knowledge (shamanism) to underpin her criminal / racketeering business model while fronting that business as a guru.  Not only is this convicted violent criminal’s many lies protected under religious freedom laws, but the weapon she uses to intimidate victims and witnesses alike is not recognized as a weapon by legal statute!  As a consequence, even when it is obvious that Devra West is using that weapon against witnesses in an attempt to get them to withdraw their statements against her, the police cannot do anything about it!




In 2005, after defrauding ex-student Dave Kushner out of $30,000 and after kidnapping ex-student
Marion Cantwell
, falsely imprisoning her, extorting tens of thousands of dollars from her, another ex-student, Lisa Swidler, witnessed both crimes and left the cult and then died suddenly.  The coroner ruled the death as death by natural causes, but the whistleblower who was friends with Lisa, thought that she was murdered by Devra West in exactly the same way she tried to murder him in 2007.  The ability to commit murder and lesser crimes and get away with them is the sole basis that Devra West declares herself to be a minor deity!


Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra


I think it is safe to say that this is a FAIL for fake guru Devra West.


(6). Focused on egocentric desires, money, sex, power.  Devra West takes ego masturbation to another level. In the piece below, Devra West, having been run out of Montana in 2010 and out of Mexico in 1995 (in 1995 chased by a victim with a large gun) pronounces herself to be the ‘Sage of Sedona’ and the ‘Spiritual Guardian of the Region.’  First, egocentric desires the following pulled from her current website.


The Rishi of the West

Devra Adi Maa...The Sage of Sedona 

“As a spiritual guardian of the region, her presence in both Sedona and Scottsdale is a blessing for all souls and especially for those who seek spiritual enrichment and the ultimate awakening of enlightenment.  She is embraced as the Rishi Elder and Sage of Sedona and the Illuminary and Oracle of Black Mountain, an area left to be sacred by our Native Americans, which is located in the desert highlands, north of Scottsdale.

Her path of awakening has moved from an enriched epic of life experience that has encircled the globe. Embraced and recognized by spiritual heads and enlightened masters, she is regarded as a 'Lotus Born Soul' by pundits and yogic masters. The Rishi retained her sense of divine presence from birth and even as a toddler was cognizant of incarnating into a physical body with a higher destiny to fulfill. Her link to the divine worlds was encouraged by her paternal grandmother, a devout charismatic healer and clairvoyant, who taught her to navigate the spirit world of masters and angels throughout her childhood, with past life recall and the ability to see into the future as her commonplace occurrence.

She received her first spiritual initiation at the age of seven, being spontaneously flooded with wave after wave of light, experiencing the direct presence of the Great Masters. Enveloped in divine illumination for many days thereafter, she received her "call to serve the world." Throughout adolescence, Rishi Devra continued to receive the ageless wisdoms from the hierarchy of spiritual masters, who gave her an in-depth understanding of the soul's universal existence and the malleable fluidity of reality.”

This women is a deeply disturbed psychopathic person / personality surrounded by ‘yes men’ who are too afraid to do anything but nod and bow and blow sunshine up her ass, hence this narcissist’s endless non-stop delusions about being, for example, the ‘Sage of Sedona’ or the ‘Rishi of the West.’  She is quite insane.  As a consequence of drinking her own Kool Aid for so long, she actually believes her own lies and propaganda!  But then she famously told the whistleblower in a meeting he recorded in March 2003 that, and I quote, The truth does not matter.  [If you can convince your audience that your lies are their truth.] Follow the above link above to hear Devra West say those words in her own voice.


Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West,


And her website is a full on assault of lies, deceit and propaganda that she wants the public to swallow whole as truth!  Above, second left, her felony theft arrest warrant mugshot – note the lack of fancy clothes and dried flowers and other paraphernalia designed to convince you that what you are seeing is for real.  


As for money, there are a trail of victims of theft, fraud and extortion (most students and employees with the crimes kept hidden inside the cult) with Devra West appearing as the defendant in several fraud related civil lawsuits in Montana.  In November 2003, her charity was struck off for fraud


After her charity was struck off for fraud in November 2003, several million dollars’ worth of artwork and artifacts went missing.  We know that the property owned by the charity and paid for largely by public donations and valued at $1,250,000 in 2003, was stolen from the charity as part of an elaborate fraud and put into a trust fund by Devra West for her and her eldest son, Rob Meador.  We know now that artwork and valuables valued at $4,000,000 in 2003, and largely paid for by public donation, were hidden away in a lock up until after the statute of limitations had passed and reappeared in 2014 for sale - both from Devra West’s website and at auction in Cave Creek AZ. 


When questioned about these items in 2009, while being deposed under oath by the whistleblower’s lawyer, Devra West acknowledged seeing the list of valuables and artwork that the whistle-blower had compiled in 2002, but stated that she had walked away from all possessions and that these items must have been stolen or lost.  Here is a link to her statement and below here is a short excerpt from her statement.


Rishi Devra, Devra West


And here is a link to her current website and to the page entitled ‘Art Gallery’ where most of the pieces featured on the list that the whistleblower had compiled in 2002 and that Devra West said were stolen or lost, can be seen.  On the subject of money, please read this statement from ex-student Elaine who was with Devra West when she was bragging about her emerald necklace and how there was much more where that came from; here is an excerpt:-


“While Devra is obviously a pathological liar, she unwittingly reveals herself quite frequently because she can't keep her own mouth shut and so loves to brag.  This was more than five years ago -- in the course of bragging about her ability to attract wealth, she explicitly stated she doesn't have any bank accounts because she didn't need them in order to be wealthy.  She then pointed out that at that very moment she was wearing $250,000 worth of emeralds.  And she implied she had a lot more than what she was wearing.”


Below are a series of links to excerpts from audio statements given by ex-employees in 2003 that attest to Devra West’s obsession with other people’s money.


DS on Devra West wanting all the money for herself!

DS on wherever the rich are that is where Devra will go!

DS on Devra West's mental illness and demanding money!

DS on Devra West should be shut down she is stealing people's money!

DS on the constant pressure to give money to Devra West for projects that will never     happen!

DS on Devra West using employee’s personal money to pay for her bills!


KF On checks bouncing and Devra West's expensive lifestyle.

KF On Devra West's financial impropriety.

KF On Devra West's cult, the mind control and how it is used to extract money!

KF On Devra West and the financial 'tricks' up her sleeve!

KF On West's contempt for those who give money to her!

KF On Devra West 'bringing $500K for herself not the charity - spending binge!


The two news articles published by the Whitefish Pilot and the Bigfork Eagle newspapers in 2007, made it impossible for the ‘divine being’ routine / scam to work there any longer in Montana -  hence, her move to Arizona in 2010.  As for sex, I don’t see the point in going into the orgies, mixed hot tub sessions or the many incidents of young female student’s underwear found in Devra West’s bed when she was located in Victor MT, as the students were presumably adults and in spite of being trapped inside a cult, may have given their consent to receiving an intimate ‘blessing’ from the ‘divine being.’


As for power, Devra West likes to control the lives of others, hence the reason for running a cult which is a front for a criminal / racketeering business model designed to turn students, employees and spiritual seekers into cash.  Below is a great image that conveys this perfectly.


Rishi Devra, Devra West


Here is a link to her ‘Protocol’ piece that everyone in her presence had to observe.  In the second paragraph of the piece above entitled, ‘Rishi of the West,’ taken from her current website she asserts that she is, and I quote, “Embraced and recognized by Spiritual heads and enlightened masters she is regarded as a Lotus Born Soul by pundits and yogic masters.”  This is all lies and propaganda; doubtless allowed under religious freedom laws.  However, the reality is that in both New Mexico and Montana, Devra West is known by the courts and the local police as a con artist who magically stays out of jail because her victims (and many of their witnesses) pull out of criminal / civil lawsuits for fear of being harmed or murdered by her. 


Although several may have died at her hands because the ‘weapon’ used is not regarded as a weapon by legal statute, it cannot not really be classed as murder – even though the victim, as in Lisa Swidler’s case, is still dead.  This is why accomplice Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, a senior member of Devra West’s cult, felt comfortable enough to announce the whistleblower’s impending murder by Devra West, some two weeks before she made her failed attempt on his life.


Rishi Devra , Devra Patton West



Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra


When the murder attempt failed, Geoffrey Reynolds and Devra West went on to make false statements to a Montana court in an attempt to jointly conspire to bankrupt the whistleblower, so that he could not make available to others the kind of information about Devra West’s criminal past that you are reading now.  As a result of Geoffrey Reynolds’ lies to the court, the whistleblower, who had immigrated to the east coast of Canada in 2005, was the subject of a default undefended judgement of $10,000,000.  This conspiracy, along with the murder attempt, an obvious attempt to remove any information from the web that might contradict Devra West’s assertion of being a ‘divine being.’  Follow this link to read the false statements given by Reynolds to the court, which his own on-line bio make clear are lies.


I think it is safe to say that this is a FAIL for fake guru Devra West.


(7). Displaying spiritual materialism.  The process by which the ego grasps at the accomplishments of the self.  Where do you start with such a prolific liar?  This is a quote from her current website:-


‘She received her first spiritual initiation at the age of seven, being spontaneously flooded with wave after wave of light, experiencing the direct presence of the Great Masters. Enveloped in divine illumination for many days thereafter, she received her "call to serve the world." Throughout adolescence, Rishi Devra continued to receive the ageless wisdoms from the hierarchy of spiritual masters, who gave her an in-depth understanding of the soul's universal existence and the malleable fluidity of reality.’


And this…


From Rishi…


"As a Rishi of the Royal Path of Omni Awakening, I have had the privilege of working directly with the Immortal Masters since childhood, a majestic opening of great promise that was made possible by my beloved grandmother, a charismatic healer clairvoyant, who herself was a full member of the Brotherhood of Light. This set the stage for the direct contact and tutelage with the ascended masters since adolescence and lifetime of divine service thereafter, via a steady progression through the veils of sacred knowledge. I was mentored and I was an apprentice to her awakened state for many decades until her passing. 


I reached a degree of readiness and maturity in the late 1980's when I received my call to serve the "Great Work" of initiating and guiding souls into the higher realms of meditation, spiritual mastery and also to commence archiving the sacred teachings of the Spiritual Hierarchy. The archive now stands as a testament to the Universal Halls of Illumination and they hold many decades of enlightened teachings. I have called these archives, "The Universal Archives of Sacred Knowledge" because the teachings are profoundly timeless and timely but also profoundly practical in the most critical ways for bringing self-mastery into one's own life, as well as serving to uplift humanity to one day become a benevolent planetary fellowship that is host to one of the most enriched expanses of sacred knowledge throughout our stellar heavens.


One thing Devra West is above all else, is a Master at the “fluidity of reality.” You know when this occult criminal is telling lies, when her lips are moving!  My favorites though, have to be the following two lies.


Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West


And this….


Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West


I think it is safe to say that this is a FAIL for fake guru Devra West.


(8). Behaving Selfishly. There is no place for ‘Spiritual Superstars!  Again, where to begin with this lunatic?  Readers should go to the bottom of the page and read / listen to the statements given by past employees and students, but a good example of just who and what this occult thief / suspected serial killer is really like can be found in her own writings to the members of her cult.  Please follow a link to the missive entitled, ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification’ that Devra West sent to her entire mailing list, days after her vicious assault on a local female doctor that she successfully extorted $1,3 million dollars from.


In this missive Devra West asserts, while pretending to channel the long dead Ascended Master El Morya, that the victim of the beating was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime, therefore the beating was long overdue.  The psychopath goes on to state that although the beating she administered to Dr. Cole was severe, it was at all times, administered by her with grace.  I do not think selfishness quite describes this criminally insane person’s behavior?


I think it is safe to say that this is a FAIL for fake guru Devra West.


(9). Offering a fast path to enlightenment and self-realization.  Promising unattainable goals.  Below is another excerpt from her current website:-


Welcome to Omni Awakening

Divine Transmission with the Rishi

The rarest of opportunities has emerged for the dedicated initiate. Devra Adi Maa is a living rishi, whose mission is to teach, mentor and guide those who are called to the path of divine service. From the moment you walk through the doors, you are embraced in the palpable radiance of divine presence. Enlightened teachings and contemplative exchange with the Rishi are true food for the soul, for the lasting spiritual enrichment of omni awakening. Her profound transmission ignites the illumination of Christ Consciousness, for all who choose awakened mastery and world service. 

These are all promises that Devra Patton West cannot deliver and has not delivered in the past!  What she has delivered is pain and suffering and a trail of wrecked lives.


, Devra Patton West