Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Rishi Devra




The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Then two pictures must be worth two thousand words…..


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


For details about then assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD that had Patton West hitting her repeatedly on the head with the heel of her shoe until blood ran down the victim’s blouse review the Whitefish Pilot and Bigfork Eagle newspaper articles.  Read about how employee Carlida Finch overheard Patton West talking about murdering Dr. Cole MD.  And read what Cole’s friends Rebecca West had to say about the violence meted out to Cole and read the statement that John Mark Young sent to the police.  This is the lunatic currently masquerading as ‘Divine Mother.’


think how powerful a thousand pictures would be in conveying the truth about narcissist, con artist and violent convicted criminal devra patton west.


Before anyone shouts foul and tries to suggest that this is an unwarranted hatchet job against self-appointed ‘Divine Mother’ and ‘Regent of the Western Hemisphere’ I would ask them to pay a visit our sister website at  That website contains a plethora of court documents and newspaper articles whose veracity cannot be challenged.  That website also contains literally scores of both written and audio testimonials from victims and witnesses which clearly show that Patton West is not a guru but a criminal masquerading as a guru.  Please check out the following webpages listed below left on that website for details.  Or click the links below:-


The Fake Bio, The Secret WeaponThe LiesThe CrimesThe NarcissistEvidence of InsanityFake Miracle CuresFake Career Opportunities and Fake Testimonials.




Pay particular attention to the webpage entitled ‘The Truth About West’s Injunction.’  When a whistleblower, a victim of fraud at Patton West’s hands, put up a website in 2006 listing scores of victims of crime at Patton West’s hands she obtained $2,000,000 from a wealthy cult member and used that money to ‘buy an injunction’ to force down that website.  Patton West touts her injunction as some kind of moral victory but in reality her crimes have not disappeared it just means that the person who put up the website cannot share that information with the public.  But we shall!


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Let us now review the evidence to see how a pot growing, drug dealing con artist and ex-bankrupt raised herself to the dizzy heights of ‘the regent of the western hemisphere’ and ‘divine mother.’




Well, the short answer is she didn’t.  The con artist got smarter, the disguise got more convincing as did the props used to suck in the gullible.  Up until 1991, Patton West had been picking off individual victims who she stumbled across through business or socializing.  Victims like Jeremy Samuelson, who saw the whistleblower’s website in 2007 and sent him this email.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


The other thing that is interesting about Jeremy Samuelson’s comments is that he says, and I quote, “She never had any spiritual powers then or even claimed to.”  So when Patton West asserts on her websites that she was ‘called to serve the world at age seven’ and that she has ‘been preparing to guide humanity for thousands of years’ you can take it as read that these are just two of the thousands of lies she has told since she elevated herself to the status of Divine Mother & Planetary Regent.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


The same applies to this obvious lie…


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Patton West knows these are lies but does not care.  She believes that she can convince the public and the brainwashed and conditioned members of her cult, that her lies are their truth.  She also knows that she can intimidate and murder those who challenge her version of reality.  And because she uses an occult (hidden) weapon to commit murder instead of a gun, a knife or a crow bar, her victim’s deaths appear to be the result of ‘natural’ causes. 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



While giving a statement to a Montana court in 2009, Patton West told the court all of the artwork and valuables were stolen or carted off and that she had given up all her possessions.  Only to have all the missing items turn up in 2014 for sale at auction in Arizona, after spending 10 years in a lock up waiting for the statute of limitations on theft to expire.  You can read Patton West’s statement given under oath to a Montana court, by following this link.  An excerpt of that statement is given below.

The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Below are links to images pulled from Patton West’s previous website from which in 2018 she was offering for sale the very artwork and valuables she stated under oath did not exist.  Link Number 6 is a Poster advertising the ‘Amazing Moving Sale’ of artwork and antiquities.


Artwork Moving Sale 1      Artwork Moving Sale 2      Artwork Moving Sale 3      Artwork Moving Sale 4

Artwork Moving Sale 5      AMAZING MOVING SALE


In March 2003, immediately after the whistleblower John Watson announced he was going to sue Patton West for defrauding him, she insisted on a private meeting with him at which she made the following three statements:-


1. She admits defrauding him but does not see herself writing out a check for what she owes him.


2. The truth does not actually matter if she can convince the public that her lies are their truth. [Patton West knows she cannot fool all of the people all of the time but she does not need to.  She fools enough of the wealthy gullible to make her a multi-millionaire.]


3. She says if he sues her for fraud she will get so fu*king down and dirty huge expenses coming out of his pocket not hers. [Because members of her cult will pay her legal expenses.]


Because the whistleblower hid a digital tape recorder in the room where they were meeting, you can hear ‘Divine Mother’ Patton West say these things in her own voice by following the above links.


1990 to 1991.


Having established beyond reasonable doubt that Patton West is a pathological liar we can now move on to her training at ‘the robert jaffe school for energy mastery’ between 1990 & 1991.


There may be several reasons why Patton West signed up for a course at one of the world’s best schools for energy mastery i.e. ‘The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery.’ Certainly Patton West’s prolific use of banned drugs would have given her insights into other dimensions, but in addition to wanting occult (hidden) knowledge, we believe some of her motivations to be practical.  Her criminal career up to 1990 can somewhat be compared to that of a black widow spider, in that she sat waiting for individual victims to stumble into her web before subduing them.  What she really needed was a ‘weapon’ that would a) attract victims to her in large numbers and b) could be used to subdue her victims before robbing them and then be used to intimidate victims and witnesses into remaining silent.   The occult knowledge she obtained between 1990 & 1991, provided for all her needs and much more because The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery itself was a cult and provided valuable training for Patton West who upon completing the course set up her own cult.


Before we get on to the ‘The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery,’ and what went on there, let us briefly refer to an event that happened between Patton West and another one of the students attending the course between 1990 & 1991.  This from Satya who upon seeing the whistleblower’s website in 2010 sent the following email.


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As hinted above ‘The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery’ was itself a cult and therefore a perfect training ground for a narcissist like Patton West with a ‘god complex.’  The following from the ‘Cult Education Institute.’


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Now go back to Satya’s statement above and note her comment about the ‘untimely death of Lisa Swidler [in 2005].’  We believe that Lisa, a young mother of two, was murdered by Patton West using the very occult knowledge that her teacher Robert Jaffe threatened to use against the student in the above statement she gave to the Cult Education Institute.  Lisa’s death did not happen in a vacuum. Lisa tried to leave the cult after personally witnessing patton West defraud large sums of money from two other members of the cult.  Shortly after escaping the cult Lisa died suddenly and mysteriously of internal bleeding; the coroner ruled her death as by ‘natural causes.’  Well he would do wouldn’t he!  We suspected that Patton West had murdered her to keep her from going to the police.  After the attempt on John Watson’s life in 2007, we realized for sure that Lisa had been murdered.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


It is worth mentioning that in 2002, when the whistleblower befriended Jack West Patton West’s then husband, he was told by Jack West that those who oppose his then wife had a habit of dying suddenly!  We suspect that Patton West is a serial killer.  After all what criminally insane narcissist with a god complex could avoid using a secret (occult) weapon to murder her opponents if those murders never led back to her.

The Rishi’s Gateway, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Rishi Devra, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


1991 to 1995.  We do not know much about this period of time except that Patton West put her training at ‘The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery’ to good use and immediately formed a personality cult around herself.   The cult was formed around Patton West’s psychotic belief that she is a god on a mission to save humanity.  In reality everything she does makes life worse for those she interacts with.


The Symptoms of Psychosis.  Some of the delusions of a psychotic personality is that they have special powers, are on a special mission and or are actually are a god others are as follows:-


Hallucinations. You see people or things that aren’t there.  (Patton West talks to dead people like the Ascended Master ‘El Morya’ who told her it was ok to viciously assault a wealthy physician (while extorting $1.3 million form her) because the victim was a Nazi in a previous lifetime. This was the same dead person who told her to fill her coffers with other people’s money.)


You have special powers, are on a special mission, or actually are a god.  (Patton West does have special powers via occult knowledge she acquired in 1991 that she uses as a weapon; this makes this psychotic extremely dangerous.  She says she has been planning to lead humanity for thousands of years.  She has awarded herself several titles and accolades including recently the ‘Divine Mother’ and ‘Regent of the Western Hemisphere.’)


So Patton West’s mental illness makes her see the world like this…


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Just to ram the point home we want to share with you an excerpt from a missive she sent to her cult in 2005 / 2006 timeframe immediately after her charity had been struck off for fraud.  You can read the entire document by going here.


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In case anyone did not understand their role as a serf in Patton West’s cult (run on the basis of a medieval fiefdom) she had a document entitled Protocol with ‘Surya Ma.’  This document (see below) was used between 2005 &2010, when she was operating her cult in Flathead Lake MT. 


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However, we do know what she got up to between 2005 & 2010 because there were three newspaper articles published about her ‘world service’ in the Whitefish Pilot, Bigfork Eagle and Ravalli Republic newspapers.  Then, there were the frequent appearances in court as the defendant in fraud related lawsuits.  Go to ‘The Crimes’ page for details.   The enlightened being now calls herself ‘Divine Mother’ and the ‘Regent of Rishi’s’ and the ‘Regent of the Western Hemisphere.’  And why not? This psychotic with a god complex on a mission to lead humanity, has to have the titles and accolades to go with her rank as a planetary regent.  Even if those titles are totally false and fabricated by her.


To read about the vicious assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD, part of a lengthy campaign of violence, you can review the newspaper articles published by the Whitefish Pilot and Bigfork Eagle newspapers.  For more information about the violence and extortion of funds from Dr. Pat Cole MD, please review the following documents sent by witnesses.  The first are two emails from Rebecca West (no relation to Patton West) the first entitled ‘Help Me’ and the second entitled ‘What is your status.’  Then is a letter that John Mark Young sent to the police.  Then there is a statement employee Carlida Finch made to the authorities after overhearing Patton West talking about the murder of Dr. Pat Cole MD.  Above, we give an illustration of how the apex predator Patton West views everyone else as prey.  The following image gives a more detailed view of her criminal business model.


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To cut a long story short, the behavior indicated above allows us to impugn what her behavior was like between 1991 & 1995.  However, we are not completely in the dark when it comes to evidence as we have two pieces that confirm the worst.  The first comes from a conversation with Patton West’s then husband Jack West who told the whistleblower John Watson in 2002 that he, Patton West’s and their young daughter were chased out of New Mexico in the middle of the night with just their clothes they were wearing.  It transpires that Patton West used her occult weapon against one of her victims who responded by getting his gun with the intent of using it understanding, as countless victim’s since have, that the police are totally impotent against someone like Patton West.  The second piece of evidence comes from one of Patton West’s long term students Dr. Pat Cole MD and her friend Rebecca West (no relation to Patton West). 


Below, is a document that was sent to the Flathead police department in 2007.  When reviewing the contents of this document please keep in mind that this lunatic is currently masquerading as, amongst other things, ‘Divine Mother!’


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Read the following document to discover the real Devra Patton West behind the idiot grin. The following statement was passed to the Flathead police department in March of 2007.


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The above document combined with the comments of her then husband, Jack West, makes it very clear what Patton West was doing between 1991 & 1995.  More to the point, it makes it clear that this lunatic was mentally and physically abusing those recruited into her cult between 1991 & 1995, just as she would go on to do between 1995 & 2005 in Victor MT and between 2005 & 2010 in Flathead MT.


We are less than 20 images in to the 1,000 images and yet with the evidence provided on this web page, when combined with the information on our sister website, it would not take a genius to decide which of the two realities presented below is the real one…


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


1995 to 2005


The occult knowledge she acquired at ‘The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery’ between 1990 & 1991, was used to trick the sheeple who joined her cult into believing she was a god on a mission.  That same knowledge was also used to ‘harvest’ money and energy from the members of her cult.  It was used to facilitate theft, fraud, and extortion and, as we are finding out, part of the campaign of overt and covert violence used to soften up potential victims.  However, every now and again, she targets what she thinks to be a prey animal only to have the prey turn on her in a spectacular way.  And so it was that, according to ex-husband Jack West, he, Patton West and their young daughter Anna West, were chased out of New Mexico one evening in 1995 by a gun wielding victim who understood that the police were totally impotent against a vicious and resourceful criminal like Patton West.


Preferring to operate in western states where they either do not understand ‘white collar’ crime or do not have the resources to prosecute it, Patton West made her new home in Victor MT.  It appears several of the students / members of her cult she recruited in New Mexico followed her to Montana.  We can say for sure that by 1995, Patton West had refined her cult / criminal racketeering business model into a well-oiled vehicle for organized crime that for all outward appearances, was a quasi-religious group.  This meant that any criticism coming from outside the cult about Patton West’s financial crimes or brutality towards her ‘students’ and employees could be characterized by her as ‘religious persecution.’


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



To illustrate the criminal and brutal nature of Patton West’s treatment of both the ‘students’ to her unaccredited school for occult studies ‘The Sacred Arts Institute’ (SAI) and the employees of the charity ‘The Circle of Divine Unity’, we will share a notarized statement from an ex-board member of the charity – A.J. White.  Because the statement is quite long, we will break it down into three parts and highlight the most damning parts of the statement.


Part 1

The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Throughout this web page and the two websites put up about Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model, you will see massive well documented evidence that she has raised millions of dollars for ‘charitable causes and yet, little or no evidence that the money raised has gone to any of the good causes espoused.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Part 2


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model has not changed since 2001, when A.J. White wrote her statement, although some things have.  After acquiring millions of dollars through organized crime, she can now afford a larger mansion, more expensive clothes and very expensive website.  Along with her lies, propaganda and the many titles and accolades she awards herself, it all comes together to create a totally fictitious illusion that Hollywood would be proud of.  Only those who agree that the illusion is real, are allowed access to play their role as serfs to her role as Planetary Regent and Divine Mother (gag). 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



The final portion of A.J. Whites statement gives witness to violent and abusive behavior, that is repeated over and over again against countless victims.  In the example below, self-appointed ‘Divine Mother’ partially scalps one of her employees who challenged Patton West about the $80,000 that she stole from the charity.


Part 3


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



Now having let this information sink in, and believe me, this is the tip of the iceberg as you will see if you watch this page develop, Patton West in her current incarnation as Divine Mother and Western Regent wants us to believe she has fiscal integrity!  Bernie Madoff has more fiscal integrity than Patton West has as we shall prove.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Making the case that Patton West’s ‘world service’ is a front for organized crime.


The statement from A. J. White that we reviewed above, contained examples of Patton West’s behavior that makes it clear that she cannot possibly be a guru and in no way can she be described as ‘Divine Mother.’  But that is just one statement.  We will share many more with you but before we do, let us leap forward in time from A. J. White’s statement written in 2004 about events in 2001 to a statement Patton West made under oath in court on July 12 2007.  Remember ‘you know when she is lying – her lips are moving.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



Below is an excerpt from a statement Patton West made in court on July 12 2007, when she appeared as a witness for her porn loving, wife beating son, who was seeking custody of his infant daughter from his estranged wife Jamie Haywood.  More about the tactics used by Patton West against her daughter in law later.  The image below is from page 24 of the transcript of the hearing.  You can read the entire transcript, which is in three parts, by following these links.  Part 1  Part 2              Part 3. We recommend that you review parts 1 & 2.  Part 1 being Patton West telling lies from the start to the finish on behalf of her son Chris Haywood.  Part 2 being an account from Jamie Haywood about sordid and violent it was living with Patton West and her son.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Below is a copy of the list of employees that was posted on Watson’s website.


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For the avoidance of doubt, in case the names above are hard to read, I will list them here:- 


Roger Hill, AJ White, Deborah Coffey, Ingrid Smith, Judy Morris, David Kushner, Barbara Costantino, Joseph Costantino, Lance Wallis, Tania Hurley, Kathleen Francisco, Kelly, Cindy Beeman, Esther Michaels, Rebecca West & Carly (Carlida) Finch.


While pathological liar Patton West may have said that the employees names above were ‘fictitious and fabricated’ they all seem to know her really well.  Let us listen or read what they had to say about their employer the Ascended Master ‘Devra Ji’ AKA Devra Patton West who lately is calling herself the ‘Regent of the Western Hemisphere’ & ‘Divine Mother.’


Roger Hill.  Roger made three brief audio statements about his employer Patton West.  The first, references the fact that she was using a million dollars a year of donated funds to flying first class around the world and staying in five star hotels.  Doubtless Patton West’s delusions of being a ‘god on a mission to lead humanity’ justified her use of other people’s money.  The third excerpt refers to Patton West’s assault on Ingrid Smith’s six year old son.  You can access Roger’s audio statements by using the following links:-


1. Using a million dollars a year of donated funds to fly around the world first class and stay in 5 star hotels.

2. Patton West tried to demonize him and defame him (as part of the brainwashing and conditioning everyone goes through).

3. A major event when Patton West abuses Ingrid Smith’s 6 year old son.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Ingrid Smith.  Since Roger Hill mentions the assault by Divine Mother Patton West on Ingrid’s six year old son, let us go there next.  Below is a statement that Ingrid sent the whistleblower John Watson, in support of his lawsuit against Patton West and as a warning to others.


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The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


A. J. White.  We analyzed A.J. White’s statement in three parts above at the beginning of this section. However A.J. White also made an audio statement.  You can listen to some of the excerpts by following the links below.


1. A J White on the psychological abuse and manipulation of students and employees.

2. AJ White ex charity board member on West's financial impropriety and abuse of students March 2004.

3. AJ White on Lana Hunter giving up part of her pension and savings to West and how sad she is that others are being milked of all they have.

4. AJ White on the physical abuse meted out by West to Susannah Felder.

5. AJ White, former board member of charity alleging that West stole $80,000 from the charity which was subsequently 'struck off' by the MT state gov.


Deborah Coffey. Deborah is another of the employees that Patton West told the court, under oath, did not exist and was fabricated.  Given that Patton West mentally and physically abused each and every one of her employees as part of the process of brainwashing and conditioning them into submitting to her will, it is no surprise that she wanted to forget them and deny their existence.   Deborah was very brave in that she came forward as a witness and admitted being co-opted into brainwashing and conditioning sessions orchestrated by Patton West to ‘break’ the will of each and every cult member to make them obedient and compliant.  Here is Deborah’s statement which due to its length is in two parts.


Part 1.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



Part 2.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Having come this far and read just a few of the statements from many who have been mentally and physically abused, robbed, defrauded and become the victims of extortion, I challenge you to look at the photo of ‘Divine Mother’ below on the left and tell me that this grinning idiot does not belong in a mental asylum.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,

Judy MorrisAfter business consultant, John Watson, was defrauded in August 2002, and after announcing his fraud lawsuit against Patton West in March 2003, he wrote to Patton West’s mailing list and shared details of some of the financial crimes he had discovered during the 6 months he was Patton West’s business manager.  He also wrote to the Secretary of State for Montana with the result that Patton West’s charity, The Circle of Divine Unity, the ‘vehicle for massive fraud, was struck off the Montana charity register.  You can review the Revocation Certificate removing the charity’s tax free status by going here.  One of the students to respond to John Watson’s email was Judy Morris.  Below is her email to John Watson sent December 8 2004. .  FBI & Law enforcement please note that we have the list of US students, their phone numbers and addresses referred to below in Judy’s email.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,

In addition to thieving, defrauding and extorting money from the people in her cult, Patton West also had an elaborate fraud scam operating in the background that would result in her defrauding the charity out of its main asset; a mansion on 20 acres worth $1,250,000 in 2002.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


David Kushner.  Student at Patton West’s unaccredited school for occult studies, Dave Kushner phoned the whistleblower in 2005 to tell him that he had been defrauded out of $30,000 by Patton West.  He told Watson that Lisa Swidler, another student close to Patton West, had negotiated a 14 day bridging loan for $30,000, on the understanding that the money would be repaid.  After the 14 days had expired, Patton West refused to give the money back or even talk to him about it.  You can hear an excerpt from Dave Kushner’s conversation with the whistleblower by following this link.


Marion Cantwell.  Marion Cantwell is not on the list of employees that was featured on Watson’s website because she did not give Watson a statement directly.  Her situation was relayed to Watson via Dave Kushner, although another independent party later corroborated Kushner’s account of what happened.  According to Kushner’s account, Marion, also a student of Patton West’s, had recently sold her home and had funds in the bank from the transaction.  Apparently, she was kidnapped by Patton West, held captive and beaten until she agreed to make a very large ‘donation’ to Patton West.  Upon release, she was told that if she went to the police she would be murdered.  Several months after Watson’s conversation with Kushner, a man phoned Watson via the contact details on his website.  Apparently after fleeing the USA for a few months, Marion returned to the USA and settled down in California.  The man who phoned Watson was Marion’s new employer who, having done an internet search and finding Watson’s website, wanted assurances that Marion was a victim of extortion and not a perpetrator.  Watson was happy to give that assurance. You can listen to Dave Kushner talking about Marion’s ordeal by going here.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Lisa Swidler.  Lisa Swidler is not on the list of employees who gave a statement because it appears that she was murdered by Patton West before she could give a statement to Watson. Lisa was a senior student at Patton West’s unaccredited school for occult studies, and was used by Patton West to negotiate the loan with Kushner, which she reneged on, and was undoubtedly, a witness to the kidnapping and extortion of funds from Marion Cantwell.  Having seen too much, Lisa decided to leave the cult only to die suddenly and mysteriously, shortly afterwards; leaving behind two small children under 10 years of age.  Earlier in 2002, when the whistleblower was getting to know Patton West’s then husband, Jack West, he was told by Jack West that those who opposed his wife had a habit of dying suddenly.  In the opinion of John Watson, Patton West murdered Lisa Swidler to keep her quiet.  The coroner ruled her death as a result of natural causes. But then, what else would he say given that the weapon used to murder Lisa Swidler was not regarded as a weapon and with the coroner ignorant of its existence?  In August 2007, when Patton West made a failed attempt to murder John Watson (after he had put up a website about her activities) Watson then became 100% convinced Lisa Swidler was murdered by Patton West.


Barbara Costantino.  Barbara was Patton West’s personal secretary for four years.  After John Watson announced he was going to sue Patton West for fraud and, knowing Patton West was going to put up false witnesses from her cult against him, Barbara agreed to provide the following statement for John Watson.

The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Con artist Patton West enticed people from all over the USA to ‘fake’ jobs and career opportunities for wages she could not afford to pay.  (She is currently operating the same fraud scam in Arizona.)  After burning their bridges and arriving in Montana, the new recruits were given 20% pay cut and told that the health benefits they were promised did not exist. Many were forced to work for the first month or two for no wages as ‘seva’ for the false guru.  The brainwashing and conditioning to force them to submit to the will of the Master Abuser started immediately and those not agreeing to become low paid or ‘no paid’ slaves were summarily dismissed before the 90 day period had expired. After which, she would have to pay employment insurance.  To understand just how dangerous working for Patton West was, please review Carlida Finch’s ‘Statement of Fact’ which was part of her claim to the labor board and this email from Rebecca West (no relation to Patton West).


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Joseph Costantino. Joseph (the late husband of Barbara Costantino) like most others, was defrauded out of $10,000 in wages and overtime.  Patton West would have her employees working all hours under pressure as part of the strategy to break their will and have them submit to the will of the Master Abuser.  Long story short, Joseph was owed $20,000 in wages and overtime and after a long struggle agreed to accept 50 cents on the dollar and received $10,000 of the $20,000 owed.  The following letter was sent by John Watson to Pam McDaniel, in support of the claim Joseph Costantino made against Patton West to the Dept. of Labor & Industry.


Pam McDaniel

Compliance Specialist

Dept. of Labor & Industry

Employment Relations Division

PO Box 6518

Helena, MT 59604-6518


October 9th 2003


Dear Madam,


Re: Joseph Costantino – SS Number 081-725-339


Mr. Costantino passed me a copy of the letter you sent him on October 7th 2003.  I am writing in respect of the statement given by Jack West of The Circle of Divine Unity but before I comment I want to identify myself and my connection to Mr. Costantino, Jack West and the charity known as The Circle of Divine Unity.


I was for a brief period between January 2002 and August 2002 Ms. West’s Business Manager.  During this period Devra West, the charities principal, asked me to ‘oversee’ her charity with a view to offering managerial and financial training to the staff which included Mr. Costantino.  I terminated my association with Ms. West and her organizations in August last year, I did so because Ms. West (and her close associates) lacked integrity both in her ‘business’ dealings and in the way she treated people.  Like the Costantino’s and others I left being owed pay and expenses.  Unlike the Costantino’s I had the financial resources to pursue my claims through the courts. After getting lawyers involved I got paid my back-pay and expenses for my work at the charity.  Ms. West will soon be appearing in court to answer my claims for pay and compensation in respect of my work in setting up one of her private companies.


I can tell you from first-hand knowledge that there is a ‘policy’ of offering employees high wages and conditions as an inducement to get them to give up their employment elsewhere and in some cases move from different parts of the country to come and work for the charity.  Once there, often within days the wages are reduced and or offers of health insurance (there never has been health insurance) withdrawn.  With regard to Jack West’s statement - most of what he said is untrue!  No one repeat no one not even Jack West has any discretion to make any decisions in that organization.  The only person making decisions in that organization is Ms. West herself.  No one is allowed the least discretion to make even the smallest of decisions. 


The hiring and firing is all done by Ms. West who ‘micro manages’ every aspect of daily life like a medieval baron overseeing her serfs.  New employees quickly realize that their role in the organization is to do exactly what they are told.  Initiative is not rewarded indeed it is frowned upon.   The idea that Mr. Costantino was some kind of executive or had executive authority is laughable! It is a general consensus amongst the employees who have come and gone (and there are many) that Ms. West and her inner circle are running a cult.  Employees are pressured into attending ‘meditation’ in their own time before work starts and at the same time ‘made’ to sign a piece of paper acknowledging that it is done ‘voluntarily!’ 


There are many reports of mental and physical abuse amongst students and employees alike but many have been afraid to report these abuses to the authorities for fear of being intimidated.  Those who leave are cut off from their friends as there is a strict policy of avoiding contact with ex-employees and students.  Those who break this rule are ‘interrogated’ by Ms. West and her cohorts namely Jack West & Anandra (Allison) George. You do not have to take my word for any of this as over the past few months many ex-employees (including two who have departed in the last ten days) have come forward and given lengthy statements to my lawyers in connection with my impending court case against Ms. West.  These statements confirm in harrowing detail that there is and have been systematic abuse of employees and their rights. 


Any dispassionate look at the number of employees that have been through that place in the last two years will tell you that there is something dreadfully wrong.  I have names of approximately a dozen that you should interview.  However to assist you with your investigations several that have given statements to my lawyer have agreed to make their statements available to The Dept. of Labor in order that you might ascertain what is really happening. 


I suggest that you call my lawyer, Ms. Jennifer Lint, on 406-375-1385, she will provide you with whatever information that you may require in order to establish the truth around this matter and in a way that will not compromise my own case against Ms. West. 


Yours truly,


John Watson


PO Box 386, Victor, Montana 59875 USA.

Tel: 406-642-3874

Fax: 406-642-9052



It should be noted that Jack West (his name is highlighted in green at the beginning of the above statement) was at the time, the husband of Patton West and the most senior member of her cult gang.  Like Patton West, Jack West is a pathological liar who does exactly what Patton West says.  In the AJ White statement at the top of this page, we see that Jack West lied about the circumstances of the his wife’s vicious assault on employee Susannah Felder attempting to blame the victim for being viciously assaulted by Patton West.  When in court in connection with the lawsuit Watson brought against Patton West for defrauding him, Jack West denied that Watson was employed by Patton West.  When Watson’s lawyer produced a letter sent to the Immigration and Nationalization Service (INS) signed by Jack West saying Watson was employed by Patton West and paid a salary etc. Jack West stated that Watson made him write the letter.  Only when Watson’s lawyer pointed out that making a false statement to INS involved a lengthy jail sentence, did Jack West admit that he had written the letter and its contents were correct. 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


In July 2007, the first of two articles appeared in the Whitefish Pilot newspaper about Patton West’s criminality in and around Flathead MT; the articles led on Patton West’s vicious assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD.  In response, Jack West published a lengthy statement on his wife’s website describing his wife as, and I quote, “remaining utterly free from any wrongdoing and as ethically virtuous as any human being could be.”  In the following two years, Patton West would be the subject of two arrest warrants, a conviction for assault and be forced to sell her assets at a Sheriff’s Sale to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court fines and interest.  Go to The Crimes page for details.  As we have said, Patton West is not a guru, she is a dangerous psychopath sitting at the head of a criminal racketeering gang with her husband, Jack West, up to his eyes in it since the 1970’s & 1980’s.


Lance Wallis.  We do not have a statement from Lance Wallis, however we do have a letter that John Watson sent to Lance Wallis.


Lance Wallace

28 East 300 North

Apartment 8

Salt Lake City

Utah  84103


Tuesday 20th January 2004


Dear Lance,


Re: Esther Michaels Statement.


I met with Barbara & Joseph yesterday who gave me a copy of the attached statement from Esther Michaels.  It basically seeks to character assassinate all of us, indeed just about everyone who has worked for there in recent times!  I have sent you a copy because you helped with the non-profits and were privy to the fact that all of this work was done because Devra West instructed it to be done.


If you find this assessment as inaccurate as I did then perhaps you would be kind enough to set the record straight by writing to my lawyer with the true version of events so that she can use them in the upcoming court case. 


Her address is: - Jennifer Lint, Boatwright Law Office, 307 State Street, Hamilton, Montana 59840.


We cannot allow this treachery to stand.


Kindest regards


John Watson


PO Box 386, Victor, Montana 59875

Tel: 406-642-3874


We also have Lance Wallis’ signature on a document he was asked to sign by Patton West.  The document is the Adoption of Bylaws for the Ancient Traditions & Fellowship non-profit that Patton West wanted the whistleblower to set up.  Note Lance Wallis’ signature at the bottom and the date being May 2 2002.  This should be proof that Lance Wallis was not a ‘fabricated or fictitious’ employee as Patton West claimed in court on July 12 2007.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Tanya Hurley.  Tanya was Patton West’s housekeeper who, upon being asked by the whistleblower John Watson, provided the following statement for him to use in court as part of his fraud lawsuit against Patton West.  The statement is in two parts.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Below in the second part of Tanya Hurley’s statement…


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,

Above: As Barbara Costantino attested in her statement on this page Patton West would lie about the circumstances of someone’s departure (see more below here). Tanya says that Patton West’s outbursts SEVERELY affected her mentally and physically.  Tanya believes that Patton West is mentally ill and a danger to herself and others.


Tanya refers (in the pale blue highlighted areas) to alleged bad behaviour by John Watson towards female members of staff and his wife and children.  These lies were entirely manufactured by Patton West and spread around to discredit Watson.  Patton West did not stop at slandering Watson, she also forced a number of her employees, on pain of being fired, to sit down and manufacture totally false statement about Watson that she intended to use against him in court.  One of Patton West’s employees, Anandra George, subsequently sent an email to Watson’s lawyer withdrawing the statement she had made (see below).  Finally, in a conversation that Watson had with Patton Watson in March 2003, she told Watson that if he sued her for fraud, she would get so f*cking down and dirty huge expenses coming out of his pocket but not hers (as cult members would pay her legal fees).  Because Watson recorded the conversation, you can hear Patton West screaming this message at him in her own voice by following this link


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


In closing on Tanya Hurley’s statement, a part of Patton West “getting down and dirty” was slandering Watson and forcing her employees to manufacture false statements about him.  Below is Anandra’s retraction email that she sent to Watson’s lawyer.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



Kathleen Francisco worked with Tanya Hurley as part of the staff that looked after Patton West and her mansion.  The following excerpts are taken from a lengthy interview of four ex-employees Kathleen Francisco (house keeper), Diane Stoner (Patton West’s personal secretary following Barbara Costantino’s departure), Barbara Costantino and her husband Joseph Costantino. 


Kathleen Francisco.  – House Keeper to Devra West.  You can review the entire interview by going here.

01. KF The hiring and firing of Kathleen Francisco.

02. KF on her working conditions.

03. KF On checks bouncing and West's expensive lifestyle.

04. KF On mind control etc.

05. KF On West's financial impropriety.

06. KF On West's cult, the mind control and how it is used to extract money.

07. KF on West's birthday 'party' and list of presents.

08. KF on being fired, West's and temper tantrums.

09. KF on humiliation of Anandra George.

10. KF On West's financial 'tricks' up her sleeve.

11. KF of West's contempt for those who give money to her!

12. KF On complaints against West for unfair dismissal.

13. KF Pressure on staff to join cult.

14. KF On propping up West with her own money and being asked to 'leave her children!'

15. KF On West's lies and manipulation of staff and students.

16. KF On West's attempts to sabotage the relationships of married couples.

17. KF On Ms. West's attitude toward her husband, Jack West.

18. KF & DS On the shredding and falsifying of records!

19. KF On Ms. West 'bringing $500K for herself not the charity - spending binge!

20. KF & JC On West's abuse of Cindy Beeman and Diane Stoner.

21. KF On getting the protection of the Sheriff.

22. KF On West getting furious that suppliers were actually paid.

23. KF On Ms. West paying her masseuse with 'rubber checks!'.

24. KF & JC On West's micro management of staff.

25. KF On West's opinion of previous housekeepers.

26. KF On West's mental health.

27. KF On West's opinion of all employees.

28. KF On West's treatment of pets.

29. KF On dreading going to work and nightmares.

30. KF On West's rages and excessive drinking.

31. KF On West's alcohol problem.

32. KF On West's belief that she is God & Christ!

33. KF On West, radiation pills and the end of the world.

34. KF Life expectancy of a House keeper 90 days!

35. KF On the lies about health benefits etc.

36. KF On Esther Michaels fighting the brain washing.

37. KF On rooms being bugged and phones tapped!

38. KF On West's cult and the mind conditioning.

39. KF I was lied to by West every day.

40. KF On West sucking the life out of employees.

41. KF On West's lack of integrity and her closet.

42. KF On cult members moving charity money around.

43. DS & KF on shredding documents and the deceit.


Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, The Rishi, Sedona Arizona,

Diane Stoner – Not mentioned on the list of ‘fabricated and fictitious employees but no less a victim.  Personal Secretary to Devra West.  You can review the entire interview by going here.

01.  Diane Stoner on being hired and pay decrease on first day!

02.  Diane on the nightmare of working for Ms. West.

03.  Diane on West's abusive behavior and brain washing!

04.  Diane on West's ascendancy to a higher plane!

05.  Diane On West's physical abuse of students!

06.  Diane on West wanting all the money for herself!

07.  Diane on West wanting unpaid volunteers and not paying suppliers.

08.  Diane on donor paying for West to travel business class while donor flies economy.

09.  Diane on the attempts at manipulation using personal information as the weapon of choice.

10.  Diane on West's attempts to set the employees against each other.

11.  Diane on Esther Michaels being made a 'partner' and promised $20K a month!

12.  Diane on Cheryl O'Brien one of West's 'inner circle' and informers!

13.  Diane on the charity's finances, Jack West and 'surrendering' to the brain washing!

14.  Diane on wherever the rich are that is where Devra will go!

15.  Diane on West's contempt for people who gave her money.

16.  Diane on West the con artist.

17.  Diane on West's belief that she is the Christ!

18.  Diane on West's mental illness and demanding money.

19.  Diane on West should be shut down she is stealing people's money!

20.  Diane on West constantly shopping and spending $2K of charity's money to buy pearl necklace!

21.  Diane on her and Cindy Beeman desperate to get out.

22.  Diane on pay checks bouncing and Cindy Beeman leaving.

23.  Diane on 'wrongful dismissal' of Kathleen Francisco.

24.  Diane on the constant pressure to give money for projects that will never happen!

25.  Diane on swapping West's dry cleaning for her last pay check!

26.  Diane on West using employee’s personal money to pay for bills!


Kelly – No statement given.


Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Omni Meditation, The Rishi, Sedona Arizona,


Cindy BeemanOffice manager replacing Joseph Costantino.


01. CB Employment commencing check bouncing.

02. CB on Ms. West's mood swings.

03. CB on working conditions at the charity.

04. CB on Anne Stout being fired.

05. CB on Esther Michaels and Kathleen on being fired.

06. CB on the lies and dishonesty at her job interview.

07. CB challenging Devra on terms of employment.

08. CB on West's mental state and physical abuse of Anandra.



Esther Michaels – Consultant to Devra West’s non-profit / for-profit corporations.  Esther Michaels was a Business Manager who served in the period between John Watson (2002) and Geoffrey Reynolds (2006).   Like John Watson, and subsequently in 2006 Geoffrey Reynolds, Esther Michaels was recruited on the promise of a large salary and benefits.  Like Watson & Reynolds and scores of employees past, present and future, she also believed she would be working for a bona fide corporation.  All too late, she realized that the corporation was a front for organized crime and that she was employed by a dangerous psychopath who operated totally outside of the law. 


Below is an excerpt from an email sent to Esther Michaels at the beginning of her employment with Patton West, then calling herself the Ascended Master Devra Ji.  Though the email’s authorship is attributed to Anandra George, it is clear from the difference between the draft copy of the email and version eventually sent that Patton West changed the content to include her ‘spin’ on matters.  You can view the two versions by going here.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,

Note the second paragraph above and the bullshit psychobabble about ‘spin states’ and elements that contribute to an overall negative ‘spin state.’  You can bet that Patton West is not thinking about sub atomic particles but more to do with washing machines and taking Esther Michael to the cleaners as she has done to so many before (and since).  Having already agreed Esther Michaels’ remuneration package and, after Esther Michaels has agreed to start her period as a consultant based on that agreement Patton West was already laying the foundation to renege on that remuneration package.  For details of that remuneration package go here.  


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,

At about the same time, Patton West was forced to move from her ashram at Victor MT because the Secretary of State for Montana had struck her charity of the register due to her defrauding the charity out of hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash donations, including a single $80,000 donation she stole to pay her son’s legal fees.  What Patton West did, was move 100 miles north from Victor MT to Flathead MT. However, instead of letting on about her charity being struck off for fraud and losing the use of the property owned by the charity, she simply announced she was moving to Shamballa because the vibrations were more refined there.  In fact, she announced that her discomfort was caused not by her financial crimes, but by her moving from the fifth dimension to the seventh dimension!  Patton West also announced that she could only take 12 disciples with her and only those willing to commit 66% of their net worth to Patton West’s good causes i.e. funding her luxurious lifestyle and paying for her first class travels around the planet.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,

In the two excerpts below, we hear a phone message that Esther Michaels had left on Diane Stoner cell answer service.  Diane had just resigned from Patton West’s employ due to the abusive working environment and Esther Michaels was trying to induce Diane into returning to work.  The big thing one should take away from what Esther Michaels says, is that Patton West had emptied the charity’s bank account to ‘protect’ the money from John Watson’s litigation against Patton West.  However, since Watson was suing Patton West personally, why would she have to empty the charity’s bank account which was not the subject of litigation?  Answer.  Patton West regarded the charity’s bank account and the hundreds of thousands of dollars in public cash donations as belonging to her!


01. Esther Michael's phone message to Diane Stoner

02. Esther Michaels Call to Diane Stoner.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Rebecca West – Office Manager (no relation to Devra Patton West).  In March of 2007, John Watson started to receive a series of harrowing emails from Rebecca West, who had discovered John Watson’s website about Patton West’s criminality in Montana.  Watson was defrauded by Patton West in 2002 and while researching his fraud lawsuit against Patton West, he discovered that there were literally scores of victims of financial and or violent crimes.  To counter Patton West’s lies, propaganda and defamation of himself by Patton West Watson turned whistle-blower and posted what he discovered online.  On this webpage and on ‘The Crimes’ page of this website, we have seen how Patton West has a ‘revolving’ door policy to both employees and business consultants.  Both groups are recruited under false pretenses. 


Both groups have their wages reduced immediately upon taking up employment.  Both groups are subject to brainwashing and conditioning.  Those employees who refuse to ‘submit’ to her will and become low paid or no paid slaves are summarily dismissed before the 90 day period is up, at which time Patton West would have to pay employment insurance.  Those consultants like John Watson or Esther Michaels, are dismissed either without pay or with much reduced remuneration.  The following email from Rebecca West to John Watson, makes it very clear that the same criminal ‘business model’ that she used in New Mexico and Victor MT between 1991 & 2005, was also being used in Flathead Lake between 2005 and 2010.  Here is the first of two emails from Rebecca West which are broken into multiple sections.


Part 1.

The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Note the comments about Geoffrey Reynolds CPA next to the first red arrow. Reynolds was hired as a ‘finance controller’ in September 2006, although in truth, Reynolds controlled nothing as all decisions were made by Patton West.  Like Esther Michaels, John Watson and many others before (and since)  Reynolds thought he was joining a normal corporation. However, it was only after swallowing Patton West’s bullshit about saving humanity, and loaning her $300,000, did he realise he had been duped by a psychopathic criminal.  Patton West is now offering fake ‘career opportunities’ in Sedona AZ. See this web page for details.  Note at the second red arrow Rebecca West asks for help with Patton West’s shamanic witchcraft.  Patton West’s secret weapon is the reason she is able to carry out so many crimes and not be prosecuted for them.  We have irrefutable evidence that she uses this weapon not just to facilitate financial crimes, but also to subvert the court cases brought against her, including two child custody cases she subverted for her son Chris Haywood.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Part 2.

The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Note the first red arrow, and the fact that the only person giving Patton West money is Dr. Julio E Williams MD; a member of Patton West’s cult since the year 2000.  Note the second red arrow where, according to Rebecca, Dr. Cole was forced to sign over her home to Patton West, who moved into it with her son Chris Haywood, his estranged wife, Jamie Haywood, and their infant daughter.  This was the infant daughter Patton West was trying to wrest from Jamie Haywood via a campaign of occult ‘under the radar’ violence intended to intimidate the mother into giving up her infant daughter.  For detail of this and Patton West’s sordid home life, please review Jamie Haywood’s harrowing email to John Watson and Jamie Haywood’s testimony at the child custody hearing.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Omni Meditation, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Part 3.

The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Note the paragraph next to the first red arrow, where Rebecca refers to the $30M CPEA grant money that Patton West has fraudulently applied for.  Fraudulent because the corporate vehicle she was using to apply for the grants into was a front for a cult and a criminal organization.  Fraudulent because the corporations directors (if any existed) had no real power or authority, as all control was vested in the hands of Patton West who, hidden behind the scenes, was pulling all the strings.  Fraudulent because Patton West was going to use the money to pay off her multi-million debts, which were likely not declared in the grant application form.  Note the paragraph being pointed to by the second red arrow, which refers to Mike Hendrickson.  Hendrickson was manipulated into signing a bank guarantee note for $200,000. Once in place, Patton West emptied the money into a personal trust fund for herself and her eldest son, Rob Meador.  Mike Hendrickson gets a mention in the Whitefish Pilot news article about Patton West’s crimes in Montana.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Omni Meditation, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Below is another email that John Watson received from Rebecca West.  Like the previous email, we have broken it down into two smaller parts.


Part 1.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Note the comments at the first red arrow above.  Patton West’s lawyer was trying to serve the whistleblower, John Watson, with papers to shut John Watson’s website down.  Watson’s website was the only source of truth about Patton West and her cult / criminal racketeering gang.  Patton West, conspired with Geoffrey Reynolds and Julio Williams MD, served multiple civil lawsuits on Watson in 2010, when he travelled to the US to see what the court was going to award him for winning his fraud lawsuit against Patton West.  As a consequence, his website was shut down, making it possible for Patton West to resurrect her criminal business model in Arizona without her criminal past being plastered all over the internet.  A previous bulletin entitled ‘Gang Members’ gives a blow by blow account of how Patton West conspired with Reynolds and Williams to bury the truth.   Currently, Patton West is targeting spiritual seekers in Sedona, where she is masquerading as ‘Divine Mother’ and ‘Regent of the Western Hemisphere.’  The two yellow arrows point to comments that reveal that Geoffrey Reynolds CPA was not going to tell the truth about Patton West’s brutality and violence towards her employees. Rather Reynolds, worrying about his CPA license and the $300,000 he had loaned Patton West, was looking after himself.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Part 2.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Note next to the first red arrow above, the comments by Rebecca that Reynolds is being controlled and manipulated by Patton West into turning a blind eye to the crimes she is committing right under his nose.  In the comments next to the second red arrow, Rebecca explains how she’s filling out documentation in respect of her claim to the State Unemployment Office.  Rebecca’s claim would be denied because Patton West was able to submit several false witness statements from members of her cult, who denied the violence and abuse.  Geoffrey Reynolds was probably one of them.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


The two emails above from Rebecca West, one on the 7 March 2007 and the other on the 23 March 2007, make it very clear that Geoffrey Reynolds CPA had fallen totally under the control of Patton West.  To be clear, Reynolds not only turned a blind eye to the crimes being committed right before his eyes against fellow employees, he went on to do much, much worse, in the hope of getting his life savings back.  John Watson, in the process of suing Patton West for fraud, was recruited into the cult via fake ‘career opportunities’ in January 2002, just as Reynolds was in September 2006 four years later. 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Above: Geoffrey Reynolds CPA was recruited via fake ‘career opportunities’ like John Watson and Esther Michaels and many others before and since.  However unlike others Reynolds was duped into loaning Patton West $300,000 and then, if we give him the benefit of the doubt, blackmailed / manipulated into to becoming an accomplice in racketeering and murder.


Given that Watson departed Patton West’s employ in August 2002, and Reynolds’ employment did not start until September 2006, it is clear that Watson was a total stranger to Reynolds who, prior to September 2006 worked in California.  And yet, at Patton West’s request (or insistence) Geoffrey Reynolds agreed to be complicit Patton West’s plot to murder Watson in August 2007.  Further, when the murder plot failed, Reynolds waited three years to become part of a criminal conspiracy orchestrated by Patton West to bankrupt Watson via multiple frivolous lawsuits funded by $2,000,000 given to Patton West by senior cult member, Dr. Julio E Williams MD.  This is all spelt out at length in bulletin entitled ‘Gang Members.’


Carlida Finch.   Personal Assistant.

As we saw above, Rebecca West’s complaint about the mental and physical abuse meted out to her by her employer Patton West failed.  It failed because Patton West was able to get several members of her cult to write glowing statements about her, with the result that the complaints against her went nowhere.  The same was the case when employee, Carlida Finch, made a complaint about her working conditions.  Put simply, Patton West gave Carlida a choice join her cult and submit to her will or be fired.  Carlida chose to resign and make a formal complaint about her treatment, in an attempt to have her place of employment deemed to be a ‘dangerous work environment’ which of course it was.  Below is the ‘Statement of Fact’ that Carlida submitted as part of her complaint against Patton West.


Part 1. Carlida’s role and duties.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



Above, first red arrow.  Patton West deluded herself that she was receiving transmissions from the ‘Ascended Masters.’  One of her so called ‘channelled messages’ appeared shortly after Patton West viciously assaulted Dr. Pat Cole MD, her business partner, while in the process of extorting $1.3 million from her.  To justify the assault, Patton West produced a message she alleged originated from El Morya.  The message sought to justify Patton West’s assault on Dr. Cole by asserting that Cole was a Nazi in the WWII death camps – in another lifetime!  You can read that missive entitled ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification’ by following the link.  By the way, Patton West's former 'church' was struck off as a result of Patton West stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash donations.  In respect of the second red arrow, Patton West regards herself as being ‘enlightened.’  However, being criminally insane, Patton West does not understand that ‘enlightened’ beings do not mentally and physically abuse others or repeatedly hit their victims over the head with the heel of their shoe until blood runs down the victim’s blouse!  Read Whitefish Pilot newspaper articles for victim’s account of what Patton West did to her.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Part 2.

The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Near the first red arrow.  Patton West is psychotic, which means she is insane and believes she is a god on a mission.  On one of her websites, she states that she has been preparing to lead humanity for thousands of years.  So you have someone insane telling her employees (who are sane) that while they have carried out her instructions in a timely manner, they did it with negative ‘energy’ because they were making fun of her delusional  self-published ramblings that she says are sacred!  Near the second red arrow.  Patton West in contravention of state and federal laws, demands that her ‘employees’ (members of her cult in reality) agree to her version of reality which includes submitting to her will and becoming low paid or no paid slaves.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Above.  When the whistleblower told Patton West at a private meeting in March 2003, that he was going to sue her for fraud (a lawsuit he won in 2008) she responded by saying the following: -


1. You are fu*king over a spiritual teacher for Christ’s sake.

2. Are you a good listener?

3. Yes I dispose of people like Kleenex.

4. Yes my agreements are worthless.


Follow the above links to hear Patton West make these statements in her own voice.


Part 3.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


How do you remedy a situation when you are dealing with a criminally insane narcissist, who believes that the goal of enlightenment is achieved through mental and physical abuse? Though in Dr. Cole’s case, the end game for Patton West was to extort her entire net worth from her estimated at $1.3 million; which she succeeded in doing at a cost to herself of a $500 fine and a six month suspended jail sentence.  Who says crime does not pay?


Part 4.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


First red arrow above.  Only a dangerous psychopath would believe that taking a hammer and breaking every bone in someone’s body would bring the victim closer to enlightenment.  But Patton West was not concerned with Dr. Cole’s enlightenment. The objective of all the violence was to get Dr. Cole to empty her bank account into Patton West’s bank account.  Dr. Cole MD was one of the ‘disciples’ that, after Patton West’s Victor MT charity was struck off for fraud in January 2004, agreed to accompany Patton West to Shamballa i.e. Flathead Lake MT, one hundred miles north.  The agreement was that Cole would give up 66% of her net worth to Patton West but Patton West got tired of waiting for it so decided to beat it out of Dr. Cole while making her enlightened? 


This is the friggin idiot currently targeting Sedona while masquerading as ……


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Second red arrow.  Yes, being criminally insane Patton West does not see the contradiction between being enlightened and murdering people (for money).  Third red arrow.  The ‘Masters’ are Patton West ‘get out of jail card.’  So when those present were shocked at the level of violence that Patton West meted out to Dr. Cole (while she repeatedly hit her over the head with the heel of her shoe) she needed to come up with justification for the level violence.  No problem! A couple of days later, Patton West allegedly channels a message entitled, ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification’ from long dead Ascended Master El Morya.  The message states that though the beating administered was severe, it was delivered with grace (I told you Patton West was / is insane).  The message goes on to say that since Dr. Cole was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime, the beating was not only justified but long overdue!


Part 5.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


First of all, Dr. West is not a doctor of anything - unless one regards the two doctorates she says the Christ gave her personally as valid!  It is against state and federal law to force employees to join a religion or cult as a condition of employment.  First red arrow.  Patton West ran her criminal business model like a medieval fiefdom, which she regarded as being outside earthly laws.  Second red arrow.  In Patton West’s eyes, her employees were not employees but her subjects (serfs) who must pay homage to her by standing when she walked into the room.


Part 6. 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


There is no reasoning with a psychopath like Patton West.  Below are images of some of her victims who were subject to her special ‘enlightenment’ training.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Finally below, is a letter that Carlida sent to the police asking for protection and also in the hope that Patton West would be prosecuted.  Unfortunately, as in most western states, they either do not have the resources to prosecute ‘white collar’ crime or choose not to do so.  Carlida’s name and address were removed to protect her privacy.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Above: Patton West has perfected her cult / criminal racketeering business model over nearly three decades since declaring herself to be an Ascended Master in 1991.  Her lies and propaganda appear to be ‘protected’ under religious freedom laws and her secret occult (hidden) weapon is not regarded as a weapon under legal statute. 


In summaryWhile in court on July 12 2007, Patton West was asked by council whether the banner at the top of Watson’s website ‘WARNING – THIS WOMAN IS DANGEROUS! TO YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR WEALTH’ referred to her and she replied, “Yes.”  She then went on to say that they were all fabricated, and most of them are fictitious etc.  See below for an excerpt of Page 24 of the transcript of the first part of the court hearing.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


However, we have proved beyond any reasonable doubt that all the names that were featured on Watson’s website (see below), at the time of the court hearing in July 2007, were all her ex-employees! 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West,Omni Meditation, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


In fact we have, in our list of statements above, featured statements from two employees not mentioned on Watson’s website in 2007; namely Diane Stoner, ex- personal secretary (audio statements) and Marion Cantwell (audio statement from Dave Kushner).  However, we have statements from four more ex-employees, Cheryl O’Brien(bookkeeper), John Mark Young, Lou Chalmersand Betsy Blank(Finance Controller) with comments on Betsy’s resignation from Carlida Finch).  Indeed, while we are at it, let us add a few statements from some of her ex-students; statements that can be accessed by following these links.  Beatrice McGuire, Debra Coffey, Judy Morris, Jenny, Elaine, Nadine, Rebecka Edminster (a student who wishes to remain anonymous for fear she will be targeted) and last but not least, Jamie Haywood,Patton West’s ex-daughter in law.


Some important facts to consider.


1.  Of the 16 names mentioned on Watson’s website, 15 of them gave statements which we featured above on this webpage.


2. Of the 15 who gave statements, all 15 i.e. 100% were statements complaining of mental and physical abuse with some mentioning financial crimes committed against them.


3. If you add in the statements of complaint that Watson received from four additional employees, the number of employees who made complaints against Patton West comes to 19.


4. Then, if you add in the complaints given to Watson by ex-students, the number of complaints goes up to 26.


Is it any wonder that, when Patton West was questioned in court under oath about the 16 names that appeared on Watson’s website, that she referred to them as being fabricated and fictitious names?  


She lied under oath because while masquerading in court as a woman of substance (while giving evidence for her son) she could hardly admit that she was a criminal and the head of a cult / racketeering gang.  She was never going to admit that 100% of the 15 employees who were listed then on Watson’s website had accused her of mental and physical abuse.  However, the truth was that one of the strategies used by Patton West, in her criminal racketeering business mode, involves hiring employees into ‘fake’ jobs that she cannot afford to pay the wages for.  Upon taking up employment, the new recruits are subject to brainwashing and conditioning (mental and physical abuse) and those who submit to her will get to remain as low paid or no paid slaves and those who refuse to become slaves in her cult are fired.


To bring this home to the reader, let us revisit the opening paragraph of Rebecca West’s email entitled ‘Help Me’ which she sent to the whistleblower John Watson on 7 March 2007.


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Rebecca West <>
To: John Watson <>
Sent: Wednesday, 7 March, 2007 3:02:50 PM
Subject: RE: Help me w/ Devra Patton West

Dear John,

After more than 30 employees coming and going, (16 just since I started May 1, 2006, not counting myself, current employees or contract labor), there are currently three employees remaining.  Two of the three are very much in her control due to fear and/or ignorance and have proven to me, I cannot trust them. I have been trying to get the monies she owes me before I end my contact with her, specifically a missing paycheck, overtime, overdraft charges and (wishful thinking) the bonus she promised me for the hundreds of hours of overtime I incurred. She sent her intimidating demand of me through her finance controller [Geoffrey Reynolds CPA being blackmailed over the return of a $300,000 loan he made to Patton West] last evening, and I have until 5 p.m. today to talk to her. I must return and either give a 2-week notice and/or plan to be demoted from office manager to some other lowly position, (seems from historical accounting, I would become her personal care assistant).  

Look at the turnover in employees.  More than 30 coming and going.  Sixteen having come and gone over a 10 month period between May 1 2006 and 7 March 2007. 


These are the 16 employees Patton West would refer to as ‘fabricated and fictitious’ while giving evidence in court on July 12 2007 (only four months after Rebecca’s email was sent to John Watson).  Rebecca goes on to say that two of the three remaining are very much under her control.  One of those would be Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, who would seek to earn his $300,000 back by agreeing to become involved in several very serious crimes, including money laundering, complicity to commit murder and criminal conspiracy.  To come to the point, not all those recruited under false pretences by Patton West are ‘rejects.’  Rejects in the sense that they refuse to submit to Patton West’s control, manipulation and abuse.  Geoffrey Reynolds is one example of someone who turned out to be a useful and willing stooge in Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang.  More on that later.


The image below clearly depicts one important aspect, among several, of Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model.  In a document she sent to her entire mailing list in 2004, immediately after her charity was struck off for fraud, she stated and I quote, “It will be your privilege to seed my financial transition.” End quote.  In the same document she made it clear that going forward all disciples would have to commit 66% of their net worth to her good causes (herself).  This image depicts exactly what Patton West was doing to her employees and students in Montana, and more recently in Arizona, where she is currently offering the same fake ‘career opportunities.’


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Patton West recruited employees for jobs she could not afford to pay the wages for.  All new recruits were subject to brainwashing and conditioning to force them to submit to the will of the ‘Master Teacher’ and accept low paid or no paid work as slaves in her cult.  Those who refused to ‘submit’ were summarily fired. Hence, the very high turnover in employees.  Of the new recruits 90% were fired within 90 days, which was the time at which she would have to start paying employment insurance.  Complaints to the labor board went nowhere, as cult members supplied her with false witness statements which neutralized the complaints.  Three examples of complaints that went nowhere were Rebecca West, Carlida Finch and Joseph Costantino (all featured above).


Patton West is not a guru she is an occult thief /  suspected serial killer whose lies are ‘protected’ by religious freedom laws and whose occult (hidden) weapon is not recognized as a weapon.


When in July 2007, Patton West was questioned (under oath) in court about the many employees featured on Watson’s website who alleged mental and physical abuse at the hands of Patton West, she simply lied and denied that they were her employees.  While being questioned by counsel, she lied continually giving dishonest answers to just about every question.  Here are a few examples.


1. Big Lie number One.  Did you assault Dr. Pat Cole MD.?  Her answer was, “No.”  On April 17 2006, days after the police were called to attend the scene of the crime, Patton West sent a missive to her entire mailing list admitting the assault and admitting it was severe but delivered with grace.  The missive is entitled ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification.’  Patton West went on to justify the assault by asserting that Cole was a Nazi in the WWII death camps – in another lifetime.


2. Big Lie Number Two.  When asked by counsel if her business was a billion dollar concern, Patton West answered, “Yes.”  In reality at the time she gave that statement, she was being evicted from the second rental property in quick succession, had a lien against her for $2,300 in unpaid employment insurance and owed $2,000,000 in court fines and interest to past victims of crime.  The Bigfork Eagle newspaper gives details of this and which of her failed businesses were involuntarily revoked or dissolved, and with its sister newspaper, the Whitefish Pilot, explained some of the many crimes being committed by Patton West in Montana at around that time.


As we have said earlier, Patton West is a pathological liar.


Dr.Devra Patton West, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Sedona Gateway, Divine Mother, Private Retreats,Private Sessions, Rishi Devra, Sedona Arizona,


In 2007, the publicity from the two newspaper articles mentioned above, the publicity from her frequent appearances in court as the defendant in fraud related lawsuits and Watson’s website containing thousands of documents about her meant that her criminal business model was dead in the water in Montana.  Patton West is not shy about admitting that she is a pathological liar in private.  In fact, at a meeting between her and Watson in March 2003 that Watson recorded with a digital tape recorder she told Watson that, and I quote, “The truth does not actually matter.” End quote.  Her point was that her lies were so convincing that the public would swallow her lies as their truth and has we have seen many New Mexico and Montana did so and now more in Arizona are doing so. 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



Unfortunately for Patton West, no amount of lies on her part were going to convince the public that she was a guru or a ‘divine being’ who has been “preparing for thousands of years to lead humanity.”  So, before she could move to another western state, where they don’t prosecute ‘white collar’ crime, she needed to ‘silence’ Watson for good, force down his websites and remove all mention of her past criminality (in New Mexico and Montana) from the internet.  If people are forewarned about a trap, they tend not to walk into it and since Patton West’s criminal business model relies on the public swallowing her lies and propaganda, she needed to silence Watson for good.  Plan ‘A’ was to murder Watson, which she tried to do in August 2007 with accomplice Geoffrey Reynolds, announcing Watson’s impending murder to the press while being interviewed by the Bigfork Eagle newspaper.  More about that later.  When the murder plot failed, she had to wait for 3 years before implementing Plan ‘B.’


Plan ‘B’ involved Patton West issuing multiple frivolous lawsuits against Watson, with the intention of outspending him in court.  This conspiracy required Reynolds to perjure himself by making false statements to the court with the whole conspiracy being funded by senior cult member Dr. Julio Williams MD.  We’ll go into more detail about that in due course but for now, we just want to say that as a result of the success of the conspiracy orchestrated by Patton West, aided and abetted by cult members Reynolds & Williams, Patton West outspent Watson in court and acquired an injunction forcing down Watson’s websites and forbidding him from sharing with the public what he had learned about Patton West while researching his fraud lawsuit against her, which he won in 2008.


The point we are wanting to make here, loud and clear, is that no amount of lies from Patton West were going to make her criminal past disappear, so she needed to either murder Watson or get an injunction to stop him sharing the truth with the public.


If you go on the internet now and search for Rishi Devra injunction on Google, you’ll end up seeing a posting like this one:-


Dr.Devra Patton West, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Sedona Gateway, Divine Mother, Private Retreats,Private Sessions, Rishi Devra, Sedona Arizona,


For an honest analysis of Patton West’s injunction and how she acquired it go here.


We do not dispute that Patton West was able to ‘buy’ an injunction with the $2,000,000 that senior cult member Dr. Julio Williams MD gave her.   We do not dispute that the injunction forbids Watson from sharing details of Patton West’s criminal past with the public.  However, the presence of the injunction does not change the details of Patton West’s criminal past or make that criminal past go away.  It is just hidden from public view so that it does not contradict her lies and propaganda.  Lies and propaganda that nets her millions of dollars a year from fraud and extortion


Let us now look at what Patton West was so desperate to hide from the public view in addition to the complaints of abuse from a score or more of her employees.


Above we see that Patton West has used the phrase DR DEVRA WEST “The Rishi” WINS PERMANENT…  Below are a few examples of ‘PERMANENT WINS’ by some of “Her victims.”  Follow the links for the supporting documents.




The Ravalli Republic newspaper gives details of the permanent judgement given by a Montana court against Patton West after it was found she had defrauded Watson.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra,, Devra Patton West, Divine Mother, OmniMeditation, Sedona Arizona, Ascended Masters,




The Whitefish Pilot newspaper article of 24 April 2008 gives details of Patton West’s conviction for assault.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra,, Devra Patton West, Divine Mother, OmniMeditation, Sedona Arizona, Ascended Masters,




Patton West’s charity, ‘The Circle of Divine Unity’ struck off for fraud.  Letter from former board member AJ White gives details.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra,, Devra Patton West, Divine Mother, OmniMeditation, Sedona Arizona, Ascended Masters,




Patton West defrauded and stole several million dollars’ worth of assets from her charity.  Putting the main asset a property worth $1,250,000 in 2004 into a trust for herself and hiding $4,000,000 worth of artwork and valuables in a lock up for ten years until after the statute of limitations on theft had expired.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra,, Devra Patton West, Divine Mother, OmniMeditation, Sedona Arizona, Ascended Masters,




According to comments made by Larry Brazda to the Whitefish Pilot newspaper Patton West got behind on her payments and was evicted and sued for fraud.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra,, Devra Patton West, Divine Mother, OmniMeditation, Sedona Arizona, Ascended Masters,




Supreme Court of Montana refuses to set aside a judgment against Patton West who ignored the complaint while it was going through a lower court.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra,, Devra Patton West, Divine Mother, OmniMeditation, Sedona Arizona, Ascended Masters,




After writing a bad check for several million dollars to a realtor and arrest warrant is issued for Patton West with bail set at $5,000.  See Whitefish Pilot newspaper for details.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra,, Devra Patton West, Divine Mother, OmniMeditation, Sedona Arizona, Ascended Masters,




Bail set at $20,000


The Rishi, Rishi Devra,, Devra Patton West, Divine Mother, OmniMeditation, Sedona Arizona, Ascended Masters,




This court action by Wells Fargo brings to an end yet another corporate container used by Patton West for fraud this in addition to several used in Montana the Bigfork Eagle newspaper has details.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra,, Devra Patton West, Divine Mother, OmniMeditation, Sedona Arizona, Ascended Masters,




Patton West is not, nor never was, a guru.  Before she acquired occult knowledge between 1990 & 1991, she was a pot grower, drug dealer, thief, con artist and bankrupt.  Since 1991, she has used her occult knowledge to leverage her criminal tendencies.  Below is an image which depicts her sudden rise from con artist to her current self-declared status as ‘The Mother of Ten Thousands Suns’ and ‘Divine Mother’ and ‘Regent of the Western Hemisphere.’


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


When it became obvious in New Mexico that she was a con artist, she was forced to move to Montana.  When it became obvious in Montana that she was a con artist, she was forced to move to Arizona.  However, for the public to swallow her lies and propaganda as their truth, she had to ‘silence’ John Watson and force down his websites to:-


1. Remove all mention from the internet of the scores of victims of theft, fraud, extortion, mental and physical abuse and suspicious deaths.


2. Remove all mention of the two Montana arrest warrants, her conviction for assault and the many judgments against her for fraud related lawsuits, including one John Watson won in 2008.


After all, who is going to believe this bullshit (see below) if they have access to the truth about her criminal past?


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Sedona Gateway, Divine Mother, Dr.Devra Patton West, Private Retreats,Private Sessions, Rishi Devra,The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Patton West tried threats, she tried intimidation against Watson and his wife and children, she tried to murder him (a plot that accomplice Geoffrey Reynolds announced to the press ahead of her failed attempt on Watson’s life in August 2007) and when that failed, she waited to put Plan ‘B’ into action.  When Watson attended court in 2010 to see how much the court was going to award him, after Patton West’s failed appeal, Watson was served twice by Patton West and her stooge Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.  The cost of these multiple lawsuits was funded by Dr. Julio E Williams MD, who had made available $2,000,000 to fund Patton West’s costs (and probably Reynolds’ as well).


At this point, it is time to introduce Dr. Julio E Williams MD, a 20 year member of Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang, and someone directly involved in organized crime since January 2007.  That is, if we ignore the defamation of Watson by Dr. Julio E Williams MD (and others) that was orchestrated by Patton West in 2005.


Dr. Julio Williams, Essentia Health, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Sedona Gateway, Divine Mother, Dr.Devra Patton West, Private Retreats,Private Sessions, Rishi Devra,The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



In 2007, Dr. Julio E Williams MD was certainly aware of the awful plight of 20 or so of Patton West’s employees and students, whom we listed above.  Employees and students who were robbed, defrauded, became victims of extortion, and who were mentally and physically abused.  Dr. Julio E Williams MD would certainly be aware of Patton West’s vicious assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD.  He would also be aware of her many visits to court as the defendant in fraud related lawsuits.  Dr. Julio E Williams MD would also be aware that his lengthy ‘Biography,’ part of which is featured above, was placed right next to some of Patton West’s lies and propaganda which asserted that a multi-million dollar lakeside property shown on her website (next to Williams’ bio) belonged to her. 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


In reality, Patton West was fraudulently using photographs of someone else’s property to create the illusion that she was a substantial business women.  This was done in spite of the real owners, Robert & Tabby Ivy, repeatedly asking Patton West over a 2 year period not to use images of their property in her brochures and on her website.   You can read the interview that Robert & Tabby Ivy gave to the Whitefish Pilot newspaper by going here.  All of this was part of the massive fraud that Patton West was perpetrating in Montana at the time.  Dr. Julio E Williams’ response to this in 2007, was to give Patton West a $100,000 donation.


In January 2007, in response to Watson’s website going up which revealed the crimes that Patton West was committing on an industrial basis in Montana, Dr. Julio E Williams MD sent an expletive laden threatening email to Watson whose obvious intention was to intimidate Watson into a) dropping his fraud lawsuit against Patton West and b) intimidate him into taking down his website.  You can read the entire email by going here, but below are a couple of excerpts from that email.


Dr. Julio Williams, Essentia Health, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Sedona Gateway, Divine Mother, Dr.Devra Patton West, Private Retreats,Private Sessions, Rishi Devra,The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters,


In summary, Patton West, unable to murder Watson or intimidate him, recruited two total strangers, Reynolds & Williams, in her vendetta against Watson.  The clear objective was to both punish Watson for having the nerve to tell the truth about her criminality, and to force his websites down so that she could resurrect her well-oiled criminal racketeering business model in Arizona.  While there is some evidence from Rebecca West that indicates Reynolds might have been blackmailed into going along with Patton West’s plot to murder Watson and then destroy him financially, no such threat of loss was a motivation for Williams to get involved.  It appears that Dr. Julio E Williams, as a long term student of Patton West’s, was either a willing accomplice or brainwashed and conditioned into doing her bidding; however illegal or immoral.


Dr. Julio Williams, Essentia Health, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Sedona Gateway, Divine Mother, Dr.Devra Patton West, Private Retreats,Private Sessions, Rishi Devra,The Rishi, Devra Patton West,Omni Meditation, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters,


In addition to funding and being part of organized crime, Williams is Patton West’s chief cheerleader as you will see if you visit the ‘Fake Testimonials’ page on the website.  Recently, Patton West in her guise as ‘Divine Mother’ and ‘Regent of the Western Hemisphere’ etc. put up a YouTube channel called ‘1004 TRUE NORTH LEADERSHIP’  On a video posted on that YouTube channel on July 19 2019, guess who was the first person to put up a comment?  If you guessed stooge Dr. Julio Williams MD, you guessed right!


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


In spite of the scores of victims of theft, fraud, extortion and mental and physical abuse, in spite of the many “Victims of Crime” winning in court against Patton West in Montana, Dr. Julio E Williams MD still manages to roll out the bullshit testimonials for the leader of his cult / criminal racketeering gang.  In the above testimonial given only 6 months ago, Williams says, and I quote, “Om Shri Rishi Maa Addi Maa! My humble pranams at the Lotus Feet of the Master.  We are looking forward to receiving this higher wisdom blah, blah, blah. I cannot wait to reserve my spot this coming fall.”


Again we say, that the only explanation for Williams’ comments are that he is mentally ill or a willing accomplice in racketeering and murder.


Before moving on to Reynolds' & Williams’ role in Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang let us dismantle some more of the propaganda on Patton West’s latest website……


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Sedona Gateway, Divine Mother, Dr.Devra Patton West, Private Retreats,Private Sessions, Rishi Devra,The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


If you navigate to the ‘Mataji’ page on her current website and scroll down, you will find the following pack of lies and propaganda (below) all intended to persuade the public, and those inducted into her Arizona cult, that Patton West is a fluffy, cuddly mummy and grandma. 

The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


The statements above “a living legacy of enlightened house-holding” and “free of ego and attachment” and “enlightened family life” and “pioneered feminine enlightenment in the West” are part of the blizzard of lies obfuscating the reality that Patton West is a criminally insane narcissist who cruelty and mental and physical abuse has destroyed countless families over the past 28 plus years since she declared herself to be an Ascended Master.


Patton West’s reality could not be further from the propaganda and lies that, though obviously part of a massive fraud scam, appear to be ‘protected’ under religious freedom laws.  However, we shall reveal the truth in a new webpage about to go up on this website entitled Enlightened House-Holding 'Rishi' Style.  For those propagandized into buying her shit, get upset at what is being posted, we make the assurance that the content on that webpage will come from three sources only.  Court transcripts, newspaper articles and statements from ex-family members brutalized by Patton West (and her son Chris Haywood) aided and abetted by ex-husband, Jack West.  Still on the Mataji webpage, if you scroll down further you’ll see these two images.  Basically, Patton West is using her children and grandchildren as props in her propaganda war in an attempt to make her look like a normal fluffy cuddly human being.  Which of course she is not.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


As mentioned above, we are not going to go into detail here, but will do so on the new webpage on which we will lay out every single page of the court transcripts that have been made available to the public.  However, as a taster of what is to come and to demonstrate that the stage-managed images above are part of the illusion spun by the Master Liar Patton West, we would say the following:-


1. Jack WestJeremy Samuelson, and old ‘friend’ of Jack West’s going back to the 1980’s, said that Jack West was a timid man with no experience with woman.  And that shortly after Jack West hitched up with Devra Patton West, she overwhelmed him and thereafter was ‘running’ him.  Though Jack West was at the time, Jeremy Samuelson’s business partner, he and Patton West defrauded him out of $10,000.  Read AJ White's statement about how, after Patton West had viciously assaulted Susannah Felder partially scalping her, Jack West attempted to blame the victim for the attack at a meeting the following day.  As AJ White wrote in her notarized statement, the deception was so shocking she resigned as a board member immediately. 


Patton West defrauded the whistleblower out of wages and shares in 2002; something Patton West admitted at a meeting with the whistleblower in March in 2003 (unaware he was recording the meeting).  She admitted defrauding him, but did not see herself writing out a check for what she owed him!  The whistleblower sued her for fraud and when giving evidence on behalf of his wife, Jack West lied when he said there was no business relationship between Watson and his wife.  When Watson’s lawyer produced a copy of a letter signed by Jack West addressed to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) which stated that Watson was employed by Patton West’s charity and was being paid a salary etc. Jack West responded that he was forced to write the letter by Watson.  Watson’s lawyer then asked Jack West if he was aware that making false statements to the INS would result in a 10 year prison sentence.  Jack West withdrew his lie. 


Jack West,


Finally, on 12 July 2007, after the Whitefish Pilot newspaper had published a lengthy article about Patton West’s crimes in Flathead MT leading with her assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD, Jack West posted a lengthy statement of denial on his ex-wife’s website.  To read the statement of denial that Jack West posted on Patton West’s website in 2007, when she was masquerading as the Ascended Master Surya Ma, go here.  In that statement Jack West said, and I quote, “She remains utterly free from wrongdoing and as ethically virtuous as any human being can be.” End quote.  To understand the enormity of the lies and deceit on the part of Jack West, one needs to understand that on April 17 2006, just days after the police were called to the assault, Patton West wrote a lengthy missive to her entire mailing list admitting the assault.  The missive entitled, ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification,’ not only contained her admission of guilt but in an attempt to justify the assault she accused Cole of being a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime!


In the two years that followed Jack West’s statement about his wife being as “ethically and virtuous as any human being can be”, Patton West was convicted of assault, forced to sell the assets she had not hidden at a Sheriff’s Sale to pay past victims of crime $2,000,000 in court fines and interest, was the subject of two arrest warrants and appeared as the defendant in several fraud related lawsuits and being found guilty in all.  Jack West is the second most important member in the Patton West crime family.


2. Chris Haywood has an FBI record for forgery, substance abuse and traffic violations.  However, these are the least of his sins as you shall learn when you read the second part of the transcript of the custody court case between him and his estranged wife, Jamie Haywood.  According to court records, he made a claim against an insurance company alleging he had been made partly disabled as a result of a car accident, only to be seen by a neighbor wake boarding up Flathead Lake at the time he claimed to have been seriously injured.  Then he, along with his mother Patton West, was found guilty of trying to defraud ‘Top to Bottom Construction’ company.  However his greatest works, again acting in a conspiracy orchestrated by his mother, involved her targeting both of his estranged ex-wives with occult ‘under the radar’ violence, in an attempt to subvert both child custody court cases with the objective of wresting two infant daughters away from their mothers.  The plan succeeded against the first wife, Kendall, but failed on the second attempt against the second wife Jamie Haywood. 



The transcript for the second child custody hearing involving Jamie Haywood, reveals that while fighting the first child custody case against Kendall, Chris Haywood got Jamie Haywood, his underage girl friend pregnant, and forced her to have an abortion because it would not look good for him while fighting for custody of his infant daughter against his first wife, Kendall.  Once he won that custody case (because his mother drove Kendal crazy with the nonstop campaign of occult ‘under the radar’ violence being directed at her) he got his girlfriend pregnant again and broke her nose because he thought she was looking at other men.  On one occasion, while Jamie was six months pregnant, he forced her out of the car in the middle of nowhere and the police had to take her home. Then, there are the drugs and pornography.  Then there are the physical fights between mother and son.  Jamie described how Chris Haywood had his mother (Divine Mother) pinned against the wall with his hands holding her by the throat at which point, Patton West (Divine Mother) proceeded to lick his face from top to bottom.




3. Anna West. In common with her father Jack West and her half-brother Chris Haywood, Anna West would have known about all the court cases her mother was involved with. She would have read the newspaper articles that showed the many crimes her mother had committed in Montana. Unlike Chris Haywood, who was rarely directly involved with his mother’s criminal racketeering business model, Anna West would be aware of the 20 to 30 employees and students (mentioned above) that were mentally and physically abused, robbed, defrauded and became victims of extortion at her mother’s hands.  One example of this is ex-employee Tanya Hurley, who befriended Anna and even mentioned Anna in the statement she gave to the whistleblower.  A statement that concluded that her employer Patton West must be mentally ill.


In summary, the photos shown above should be regarded as just propaganda.  Propaganda from a criminally insane narcissist, who believes she can crush any dissent to her lies, propaganda and psychotic delusions of grandeur.  They should be viewed in the context of the scores of families ruined by Patton West over the past 28 plus years.  Couples and marriages destroyed so that Patton West could prey on the more gullible of the two partners.  Students and employees bankrupted after being told the more they gave the close to God they would be.  Individuals viciously assaulted and mentally abused, some of which will never recover from the trauma.  Then we saw another example of Patton West’s ‘enlightened house-holding’ when she assaulted Ingrid Smith’s six year old son.  Then there are the individuals that suddenly and mysteriously died of ‘natural’ causes.  Individuals like Lisa Swidler, a young brainwashed mother of two, who after trying to escape from Patton West’s cult died suddenly of internal bleeding. 



It is probably just a coincidence that Lisa had just witnessed Patton West defraud ex-student Dave Kushner out of $30,000 and extorted ex-student Marion Cantwell out of tens of thousands of dollars.  Probably just a coincidence that Jack West told John Watson in 2002 that those who opposed his wife had a habit of dying suddenly.  Probably just a coincidence that when the whistleblower went public in 2006, about what he had discovered while researching his lawsuit against Patton West, that accomplice a Geoffrey Reynolds announced his impending murder to the press. What Reynolds said was, and I quote, Watson would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Patton West was going to do to him, his wife and children.  Probably just a coincidence that days after Reynolds statement (that was reported to a federal investigator) that Patton West made a failed attempt to murder Watson.  Probably a coincidence that for the past 13 years, just as Reynolds had predicted in August 2007, that a campaign of occult ‘under the radar’ violence continues to be directed against Watson and his family.


This is what Patton West calls her legacy of ‘enlightened house-holding.’


It must be obvious to the adult children (Chris Haywood, Anna West and Rob Meador) that Patton West is not an enlightened being who has been preparing for thousands of years to lead humanity.  It must be obvious to them that the mansion Patton West lives in and the fine clothes, jewels, artwork and valuables she possesses are the product of nearly 30 years of organized crime.  It must be obvious to Patton West’s adult children that there is a connection between her wealth and the scores of victims we list on this web page.  Victims of theft, fraud, extortion and mental and physical abuse.  It must be obvious that there is a link between Patton West’s statement, “It will be your privilege to seed my financial transition,” and her criminal actions.  What kind of an arrogant bitch goes on to state, “It is not my need but rather it is your need” (to give me all your money!



It must be obvious to her adult children that Patton West’s many appearances in court, as the defendant in fraud related lawsuits, is not an accident.  However, I suspect that as long as some of the many millions, that Patton West has acquired through organized crime, filters down to them, I suspect they will go along with the their mother’s psychotic delusions.  Let us see how many photographs they pose for together, when Patton West is being tried for murder and racketeering.  


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Patton West has operated her well-oiled criminal racketeering business model in three western states over the past 28 plus years.  She embeds herself into the spiritual community like a parasite and when she outstays her welcome, as she did in New Mexico in 1995 and Montana in 2010, she simply moves to the next state and reincarnates with a new name, new fake bio / life story and yet more fantastical claims.  The theft, fraud, extortion and mental and physical abuse happen over and over again.  If the same behavior is repeated over decades, clearly it cannot be put down to mistakes or misunderstandings.  The lies, the propaganda, the pillaging of other’s wealth, the deployment of cult members as false witnesses, the threats of violence and murder and, if Jack West is to be believed actual murders, are now standard operating procedure for Patton West AKA ‘Divine Mother’ and ‘The Regent of the Western Hemisphere.'


After the whistleblower John Watson was defrauded out of pay and shares by Patton West in August 2002, he wrote to the Secretary of State for Montana sharing what he knew about the massive fraud being perpetrated by Devra and Jack West upon their charity.  As a result of Watson’s letter, Patton West’s charity, The Circle of Divine Unity’ was struck off the Montana charity register.  Below is an image of the ‘Revocation Certificate’ removing the charity from the Montana charity register.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



There was more than one kind of fraud that Patton West perpetrated upon the charity ‘The Circle of Divine Unity.’ For 9 years, since she and her cult were forced out of New Mexico in 1995 until January 2004, the charity and its stated aims of buying land was the focus of fundraising by rank and file cult members.  However, unbeknown to the rank and file members of the cult who were raising tens of thousands of dollars a year, Patton West was creating a series of fake loans that made it look like the charity owed her money? 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


When the authorities shut down her charity, she called in the fake loans she had put in place and walked away with a property valued at $1,250,000 in 2003.  A property almost exclusively paid for by public donations. Because she was the defendant in more than one fraud related lawsuit that she was likely to lose, she then set up a personal trust for herself and her eldest son, Rob Meador, and transferred the property into the trust believing it would be safe from her creditors.  However in 2008, a judge directed that the property be sold at a Sheriff’s Sale to force Patton West to pay past victims of crime $2,000,000 in court fines and interest. 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


At the same time the property was put into a trust fund, $4,000,000 (as valued in 2002) worth of artwork and valuables belonging to the charity disappeared.  In 2009, Patton West was deposed by Watson’s lawyer and during the statement she gave under oath, she stated that she had given up all her possessions, said the items did not belong to her and were carted off.  Yes they were carted off but by her!  To review Patton West’s 2009 statement, a pack of lies from start to finish, go here.  It later turned out that these items were hidden by Patton West in a lockup for ten years, until the statute of limitations on theft expired.  Many of these items are being featured on her current website and were featured heavily in her previous website.   When she arrived in Arizona, she waited a few years until 2014 (ten years since they were stolen) and then sold many of the items at auction and for sale from her previous website.  Follow this link for details.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


To come to the point, in January 2004 Patton West’s charity disappeared and with it the steady flow of cash donations that she used to pay for her luxurious lifestyle. 


Patton West did what all farmers do when they need cash – they start to cull the herd.  In quick succession in 2005, Patton West defrauded student Dave Kushner out of $30,000, she kidnapped, held captive and beat student Marion Cantwell until Marion agreed to donate tens of thousands of dollars to Patton West.  When Marion was released she was told that if she went to the police, she would be killed.  Murder is a common theme with Patton West, as you will discover if you keep reading.  In 2005 student Lisa Swidler died suddenly and mysteriously after attempting to leave the cult.  The whistleblower believes she was murdered by Patton West to prevent her going public.  Maybe it was just a coincidence that Lisa witnessed the crimes that Patton West committed against Kushner and Cantwell.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


In 2005, in spite of the regular theft or money from cult members, Patton West was close to bankruptcy for the second time.  And, having lost the use of the Victor MT property (that she stole from the charity she bankrupted and put it into her personal trust fund), she needed to relocate her cult / criminal racketeering business model, reinvent herself and raise money quickly.  Her solution was not to admit that she was a con artist masquerading as a guru (no money in that) but instead she made the best of a bad situation by proclaiming that her discomfort was due to her ascension from the fifth dimension to the seventh dimension. You cannot make this stuff up! 


Accordingly, Patton West changed her name from the Ascended Master ‘Devra Ji’ to the Ascended Master ‘Surya Ma’ and, in a missive she sent to her entire mailing list, announced that she needed to move away from the lower vibrations at Victor MT to the higher vibrations at Shamballa (Flathead MT).  In a stroke of genius (for a criminal) Patton West stated that she could only take 12 disciples with her to Shamballa and only those willing to commit 66% of their net worth to her good causes (herself). 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


In another part of the same missive, Patton West refers to the “problem of financial withhold.”  I think she is referring to the reluctance of students to hand over the contents of their bank accounts to her.  She then comments on the students ‘mistrust’ of her ability to properly assign the direction of finances saying that this is a toxic and limiting environment for her to unfold this work! See below.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Patton West, sorry the ascended Master Surya Ma, states that it will be her disciples ‘privilege to financially seed her transition.’  If that was not arrogant enough Patton West, on the verge of bankruptcy for a second time and thieving and defrauding from her students states, and I quote. “It is not my need but rather it is your need.” End quote!  And finally she states that, “This is your ‘window of opportunity’ to come clean, naked and innocent of the Dweller.  As your mind will come clean and in White Light receptivity for the Lord’s Holy Plan on Earth.”  This sounds very familiar to what she was telling her European students which was that the more money they gave her, the closer to God they would be.  See below an excerpt from an email that Judy Morris sent the whistleblower John Watson.  You can review the entire email by going here.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,

Above: Patton West is not a guru.  Patton West is an occult thief who uses occult (hidden) knowledge to both facilitate

financial crimes and to intimidate victims and witnesses into remaining silent and not going to the police.


Victim Dr. Pat Cole MD.  It appears that Dr. Pat Cole MD may have been one of the members of Patton West’s cult that followed her from New Mexico in 1995 to Victor MT. If not, she was recruited by West in Victor MT.  Below is an excerpt from a document entitled ‘Pat’s records Attachment to Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.’ 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Dr. Pat Cole MD was one of the brainwashed and conditioned cult members that agreed to become one of Patton West’s 12 disciple and, by extension, had agreed to give up 66% of her net worth to fund Patton West’s luxurious lifestyle and service some of Patton West's huge debts.  As the next excerpt of the same document referred to above shows, Dr. Pat Cole ‘contributed’ some $750,000 in combined assets and credit directly into Patton West’s private accounts to pay for her living, housing, travel, staff and payroll, personal assets, extravagant lifestyle and bounced checks/fines. 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



But we are getting ahead of ourselves.  Patton West can be likened to a very dangerous parasite.  She literally lives off the vitality of others by forcing those recruited into her cult to submit to her will, after which she ‘captures’ their labor and their finances and uses both to achieve her own ends.  In Victor MT, the big fundraising objective was to raise money to pay for the mortgage on the Victor MT property and buy more land.  After nine years of fundraising, Patton West collapsed the charity by bankrupting it and then stole the property and millions of dollars of artwork and valuables all paid for by ‘capturing’ the labor and finances of those inducted into her cult. 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


After her Victor MT charity was struck off, Patton West reincarnated herself 100 miles north and based her operation in Flathead MT (Shamballa).  The new focus for fundraising was curing cancer and in that regard she recruited three physicians to front her latest and greatest giant fraud scam. Dr. Pat Cole MD may have followed Patton West from New Mexico, with Dr. Julio E Williams MD being recruited in Victor MT in the year 2000.  There was a third physician Dr. Jennifer Cornell MD, who came to her senses and quit the cult in 2005.  However, Dr. Jennifer Cornell did not escape the cult until after Patton West had persuaded / manipulated her and the other two physicians, Cole and Williams, into signing off on a document designed to defame and malign John Watson for having the balls to sue Patton West after he was defrauded by her in August 2002. 


To show just how Patton West manipulates others into doing stupid things, in this case getting three doctors to defend her honor, let us first reveal their folly by sharing Patton West’s own verbal admission to Watson that she had defrauded him.  In March 2003, after Watson announced he was going to sue Patton West for fraud, she demanded a meeting with him in private on his ranch.  Watson suspecting a trick, hid a digital tape recorder in the room and recorded the meeting.  Long story short, Patton West agreed she had defrauded Watson but did not see herself writing out a check for what she owed him.  She went further and told Watson that if he sued her, she would get so f*cking down and dirty, huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers (because Dr. Julio E Williams MD would be persuaded to pay her legal fees).  Below are excerpts from that meeting. You can listen to the entire 44 minute meeting by going here.  I recommend that you do listen to the full interview as it makes the case that Patton West is criminally insane.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Sedona Gateway, Divine Mother, Dr.Devra Patton West, Private Retreats,Private Sessions, Rishi Devra,The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


1.  West agrees she has defrauded John Watson but does not see herself paying him!

2.  West acknowledges that she is a control freak and admits to disposing of people like used Kleenex.

3.  West goes berserk and in an expletive laden tirade accuses the whistleblower of exploiting her vulnerability!  This behavior proves beyond doubt that Devra West is criminally insane.  

4.  West says that if Watson sues her she’ll get so f*cking down and dirty huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers because Williams will pay her legal fees.

5. West says she feels stabbed in the back and f*cked up the arse by Watson’s insistence that West pay her the $50,000 she owes him.  West has an emotional melt down and leaves in hysterics!

6. The truth actually does not matter. [If West can convince the public that her lies are their truth].



Item (1.) above reveals that Patton West did defraud Watson but that she has no intention of paying him what she owes.  Item (6.) above shows that Patton West does not give a rat’s ass about the truth, believing that she can convince others that her lies are their truth.  This obviously worked with Messrs. Cole, Williams & Cornell because in 2005 she got all three of them to defame Watson and stake their “honor and credibility on defending her personal integrity.”  Of course Patton West has no personal integrity. She is a con artist, a violent convicted criminal and a pathological liar.  They were all either duped into becoming involved in Patton West’s legal dispute with Watson or, the case of Dr. Julio E Williams and Dr. Pat Cole MD, brainwashed and conditioned into becoming willing accomplices of Patton West’s.  Here is an excerpt from the statement they signed and posted on Patton West’s website.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



What we are doing here is establishing that in 2005, Patton West had three physicians recruited as part of her latest ‘get rich quick’ scheme which involved her providing miracles cures to patients who could afford the six figure sums of money she was asking for.  We know this to be the case because in July 2007, Patton West gave an interview to the Whitefish Pilot newspaper, during which she claimed to be able to cure cancer (leukemia).  Below is an excerpt from her statement.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


An author and speaker, West claims she recognized her clairvoyant and healing gifts at age six when she began "interacting and communicating with archangel Michael," according to her book "The Christ Heart."  West claims to have been trained in shamanic visioning and healing by Native American elders and to have been both a Cheyenne medicine woman and General George Patton in past lives. 

She also claims her "gifts" can heal people with various illnesses, including leukemia, and she plans to teach what she knows to cardiologists and other physicians when her plan for healing spas unfolds.  "If you ever saw me heal, you'd be down on your knees crying like a friggin' baby," West said.


In summary, a key part of Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model is finding a goal, a ‘good’ cause for the members of her cult to fundraise around.  In Victor MT, it was raising money to pay for the deposit, and subsequently, the monthly cost of the mortgage payments on her mansion (ashram) and buying more land.  This was never intended to be a permanent outcome because at the appointed time, either of her choosing or law enforcement choosing, the asset would be stolen or converted into cash.  It was stolen. In Flathead MT the fund raising focus was curing cancer.  The regular cash donations would pay for the day to day costs of her luxurious lifestyle but her real goal was to recruit several wealthy physicians.  Physicians like Cole, Cornell and Williams who in the short term, would give her fraud scam respectability and who in the long term, after brainwashing and conditioning, could be picked off / harvested for their wealth one at a time.


Some Facts about Con artist and Violent Convicted Criminal Devra Patton West’s Reign of Terror in Montana.


1. In Montana, thirty or so employees and students complained of mental and physical abuse and some assert they were victims of theft, fraud and extortion.  Their stories are told on this webpage.


2. In Montana, Patton West was the subject of nine visits to court as the defendant in mainly fraud related lawsuits which included two arrest warrants, a conviction for assault and being forced to sell her assets at a Sheriff’s Sale to pay past victims of crime $2,000,000 in court fines and interest.  These stories are told on this webpage.


In Arizona, this vile despicable creature is currently masquerading as:-


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



3.  Accomplices cult / gang members Dr. Julio E Williams MD & Geoffrey Reynolds CPA conspired with Patton West to cover up some of her serious crimes including the assault upon, and the extortion of $1.3 million from, Dr. Pat Cole MD (see below).  They also conspired with Patton West to murder John Watson a victim of fraud who turned whistleblower.  When the murder plot failed both conspired to bankrupt Watson into silence via multiple frivolous lawsuits.  Reynolds announced Watson’s murder to the press, in advance of Patton West’s failed attempt on his life and Williams continues to conspire with Patton West in an ongoing campaign of intimidation against Watson and his family.  The motive for Watson’s murder?  Millions of dollars a year acquired through theft, fraud and extortion from victims who swallow Patton West’s lies and propaganda.  Williams’ & Reynolds’ role in Patton West’s criminal conspiracy against Watson is spelt out in a previous bulletin entitled Gang Members.’


Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, Dr. Julio E Williams, Mataji Master, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Now, we go into detail as to how Patton West ‘harvested’ Dr. Pat Cole MD and how accomplices Dr. Julio E Williams & Geoffrey Reynolds CPA aided and abetted her.


Mataji Master, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Before looking at Patton West’s crimes against Cole & Watson in detail, it is worth taking a close look at the multi-layered criminal racketeering business model that Patton West has been using since 1991.  Both the images below represent the model used by Patton West to transfer wealth from her victims to herself.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model is a multi-layered affair.  Let us review some of those layers.


1. At the lowest level, she made hundreds of thousands of dollars a year out of the tuition fees paid by students to her unaccredited school for occult studies.  She also made money from the employees she borrowed money from or forced them to pay her bills.  Go here to review the statements of 30 or so employees and students who were victims of Patton West’s mental and physical abuse and in some cases theft, fraud and extortion.  The ‘containers’ she used for racketeering from 1995 to 2010 were ‘The Circle of Divine Unity’ charity until that was struck of for fraud in January 2004, and then the ‘Sacred Environments LLC’ until she was ‘forced’ out of Montana in 2010.


2. The next level of crime was perpetrated against wealthy students like Dr. Pat Cole MD and Mike Hendrickson, who was a partner in a Colorado accountancy firm.  You could also add into this category business consultants and key employees like John Watson, Esther Michaels and even Geoffrey Reynolds CPA who, when joining Patton West’s employ in September 2006, had no idea he was going to be working for a ruthless criminal whose ‘corporation’ was a front for organized crime.  Unfortunately for Reynolds, he only learned that Patton West was a ruthless criminal after he had been duped into loaning her $300,000.  After Reynolds handed over the cash, it became obvious from two emails (1 & 2) sent to the whistleblower by Rebecca West (no relation to Patton West) that Reynolds became an obedient servant of Patton West’s and a willing accomplice in organized crime.  Dr. Julio Williams might have been added into the above category except that he was a wealthy student of Patton West’s who joined her cult in 2,000 and was quickly brainwashed into becoming one of Patton West’s closest accomplices.  Dr. Julio E Williams, as a physician and thoracic surgeon, was a key player in Patton West’s 2006 to 2009 miracle cure fraud scam.  The fact that he would donate the odd $100,000 to fund Patton West’s luxurious lifestyle costs meant he was looked upon favorably by Patton West and not subject to the same treatment doled out by her towards just about everyone else.


Mataji Master, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


3. The next layer of fraud / extortion was accomplished by selling miracle cures to two kinds of victims.  The first group were people who were really ill, and the second group were wealthy attendees to seminars and private sessions who she made ill and then offered to cure.  For details on how she made her victims ill go here.   Both targeted groups were asked to pay six figure sums for her miracle cures, as was noted by her personal assistant Kathleen Francisco, who in 2002, overheard a phone call at the end of which Patton West jumped for joy and said that she had just earned $500,000!  Apparently, Patton West went on a spending binge shortly after this news and not a penny went into her charity.


4. The final group of victims were the IRS and the states which she operated in.  Take the ‘The Circle of Divine Unity’ charity.  Between 1995 & 2004, she used the cult to fundraise to cover the cost of her luxurious lifestyle and pay for the mortgage on the mansion she lived in.  During this time, she was pocketing a large proportion of the cash donations and paying no tax on that income.  After her crimes caught up with her in January 2004, and her charity was struck off, she used the millions of dollars of fake loans she had put in place at the charity to claim the charities main asset a property worth $1,250,000 in lieu of repayment of the fake loans.  At the same time, she stole $4,000,000 worth of artwork and valuables, owned by the charity and largely paid for by public donation, in a lock up for ten years until the statute of limitations on theft had passed.  In 2014, they all suddenly reappeared in Arizona for sale at auction or directly for sale via her website.  This is all spelt out in detail here.


In addition to the IRS being cheated, the state of Montana was cheated out of tax.  Additionally, when a charity is struck off in Montana, the remaining  assets of the charity should have remained in Montana and been shared amongst other charities there; but that did not happen.  These are the four levels at which Patton West’s criminal racketeering gang operates.  Whichever way you look at it, money and energy (in the form of cheap labor from the low paid or no paid slaves in her cult) passes from her victims up to her. 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Mataji Master, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Now let us take a closer look at one of the ‘class of victims’ indicated in (2.) above – Dr. Pat Cole MD.  As indicated elsewhere, either Dr. Pat Cole was a student of Patton West’s going back to New Mexico, or she was recruited after Patton West moved to Victor MT in 1995.  Either way, the document entitled ‘Pats Records’ which was sent to the Flathead Sheriff’s department confirms that Dr. Pat Cole MD was aware of victims of abuse at Patton West’s hands in New Mexico.  As indicated, the latest money making scam of Patton West’s was to claim that she could cure cancer.


Dr. Pat Cole MD, along with Dr. Jennifer Cornell MD and Dr. Julio E Williams MD were unwitting accomplices in Patton West’s ‘cure cancer’ fraud scam in 2005.  We know this because after the whistleblower, John Watson, announced he was going to sue Patton West for fraud in March 2003, she got all three doctors to sign off on a ‘hatchet’ piece designed to portray Patton West as the victim.  While praising Patton West for her humanity, the document defamed Watson and portrayed him as someone, who by accusing Patton West of a crime (that she had admitted), was potentially jeopardizing the future of planet earth.  Dr. Cornell came to her senses and left the cult after realizing she had been persuaded to defame a total stranger, which might result in her having to defend an expensive lawsuit.  This left Dr. Pat Cole and Dr. Julio Williams MD to ‘front’ Patton West’s ‘miracle cures for cancer’ fraud scam.  Below are short excerpts from Williams’ and Coles’ biographies which appeared on Patton West’s website between 2006 to 2009.  You can view the full length biographies by going here for Dr. Williams and here for Dr. Cole.  Clearly, they must have both been very aware that Patton West was using their perceived status as physicians to give credibility to her claims to be able to dispense miracle cures.  


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



And here the same from Dr. Pat Cole MD..


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


And right on the same website, right next to both of their proudly displayed biographies, was an image of a multi-million dollar property that Patton West was portraying from her website and from her brochures as belonging to her.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Maybe doctors Williams & Cole did not notice that this image was posted on Patton West’s website right next to their biographies?  Though how they could miss it for two years is a mystery.  The Whitefish Pilot newspaper interviewed the real owners Robert & Tabby Ivy who had repeatedly, over a two year period, asked Patton West not to use images of their property in her brochures and on her website.  Not only was Patton West not a wealthy person, but at the time, she was in the process of being evicted from two rental properties in quick succession and, according to the Bigfork Eagle newspaper, she had a lien against her in the amount of $2,287 for unpaid employment insurance.  Additionally, out of six businesses in Patton West’s literature only one remained in good standing and two were involuntarily dissolved and one involuntarily revoked!  But Dr. Julio E Williams knew this because in early the first week in March 2007, according to Patton West’s office manager, Williams gave Patton West a $100,000 donation.  Long story short, Patton West’s website and her brochures were all part of a giant fraud scam being committed between 2006 to 2009 in northwest Montana.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



To ease her cash flow problems Patton West decided, in late 2005 and early 2006, to ‘harvest’ one of the wealthy members of her cult.  Dr. Pat Cole MD was wealthy and was also Patton West’s business partner in her current ‘get rich quick scheme.’  Though in March 2003, Patton West told the whistleblower that she does not have partners and that her agreements are worthless and that she dispose of people like Kleenex.  After Patton West’s charity ‘The Circle of Divine Unity’ was struck off for fraud in January 2004, forcing her to move the location of her ashram and cult, Dr. Pat Cole was selected by Patton West as one of the 12 disciples to accompany her to Shamballa in return for giving up 66% of her net worth to Patton West’s good causes (always herself).  Shamballa being located 100 miles north in the town of Flathead MT.  This is all explained earlier on this very webpage; this link will take the reader to where Patton West tells her cult that she must have 66% of their net worth and that it will be their privilege to seed her financial transition.  



Apparently, Dr. Pat Cole was not handing over her 66% fast enough, so Patton West took matters into her own hands and, working with other members of her cult whose actions she orchestrated, launched a campaign violence at Cole whose objective was to literally beat the money out of her.  After one particularly vicious assault upon Dr. Cole in early April 2006, the police were called and Patton West was arrested for assault.  A witness to the campaign of violence directed at Cole was employee Carlida Finch, who made a statement to the authorities in which she stated that she had overheard Patton West talking about murdering Dr. Cole.  According to Carlida Finch, Patton West said that she did not care if she killed Dr. Cole because being an enlightened person, she could as easily live in a 6’ X 6’ jail cell as in a $6,000,000 mansion.  You can read Carlida’s ‘Statement of Fact’ by going here.  Within the statement, Carlida talks about Patton West’s threats to break every bone in Cole’s hands with a hammer.  The following day Cole came in with bruises on her hands and wrists.  Carlida said Patton West gave her an ultimatum submit to her will,  join her cult or be fired as an employee.  Here is a copy of Carlida’s letter to the Flathead County Attorney asking for help.


Days after the assault, on April 17 2006, and in response to the unease amongst her employees at the viciousness of the assault, Patton West sent out a missive to her entire mailing list in an attempt to justify her actions.  Below are a couple of excerpts from that missive which was entitled, ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification.’ 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Mataji Master, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


The yellow arrow points to a line where [Ascended] Master Surya Devi asks (the voices in her head) for a review of her actions.  It is worthy of note that having had several of her ‘disciples’ pay 66% of their net worth so as to be eligible to accompany her to Flathead MT Shamballa, it is appropriate that she has called on El Morya, a long dead Ascended Master from the ‘Shamballa Counsels.’


The red arrow indicates that (the beating that Dr. Cole received from Patton West) was administered with the highest grace, despite the seeming severity that was meted.  You cannot make this stuff up!


The blue arrow.  Here we discover that Patton West, masquerading as an Ascended Master and asking for a ‘review’ from another long dead Ascended Master, seeks to justify her actions towards Cole by asserting that Cole was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime.  In another part of this missive, Patton West states that the beating she gave Cole was not only appropriate but that because of Cole’s actions in the Nazi death camps (in another lifetime) the beating was long overdue.  No mention anywhere of the hundreds of thousands of dollars that Patton West was extorting from Dr. Pat Cole MD that her friend Rebecca West mentioned in her emails to the whistleblower, John Watson.  According to three emails (1, 2 & 3) sent by Rebecca West to John Watson in March 2007, Patton West had extorted approximately $1.3 million from her, which included an additional $50,000 that Cole was forced to borrow from her aunt who also wrote to Watson.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



It is now time to bring the focus to Dr. Julio E Williams & Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, both accomplices in Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang.  Dr. Julio E Williams - because he comes from the Dominican Republic where Voodoo is a religion, so moving to the USA and joining a Satanist cult led by a fair haired white woman must have been on his bucket list.  It is possible that after Reynolds was duped into loaning Patton West $300,000, he was blackmailed or coerced into doing her bidding, however illegal or immoral. Certainly that is what Rebecca West seemed to imply in the three emails (1, 2 & 3) she sent the whistleblower in March 2007. 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


FBI & IRS Take Note.  It should be pointed out that Reynolds employment with Patton West only came about because his predecessor Betsy Blank resigned in June of 2006 rather than be forced to ‘manufacture’ fake invoices by Patton West.  As the Bigfork Eagle newspaper article shows Reynolds had no problems manufacturing false invoices to make it look like the $436,000 in cash that was extorted from Cole came as a result of ‘normal’ business receipts i.e. for an ‘internship’ and for ‘therapy.’


Whatever their motivation, both Williams and Reynolds were committed to doing whatever Patton West asked them to do.  In Williams’ case it was witness tampering, funding organized crime and  criminal conspiracy to the tune of $2,000,000. And more recently, failure to report an on-going campaign of violent intimidation against the whistleblower and his family by Patton West, which he has received 450 emails about but refuses to pass on to the police.  In Reynolds’ case it was money laundering, complicity to commit murder and criminal conspiracy.


In January 2007, two years after Dr. Julio E Williams MD agreed to defame Watson (a perfect stranger to him but someone that was suing the leader of his cult), Williams doubled down on his treachery by sending a threatening email to Watson.  This action was obviously orchestrated by Patton West.  Throwing all caution to the wind, Dr. Julio E Williams agreed to break the law by attempting to intimidate Watson, the plaintiff in a lawsuit,  on behalf of Patton West the defendant in the same lawsuit.  This is called ‘witness tampering’ which is a felony, the penalty for which is up to 20 years in prison.  Remember, in March 2003 Patton West admitted she had defrauded Watson but did not see herself paying what she owed him.  Go here to listen to her make these statements in her own voice.  Furthermore in 2005, Patton West got three physicians to publicly refute Watson’s claims.


Below is an excerpt from the email that Williams sent to Watson in January 2007.  You can read the full length email by going here.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



What we are doing here is establishing that Dr. Julio E Williams MD is a willing accomplice in organized crime or a brainwashed and conditioned droid of Patton West’s who does not know what he is doing.  The latter explanation seems unlikely because Williams continues to act as a physician and a thoracic surgeon who regularly operates on patients! 


We would now like to share an email that accomplice Geoffrey Reynolds CPA sent to the service provider of John Watson’s website in November 2007.  Though the email we feature below was sent in November 2007, Reynolds had made several previous attempts at forcing this document off Watson’s website.  What Reynolds was attempting to do was force a copy of Patton West’s missive off Watson’s website by claiming copyright of it.  Under the Millennium Copyright Act (MCA) you need the author’s permission to publish their material online.  By claiming copyright of ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification,’ an excerpt of which we shared above, Patton West hoped to force her written admission that she had assaulted Dr. Cole MD off the internet. 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


The important thing we want to establish here is, that Geoffrey Reynolds CPA was well aware that Patton West had assaulted Dr. Pat Cole MD in April 2006, and as Rebecca West’s three emails (1, 2 & 3) revealed, Reynolds had fallen totally under Patton West’s control and had become her accomplice in racketeering.


After receiving scores of emails in March of 2007 from several victims trapped inside Patton West’s cult, John Watson, who had turned whistleblower in 2006, decided to share what he had discovered while researching his fraud lawsuit against Patton West.  Accordingly, he posted all of his research on his website and shared it with two local newspapers.  On July 12 2007, the Whitefish Pilot newspaper published a lengthy article about the crimes being committed by Patton West in and around Flathead MT.   The article led with Patton West’s assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD. The short excerpt below is how the victim described the assault to the Whitefish Pilot reporter.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Mataji Master, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Cole claims West threw a lamp at her and hit her with a briefcase, cell phone and her hand.  "She took off her shoe and hit me on the top of my head, causing my scalp to bleed onto my face, neck and clothes," Cole's statement reads. "She threatened to kill me with a gun to my head, 'blowing my brains out,' and advised me to commit suicide by slitting my wrists, after I'd taken out an insurance policy on myself."  Photos taken after the alleged beating were submitted to the sheriff's office.


The day after this story was published several statements of denial, as if by magic, appeared on Patton West’s website.  For a complete list go here. The statements sought to denying that Patton West had assaulted Dr. Cole MD and implied that it was the victim Dr. Pat Cole was at fault.  One has to ask the question in what universe does every employee in a corporation all decide on the same day to issue statements of denial on behalf of their employer in a legal dispute.  The answer is if they are members of a cult and do not have the discretion to refuse.  Secondly nearly all those who issued statements of denial would have known that the police were involved and that Patton West was charged with assault in April 2006.  However Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model only works if the public believe the lies and propaganda about her being a ‘divine’ being.  Any whiff of scandal however true must be overwhelmed by more lies and more propaganda.

Leading the charge of denials was Geoffrey Reynolds CPA who posted four statements in all three by himself and a joint statement with Dr. Julio E Williams MD.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Above ‘Liar for Hire’ Reynolds’ first denial.  Note the disparaging comments from ‘liar for hire’ Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, where he portrays the editor as, and I quote, “the author appears to be without morals, ethics or professional grooming as a journalist, wrote an article an article that reads like a cheap Hollywood tabloid paper.” End quote.  But scum bag Reynolds knew every single word in that article was true.  At the time he was denying that Patton West had assaulted Dr. Cole, Reynolds was desperately trying to force a copy of Patton West’s written admission that she had assaulted Cole off Watson’s website!


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Above ‘Liar for Hire’ Reynolds’ second denial.  In the above missive, Reynolds refers to Rebecca West’s unemployment claim, which Reynolds points out Rebecca lost even after two appeals.  Rebecca West, Carlida Finch and the late Joseph Costantino, all lost their appeals because Patton West was able to field members of her cult as false witnesses to undermine the process.  Basically, like scum bag Reynolds, the ‘liars for hire’ in Patton West’s cult made it impossible for employees, victims of mental and physical abuse at Patton West’s hands, to get justice.  Let us look at some facts.  Fact 1. When the whistleblower met with Patton West in March 2003, after announcing he was going to sue her for fraud, she told him that if he did so, she would get so f*cking down and dirty, huge expenses coming out of his pocket not hers.  Because wealthy cult members like Dr. Julio E Williams would pay her legal fees.  You can listen to her say this in her own voice by going hereFact 2. Patton West deployed false witnesses against Watson, just as she did against Rebecca West, Carlida Finch and many others.  We know this because one of those witnesses Anandra George, who gave false testimony against Watson, wrote to Watson’s lawyer recanting her false statement.  Fact 3. Watson received statements from between 20 & 30 of Patton West’s  ex-employees, all of whom alleged mental and physical abuse and some alleging they were the victims of theft, fraud and extortion.  Go here to review the list of employees and their complaints. 


Reynolds concludes his statement by saying that religious persecution is against the law.  We repeat what the evidence makes very obvious and that is that Patton West is not a guru, she is an occult thief.  A hardened criminal who masqueraded for three decades as a guru because by doing so, her many lies are ‘protected’ under religious freedom laws.  Racketeering and murder is not protected under religious freedom laws.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Above ‘Liar for Hire’ Reynolds’ third denial.  In the first paragraph, Reynolds states that he is appalled at the Whitefish Pilot’s  front page “smut story.”  He goes on to say that framing Devra as suspect of a host of misdeeds borders on sheer lunacy.  Again we ask the reader to review the complaints of her ex-employees and ex-students by going here.  Then we suggest you review the nine visits Patton West made to court in Montana as the defendant in fraud related lawsuits and an assault by going hereWe would add that Patton West was convicted in all nine cases.  Hardly “sheer lunacy.”  In the third paragraph, Reynolds accuses Watson of being a whacko who ran tabloid publications in London.  This statement is an exact repeat of a lie that Patton uttered in court just three days earlier on July 12 2007, while denying the very existence of her employees.  In the real world Watson has never worked for a newspaper and never lived in London but ‘liar for hire’ Reynolds is not going to let the facts get in the way.  Clearly, Patton West has coached him in her oft spoken mantra that the truth does not actually matter (if you can convince the public that your lies are their truth).  Which is clearly one of Reynolds’ roles along with money laundering, complicity to commit murder and criminal conspiracy.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Above ‘Liar for Hire’ Williams’ first denial.  The above hatchet piece authored by Dr. Julio E Williams MD, closely follows the same formula as Reynolds’ three preceding statements of denial.  Williams states that Patton West gifted the non-profit with millions of dollars which is a total lie.  Far from gifting the charity with anything, Patton West stole most of the money that was ‘gifted’ to it by the public and by Patton West’s students and employees.  A fact that ex-board member, AJ White, makes very clear in the notarized statement she gave Watson to assist with his fraud lawsuit against Patton West.  If Patton West was giving away millions to her non-profit why did Williams need to give Patton West $100,000 in the first week of March 2007, just four months before his statement was posted on her website.  If Patton West had millions to give away, why did the Bigfork Eagle newspaper report that in July 2007, at the time the above statement was posted by Williams, did Patton West have a lien against her $2,287 for unpaid employment insurance? 


Why did she bounce a deposit check on a property she was hoping to buy?  Why, if she had millions to give to the ‘non-profit’, was she fraudulently misrepresenting images of someone else’s multimillion dollar property as her own in her brochures and on her website?  The Whitefish Pilot newspaper gives details.  Why was she evicted in quick succession from two rental properties?  Like Reynolds’ statements, Williams’ statement is a pack of lies from start to finish.  While in court on July 12 2007, five days before Williams’ posted the above statement of denial, Patton West was asked by her lawyer if her business could be described as a billion dollar concern, to which she replied, “Yes.”  ‘Liar for hire’ Williams states that Watson saw Patton West as a cash cow when it is obvious from the number of employees forced into constantly ‘fundraising’ for her and the number of fraud related lawsuits to which she was the defendant in that it was Patton West who saw everyone as cash cows.  Go to ‘The Crimes’ page for details.  Williams goes on to defame both Watson and Cole, both victims of Patton West’s criminal racketeering gang while praising Patton West as some kind of savior that he is going to invest his capital in.  As we saw above, Williams had already put his money where his mouth was when he promised to make available to Patton West $2,000,000 should she need it to defend herself against Watson’s fraud lawsuit.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Above ‘Liars for Hire’ Reynolds & Williams’ joint denial.  On the 14 April 2008, the Whitefish Pilot newspaper reported that Patton West had been found guilty of assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


In response to this announcement, Williams & Reynolds published yet another statement of denial from Patton West’s website on 28 April 2008. In their statement, they say that newspaper article printed by the Whitefish Pilot on 24th April 2008, was a misprint and has been corrected.  This is an outright lie.  As the news article above shows, Patton West was found guilty of assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD and was fined $500 and given a 6 month suspended jail sentence.  Go here to review a scanned copy of the court documents.  Here is that newspaper article that Williams and Reynolds say was a ‘misprint.’  The news article also says that Patton West did not turn up in court for the verdict, as she was in the Yucatan making a documentary.  No such documentary was ever aired or shown.  In addition to the denials by ‘liars for hire’ Williams & Reynolds, Patton West printed her own denial from her website.  See below.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


In the third paragraph of their denial, they refer to Patton West’s son, Chris Haywood, who was hurt in an auto accident and was undergoing rehab.  This would be the same son who was seen ‘wake boarding’ up Flathead Lake by a neighbor, while he was claiming benefits from his ex-wife, Kendall, because he could not work.  In that regard, both Patton West and her son, Chris Haywood, managed to successfully subvert the first child court custody hearing with the result that Haywood’s first wife, Kendall lost her infant daughter.  And ended up paying benefits to Patton West’s son.  Patton West and her son tried to subvert the second child custody court hearing in 2007 with Chris Haywood’s second wife, Jamie.  Go here for details about both child custody hearings. This would be the same son who has an FBI record for forgery, substance abuse and traffic violations.  Williams & Reynolds forgot to mention any of this in their denials.


Williams and Reynolds go on to assert that Watson had made threats on Patton West’s life, when in reality; it was the other way round.  On August 9 2007, while being interviewed by the Bigfork Eagle newspaper reporter, Reynolds, in what he thought was an ‘off the record’ conversation, announced that Watson would be dead within 12 months.  Reynolds went on to say that if not dead, Watson would be jailed for reacting to what Patton West was going to do to him, his wife and his children.  Shortly after making this statement, Patton West made an unsuccessful attempt on Watson’s life.  The campaign of occult ‘under the radar’ violence that Reynolds predicted in August 2007, is now in its 13th year.  Both threats were passed on to a federal agent.  Watson is also accused of being delusional by Williams & Reynolds. However, it is Patton West who is describing herself as the ‘Regent of the Western Hemisphere’ and ‘Divine Mother.’  It is Patton West that has stated that she has been preparing to lead humanity for thousands of years.  It is Patton West who stated that she is single handedly holding open the gates of time.  It is Patton West who said that the Christ gave her two doctorates in person.  Go here for evidence of Patton West’s insanity.


Just as with Dr. Cole, Watson was accused of being part of an extortion scam against Patton West. When Watson got judgment for winning his fraud lawsuit against Patton and was awarded $736,000, Patton West denied that this occurred.  And, after the Ravalli Republic newspaper announced that Watson had won his fraud lawsuit against Patton West, she published a denial of that news article on her website.  Motive? Millions of dollars a year from organized crime.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Because of accomplices Williams & Reynolds, Patton West managed to avoid being prosecuted for racketeering and attempted murder in Montana.  Thanks to ‘liars for hire’ Williams and Reynolds, Patton West was able to move away from Montana to Arizona in 2010 and is now masquerading as:-


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Mataji Master, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


And guess who, after everything he witnessed in Montana, is providing Patton West with a series of idiotic testimonials in an attempt to suck in more victims?


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


And here..


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



And Here..


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Dr. Julio Williams MD and fellow ‘liar for hire’ Geoffrey Reynolds are both going to jail for racketeering. It is not a matter of if, but when.  Next we focus on the plot by Patton West to murder the whistleblower, John Watson, and when that failed, the conspiracy to bankrupt Watson into silence.  Motive? So she could move to Arizona and reinvent herself anew without the ‘inconvenient truth’ of her criminal past following her there. Both Williams and Reynolds were willing accomplices in the murder attempt and when that failed, the criminal conspiracy that followed.  Dr. Julio E Williams is still fully engaged in the campaign of intimidation being directed at Watson and his family by con artist and violent convicted criminal Patton West.


Dr. Julio Williams MD and fellow ‘liar for hire’ Geoffrey Reynolds are both going to jail for racketeering it is not a matter of if but when. 


Next, we go into detail as to how Patton West ‘harvested’ business consultant John Watson and how accomplices Dr. Julio E Williams MD & Geoffrey Reynolds CPA aided and abetted her.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


The above image accurately depicts Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model.  Spiritual seekers are taken in by the lies and propaganda (apparently ‘protected’ by religious freedom laws) on her flashy websites, whose cost was / is funded via hundreds of thousands of dollars acquired from organized crime.  After brainwashing and conditioning, new recruits are forced ‘fund raise and or ‘donate’ their own wealth in aid of the current ‘save the planet’ fraud scam which Patton West calls her ‘World Service.’  The above statement about “seeding her financial transition” came from a missive she sent to the members of her cult in 2004 / 2005 timeframe.  Within that missive, she refers to her students ‘financial withhold’ and stipulates that they must give 66% of their net worth to her. 


Over the past 28 years, tens of millions of dollars have been raised for Patton West’s ‘publicly stated’ good causes but there is no proof that a single dollar has found its way to the good causes she espoused. 


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


While she was masquerading as the Ascended Master Surya Ma between 2005 & 2010, the focus of her fund raising activities was her fake ‘cure for cancer.’  In that regard, three respectable and apparently intelligent physicians were recruited to ‘front’ her fraudscam so that their participation would give her claims credibility. 


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



The three physicians recruited by Patton West were Dr. Jennifer Cornell MD, Dr. Pat Cole MD and Dr. Julio E Williams MD.  Dr. Cornell resigned from the project in 2005, after being asked to become involved with a personal legal dispute that Patton West’s had with one of her ex-employees.  John Watson was hired by Patton West in January 2002, to complete certain projects.  Watson maintains that he was constructively dismissed by Patton West and was suing her for fraud.  The three physicians, all total strangers to Watson but under Patton West’s control, were persuaded to sign off on a statement that sought to portray Watson as the villain and Patton West as a victim.  In reality, Watson was one of scores of victims of theft, fraud and extortion at Patton West’s hands and one of the few to seek justice and restitution through the law courts.  More about that shortly.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



The ‘cure cancer’ fraud scam was being operated in Montana between 2005 & 2010, while she was masquerading as the Ascended Master Surya Ma.  As with previous ‘good causes’ (that were used as the focus for ‘fund raising’) there was never expected to be a successful outcome (a cure for cancer).  The whole purpose of the exercise was twofold:-


1. To create a group of dedicated people to raise money to fund her lifestyle costs.


2. To attract wealthy participants that she could brainwash and condition into submitting to her will as prelude to extorting their wealth. 


This was the fate of Dr. Pat Cole MD who had an estimated $1.3 million extorted from her after a lengthy campaign of mental and physical abuse.  The three emails from Rebecca West (1, 2 & 3) and one email that John Mark Young sent to the police show that Dr. Pat Cole was psychologically ‘broken’ by Patton West. Indeed, as fellow employee Carlida Finch reported to the authorities in her ‘Statement of Fact’ she overheard Patton West discussing Cole’s murder. 


We previously dealt with the campaign of vicious assaults by Patton West which culminated in her extorting $1.3 million from Cole.  We also dealt with the denials and attempted cover up by Patton West and gang members Dr. Julio E Williams MD & Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.  To review this information go here and scroll down to the ‘Whitefish Pilot’ newspaper banner.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Now we move on to the next big victim. The defrauding by Patton West of business consultant John Watson and the campaign of lies, propaganda and dirty tricks used by Patton West and gang members, Dr. Julio E Williams MD & Geoffrey Reynolds CPA against Watson.  Then the conspiracy by Patton West, Dr. Julio E Williams MD and Geoffrey Reynolds to murder Watson and when that failed, a criminal conspiracy bankrolled by Williams to bankrupt Watson into silence.


Let us now go back in time to 2001 / 2002 when Patton West was masquerading as the Ascended Master ‘Devra Ji.’


From the beginning of November 2001 business consultant, John Watson, had been attending a weekly meditation meeting that was run by Patton West’s then husband, Jack West. This was one of the ways individuals were recruited into the cult. In January 2002, Watson was recruited to assist Patton West in setting up a group of non-profit and for-profit corporations with the lead company being a for-profit corporation called Millennia Mind Inc.  There were three persons involved with this enterprise - Patton West, John Watson and Corinne Coffin, a Brazilian heiress, who was going to give $1,000,000 in seed capital to kick start Millennia Mind Inc.  At that time, the two tiers of Patton West’s criminal business model that Watson later became aware of were:-


1. Fundraising by the cult to finance the cost of the mortgage on her mansion and to finance the cost of acquiring more land for her Ashram in Victor MT.


2. The next level of fraud in Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model revolved around the establishing of a series of for profit and non-profit corporations, whose stated purpose was to introduce a more altruistic form of banking.  Like all projects before and since, this project was never meant to come into reality but was meant merely as vehicle to a) obtain funding from the Brazilian heiress and b) as a route to hopefully brainwash and condition Watson into becoming another useful and financially beneficial member of her cult.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


As described in great detail earlier on this webpage, Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model is a multi-layered affair. While the ‘slaves’ in Patton West’s cult were providing her with the day to day running costs for her lavish lifestyle, a second tier to her criminal business model was working towards a much larger ‘pay day.’  For brevity’s sake, we’ll call this project ‘Millennia Mind Inc.’ Watson was ‘retained’ as a business consultant for 6 months between January 2002 & August 2002 to bring the project into reality. And as Millennia Mind Inc., the only for profit corporation, was a ‘start up’ it had no funding, and so it was agreed that Watson would work without a salary, while setting up the projects, and be paid later when funding was put in place. 


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Patton West’s promise was that once the seed capital was put into Millennia Mind Inc., and the corporation was ‘up and running,’ Watson would receive the agreed salary.  In addition, Watson would receive 22% of the shares in Millennia Mind Inc. Patton West was to receive 55% of the shares and Corinne Coffin 23%.  Going forward Watson would be retained as Business Manager for the group of companies.  Because there was no funding inside Millennia Mind, both Watson and Patton West signed a ‘guarantee note’ with the Cactus design agency guaranteeing them payment for their work as soon as funding became available.  As a consequence, work commenced on brochures and other marketing materials.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Of course Watson had no idea at the time, that Patton West was a criminal.  He had no idea that the projects that Patton West commissioned or embarked upon were never intended to reach fruition but were just a vehicle for gathering together talented and wealthy people that she could later defraud or extort money from.  At the end of six months in August 2002, when Watson had completed all the tasks assigned to him, Patton West called him to a meeting at which she announced she was not going to pay him or give him the shares that were promised. 


Patton West’s explanation was that God had spoken to her the night before and told her that shares were a thing of the past, therefore Watson was not going to get any. 


This was probably the same God that, after Patton West viciously assaulted Dr. Cole MD in 2006, told Patton West it was OK because the victim was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime!


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Above, Watson created (1.) The Ancient & Traditions Fellowship Non-Profit.  (2.) The Children of Light Non-Profit.  He also set up a non-profit called the ‘Peace Promise initiative.’  Gave training to ‘The Sacred Arts Institute’ (3.) and created Millennia Mind Inc. (4.).   Subsequent to Watson’s departure in August 2002, Non-Profits (1) & (2) were dissolved.  The ‘Sacred Arts Institute’ (SAI) (3.) disappeared when her charity, ‘The Circle of Divine Unity,’ was struck off for fraud.  Not to worry, the ever resourceful Patton West just renamed her unaccredited school for occult studies the ‘Sacred Archives Institute’ (SAI).  After constructively dismissing Watson, and lying to everyone about the reasons for his departure, Patton West continued with Millennia Mind Inc. (4.).  While Watson was setting up Millennia Mind Inc., Corinne Coffin confided in Watson that she was glad that he was involved in the project because she did not trust Patton West to use the funds she was going to give for the purpose they were intended.  In 2001, Patton West stole an $80,000 donation that Corinne Coffin had given the charity and instead, used that money to pay for her son’s legal fees.  Former charity board member AJ White’s notarized statement attests to this fact.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


In spite of her reluctance, and in spite of the sudden departure of Watson, Patton West still managed to acquire seed capital of $743,194 from the heiress Corinne Coffin.  In March 2007, Patton West’s office received a phone call from Corinne Coffin’s son in Brazil demanding that Patton West return the millions of dollars his mother had ‘donated’ to Patton West’s good causes (always herself).  We suspect most of that went into Patton West’s pocket and Millennia Mind Inc., like everything else Patton West touches, withered on the vine and died. 


That said, none of these projects were ever meant to succeed. They were just vehicles for fundraising.


The Bigfork Eagle newspaper published an article about Patton West’s crimes in Montana on August 9 2007, in which it stated the following about Patton West’s business empire.  A couple of excerpts from that article are posted below here.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


In March 2003, just after Corinne Coffin’s father passed away, leaving Corinne Coffin wealthier than ever, Patton West wrote her a letter which contained the word ‘gold’ no less than 14 times.  You can read that letter by going here the 14 mentions of the word gold are highlighted in yellow for ease of reference.  We have no idea what level of brainwashing and conditioning Corrine Coffin was subjected to, but it is clear that the letter was designed to manipulate Ms. Coffin into handing over more of her wealth to Patton West.  Why else would she use phrases like, “You must make the shift from ‘selfish entitlement’ to right use.” ‘Right use’ being for Ms. Coffin to give her money to Patton West.  Then there are two other phrase “Trust me as I guide you” and “letting go of money.”  Finally, there is reference to “notes that were brought through during the fall.”  The latter refers to messages that Patton West alleges that she channels from long dead Ascended Masters such as El Morya.’  In reality, these are self-serving messages that are concocted within her own criminal mind ‘messages’ that members of her cult are supposed to accept as the word of god. 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Take for example ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification’ which Patton West says she channelled days after she viciously assaulted Dr. Pat Cole MD in April 2006.  In that message she sought to justify the assault on Cole by asserting that ‘El Morya’ had sanctioned the beating because Cole was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime!  No mention of the fact that Patton West was in the process of extorting $1.3 million from Cole.  More ‘gold taken from others.  Patton West is always on the lookout for new victims to bleed dry witness the phishing letter she sent the actress Linda Gray who starred in the TV series ‘Dallas.’


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Part of the consultancy work that Watson did for Patton West was to teach her office staff how to create annual budgets based on historical data.  Watson also advised Patton West to ‘digitize’ her speeches, teachings and books into documents, audio files and videos files which could be bought from her website.  As one can see from the images above and the drop down menu on her current website, Patton West took his advice.  But did not pay for it!


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



John Watson also advised Patton West to create access to her intellectual property via several levels of membership, each behind a pay wall.  It appears from the image above from the membership page of Patton West’s current website that she took that advice too.  But did not pay for it! 


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Now we spell out the conspiracy against Watson orchestrated by Patton West and aided and abetted by gang members Dr. Julio E Williams MD & Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.


1. Patton West cleans up the ‘paper work.’ 


In October 2002, Patton West wrote a letter to her lawyer Mr. Tabarrachi asking that Watson sign away any claims he had to the promised salary and shareholding in Millennia Min Inc.  Patton West expected Watson to agree to this fraud in exchange for a small amount of money he was owed by Patton West for coaching several employees at her non-accredited school for occult studies ‘The Sacred Arts Institute’ (SAI).  The important thing to note here is that Patton West acknowledges that Watson was a principal / shareholder.


2. Patton West admits defrauding Watson (but does not see herself writing out a check for what she owes).


In February 2003, Watson announces his intention to launch a fraud lawsuit against Patton West.  Patton West responds by asking for a private meeting with Watson at the ‘guest house’ on his property.  Watson fearing some kind of a stunt by Patton West, arranges to record the meeting with a digital audio ‘tape recorder.’  The entire recording of the meeting can be listened to by going here.  The following excerpts of that meeting speak volumes to the fact that Patton West is not nor never was a guru but a cunning and resourceful criminal.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


1. Patton West agrees she has defrauded John Watson but does not see herself paying him!

2.The truth actually does not matter to Patton West [if she can convince the public that her lies are their truth].

3.  West admits to disposing of people like used Kleenex.

4.  West accuses Watson of ‘f*cking over a Spiritual Teacher’ because he is suing her for a crime she just admitted.

5.  West says that if Watson sues her she’ll get so f*cking down and dirty huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers because Williams will pay her legal fees.

6. West says she feels stabbed in the back and f*cked up the arse by Watson’s insistence that she pay him the $50,000 she owes him.


In item (1.) above, Patton West admits defrauding Watson but does not see herself writing out a check for what she owes him.  If one needs any more evidence that Patton West is a con artist and a criminal, then item (5.) above should be conclusive proof.  In that excerpt Patton West states that if Watson sues her for the crime she has just admitted to, she will get so f*cking down and dirty, huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers because the wealthy members of her cult (Dr. Julio E Williams MD) will pay her legal fees.  The important thing to remember here is that she has admitted the crime, has no intention of paying and if Watson seeks justice she’ll tie him up in endless litigation with others paying her legal costs.







3. Evidence that Patton West forced her employees / cult members to ‘manufacture’ false witness statements about Watson that she intended to use in court against him. 


In October 2007, one of Patton West’s employees wrote to Watson’s lawyer to recant a false statement she was forced to manufacture by Patton West.  One aspect of Patton West “getting so f*cking down and dirty” was to use false witnesses.  After returning from the March 2003 meeting with Watson, Patton West lined up all her employees and told them that they must ‘manufacture’ false stories about Watson that she intended to use against him in court.  Anyone refusing would be fired.  We know this to be true because one of those false witnesses later recanted her false ‘manufactured’ statement about Watson.  Below is an email that one of Patton West’s employees sent to Watson’s lawyer recanting her false statement in October 2007.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



More evidence that Patton West had spread unfounded rumors about Watson and / or forced employees / cult members to manufacture false witness statements about Watson came from a statement freely given to Watson by Patton West’s ex-personal assistant Tanya Hurley.  You can read Tanya’s statement in full by going here.  Below is a short excerpt from that statement.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


We can report that John Watson is still married to his wife, and the rumors about his ‘sexual harassment’ of female staff and his aggressive behavior towards his wife and children, were part of the malicious tactics used by Patton West against everyone who refuses to submit to her psychopathy.  Patton West’s ex-personal secretary, Barbara Costantino, was even more direct in the notarized statement she gave Watson which can be read in full by going here.  Below is a short excerpt from Barbara’s statement.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



For additional confirmation, if it is needed, that Patton West manipulates her employees in all sorts of negative and potentially criminal ways, please go to the ‘Audio Library’ page of our website and listen to what ex-employees AJ White, Cindy Beeman, Diane Stoner and Kathleen Francisco had to say.


I posted the October 2007 email that Anandra George sent to Watson’s lawyer, retracting her false witness statement, out of chronological order for a reason.  Though Anandra’s email was sent in October 2007, some eight months after Watson received a threatening email from Dr. Julio E Williams MD in January 2007, we wanted to establish something important.  The important fact we wanted to establish beyond reasonable doubt was that Patton West ‘employed’ the remaining members of her cult in her campaign of defamation and vilificationagainst those who oppose her.  The low-level members of her cult (employees and envelope stuffers) are forced to manufacture false witnesses statements, while the more senior members of her cult like Dr. Julio E Williams MD (and Geoffrey Reynolds CPA) are expected to go much further.  And Dr. Julio E Williams did not disappoint!


4. Threats and Witness Tampering by Senior Cult / Gang Member Dr. Julio E Williams MD


In January 2007, when it looked like Watson was going to win his fraud lawsuit against her, Patton West persuaded senior cult / gang member Dr. Julio E Williams MD to send a threatening email to Watson, in an obvious attempt to intimidate Watson into withdrawing his lawsuit.  Below are two images. 


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Above: There is no indication from the smiling photos above that Dr. Julio E Williams MD is a 20 year member of a criminal racketeering gang led by con artist and violent convicted criminal Patton West. We are about to shatter Williams’ facade of respectability with a series of indisputable facts that Williams cannot dispute no matter how desperately he may try.



The first image above, features two statements currently posted on Essentia Health’s website  The statement on the left (above) indicates the kind of ‘services’ that Dr. Julio E Williams MD provides to their Essentia Health 32nd Avenue Clinic (Fargo) at 3000 32nd Ave S FargoND 58103.  The ‘Essentia Health Welcomes Dr. Julio Williams’ statement on the right (above) was posted on September 13 2018, shortly after Dr. Julio E Williams MD commenced his employment there.  Below is an excerpt from an email that Dr. Julio E Williams MD sent to a victim of fraud, (John Watson) at the hands of Devra Patton West, the leader of Dr. Julio E Williams’ cult / criminal racketeering gang.   The email indicates the kind of ‘services’ that Dr. Julio E Williams MD provides for the leader of his cult / criminal racketeering gang, Patton West.  You can read the full length version of Williams’ threatening email to Watson by going here.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Before we analyze Williams’ clumsy attempt at ‘witness tampering’ on behalf of Patton West, we would make two things clear to the reader.




Now let us review the role that Dr. Julio E Williams MD agreed to play in Patton West’s criminal conspiracy against John Watson.  First let us analyze some of the points raised in his email to Watson.


(1).  Watson issued legal proceedings against Patton West in early 2003.  Patton West insisted on a ‘private’ meeting with Watson in March 2003.  During the meeting, Patton West tried to persuade Watson to drop his fraud lawsuit against her.  She also threatened him on multiple occasions during the meeting.  Excerpts from that conversation are included above.  In 2005, Williams posted a defamatory statement about Watson on Patton West’s website.  One of Dr. Julio E Williams’ comments in that statement was this:-


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Patton West has no personal integrity.  She admitted defrauding Watson in March 2003.  Williams’ statement was the first salvo in a lengthy campaign of defamation and  vilification of Watson by Patton West and her accomplices.  In 2006, Watson put up a website of his own to counter Patton West’s lies and propaganda and to provide a forum for other victims.  During Dr. Julio E Williams’ tenure as a student / disciple, i.e. between 2000 and 2020 (present day), approximately 30 ex-employees and ex-students willingly gave statements to Watson attesting they were the victims of mental and physical abuse, and in some cases, the victims of theft, fraud and extortion.  During the same time period, Patton West was the defendant in no less than 9 court cases and was found guilty in every one.  You can review all of this information by going to this webpage.  She was the subject of two arrest warrants (one for criminal check fraud and one for felony theft), a conviction for assault and forced to sell all her assets at a Sheriff’s Sale to pay past victims of crime $2,000,000 in court fines and interest.


Clearly, Dr. Julio E Williams MD has no honor or credibility.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Above: Dr. Julio E Williams MD is a clown, a stooge whose ‘perceived’ respectability as a physician is shamelessly used by Patton West to promote her fake cures for cancer.  Williams has also shown a willingness to intervene on her behalf in legal disputes by threatening plaintiff’s in lawsuits against her and by providing her with millions of dollars for her legal fees.



(2). There was no ‘distortion of events’ by Watson.  Patton West admitted defrauding Watson in March 2003.  As for the brazen attempts at recruiting members of Patton West’s organization and students, these were the 30 or so victims of mental and physical abuse at Patton West’s hands who contacted Watson and gave him statements to post on his website.  They did so because they did not have the resources to go to law against Patton West and knew they if they did, they would be subjected to the campaign of intimidation we are describing here.  The following is the opening paragraph of a harrowing email entitled ‘Help Me’ which was sent to Watson in March 2003 by Patton West’s then office manager, Rebecca West (no relation to Patton West).  You can review some of Rebecca’s emails here (1, 2 & 3).


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


For further confirmation of how dangerous the working environment was for those employees trapped inside Patton West’s cult, read the ‘Statement of Fact’ that Carlida Finch gave to the authorities.  In Carlida’s statement, she makes two things clear.  Firstly, that she overheard Patton West talking about murdering Dr. Pat Cole MD and secondly, that she, Carlida, was given a choice join Patton West’s cult as a low paid / no paid slave or be fired.  There are scores of statements like this including one statement which employee, John Mark Young, sent to the police on February 28 2007, barely seven weeks after Dr. Julio E Williams MD sent his threatening email to Watson.


(3).  Williams talks about ethics and morals, but it is clear that Dr. Julio E Williams has no ethics or morals. The evidence shows him to be a pathological liar and a willing accomplice in racketeering, attempted murder and is an accomplice in the ongoing campaign of intimidation against Watson and his family.


(4). Williams needs to get his metaphors straightened out.  


(5). Who in their right mind (except members of cults and criminal gangs) allocates $2,000,000 of their personal fortune to pay the legal fees for someone who they know is 100% guilty? Dr. Julio E Williams refers to Watson’s attempt at justice for being defrauded as insanity, even though he knows that Watson is totally justified in issuing legal proceedings against Patton West. 


(6). In a sinister remark, Dr. Julio E Williams states that if Watson wants to wrestle with him in the legal arena, he will do everything to bring Watson down. He goes on to say that Watson’s actions will have consequences and that he, Williams, will personally see that those (consequences?) happen.  But Watson’s legal actions are not against Williams.  Williams has inserted himself into Patton West’s legal problems because that is what she does…put her foot soldiers between her and her enemies.  Witness Tampering is what Williams is doing and it is a felony punishable by up to 20 years in jail.  Depending on the circumstances of the case, witness tampering can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. The following are sample punishments for this crime:-



(7). Williams then states that he will stand for that which is truth not only in the legal proceedings, but also in his daily life and interactions with the rest of humanity.  But it is obvious from the evidence we present here, that Dr. Julio E Williams would not recognize the truth if it hit him between the eyes.  He is a pathological liar.  Williams took part in the massive campaign of defamation and vilification that was orchestrated by Patton West against both John Watson and Dr. Pat Cole MD. Follow this linkto review 15 plus examples of that campaign.


(8). Finally, Williams shows his true colors, no more pretensions about truth or trying to grasp the moral high ground via lies and propaganda.  Watson you f*ck with me and you will meet your match. 


Our objective is to ‘force’ a criminal investigation into Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang and Dr. Julio E Williams’ role in it.  The above evidence is the tip of the iceberg.  This campaign for justice is not just about Watson or Cole, it is about the scores of other victims of organized crime.  This campaign will not cease until Patton West, Williams and Reynolds are indicted for trial.  It is for your boards of directors to decide whether a lengthy leave of absence for Dr. Julio E Williams MD is in order.  In item (6) above, Dr. Williams states that if Watson wants to wrestle with him in the legal arena, he will bring Watson down.  If Williams really believes that then he can assist us in getting the process under way.


5. Worried about the other victims trapped inside Patton West’s cult, Watson goes public and shares his research with the Whitefish Pilot newspaper.


On 12 July 2007, the Whitefish Pilot newspaper published a lengthy article about several of the crimes Patton West was / had committed in the Flathead area of NW Montana.  The lead story was Patton West’s assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Spiritual leader has plans for healing center in Whitefish
Posted: Thursday, Jul 12, 2007 - 02:35:11 pm PDT


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Whitefish Pilot

A self-styled clairvoyant and spiritual healer from Lakeside who claims the Osprey House on Angel Point as a future VIP spa faces criminal charges stemming from an alleged assault on a Whitefish doctor.  Devra Patton West's goal of opening a series of healing spas -- including one in Whitefish -- has been stalled while she fights allegations ranging from black magic to fraud, extortion and breach of contract.

A temporary restraining order against West, who calls herself Surya Ma, was issued by Judge David Ortley last October after Dr. Patricia Cole, of Whitefish, requested protection.  Cole was the director for one of West's ventures, The Sacred Archives Institute.  They worked together for several years. In her statement to the county sheriff's office, Cole claims West abused her verbally and physically. 

"She has told me that she has the 'spiritual' power and authority to 'take me out,' to be composted," Cole wrote in the temporary restraining order statement.  Cole claims West threw a lamp at her and hit her with a briefcase, cell phone and her hand.  "She took off her shoe and hit me on the top of my head, causing my scalp to bleed onto my face, neck and clothes," Cole's statement reads. "She threatened to kill me with a gun to my head, 'blowing my brains out,' and advised me to commit suicide by slitting my wrists, after I'd taken out an insurance policy on myself."

Photos taken after the alleged beating were submitted to the sheriff's office.

To read the rest of this newspaper article and a detailed analysis of the many crimes being committed by Patton West in Montana, please follow this link.


5. Patton West’s intention to murder Watson is revealed by Gang Member Geoffrey Reynolds CPA 

to the Bigfork Eagle newspaper.


On August 9 2007, a second news article about Patton West’s crimes was published by the Bigfork Eagle newspaper.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Trial scheduled in Lakeside assault case
Posted: Thursday, Aug 09, 2007 - 07:32:24 am PDT

for the Bigfork Eagle

A Lakeside woman who claims to communicate with long-dead religious masters will face a jury trial Sept. 18 in Flathead County Justice Court on misdemeanor charges she assaulted a Whitefish doctor.  A temporary restraining order against Devra Patton West, a self-styled guru who calls herself Surya Ma, was issued by Judge David Ortley last October after Dr. Patricia Cole, of Whitefish, requested protection. Cole claims West assaulted her in April 2006 and again in October 2006.

Speaking for West, Geoff Reynolds claims the charges are untrue. He said photos of the first alleged assault were taken on a different date, and the bloody clothing in the photos resulted from Cole falling down a stairs at her Cherry Creek condo in Lakeside, not from an assault. 
Reynolds, who is a financial adviser for West, said he has worked as an accountant in Los Angeles, where he dealt with well-known personalities. He is helping West raise several hundred million dollars to purchase and develop three properties around Flathead Lake for VIP spiritual-healing spas.

The man who took the photos, however, tells a different story about the alleged assault. He came from out-of-state and was sharing the condo with Cole while he attended sessions with West. He said he was meditating when Cole appeared wearing a bloody sweatshirt.  The man said they cleaned some of the blood off Cole's scalp and then took photos so Cole, as a doctor, could see her injuries and decide how to treat the wound. Cole said West hit her on the head with a shoe, the roommate said. 

To read the rest of this newspaper article and a detailed analysis of the many crimes being committed by Patton West in Montana, please follow this link.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


While being interviewed by the Bigfork Eagle newspaper reporter, Geoffrey Reynolds, in what he thought was an ‘off the record’ conversation, stated that Watson would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Patton West was going to do to him, his wife and children.  The reporter Constance See took the threat seriously enough to pass it on to an IRS Criminal Investigator John Nielson, who was looking into Patton West’s finances at the time.  John Nielson passed the threat on to John Watson via email.  Several days after Reynolds uttered that threat, Patton West made a failed attempt on Watson’s life using The Secret Weapon that is the source of her power over others.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



If anyone doubts that this is possible, then check out the videos that can be found on YouTube. For example, I give you Episode 7 of Demon Magicians or start here with Yif.  According to Watson and Patton West’s ex-husband Jack West, Patton West has used this knowledge to commit multiple murders.  Patton West is not alone in using this knowledge for crime and self-gratification, her Brazilian counterpart ‘John of God’ just got arrested for a huge number of crimes.  Go here for details.  


6. After failing to murder Watson, Patton West puts Plan ‘B’ into operation. In 2010, aided and abetted by Williams & Reynolds, she conspires to bankrupt Watson into silence.


The Whitefish Pilot and Bigfork Eagle newspaper articles that were published in 2007, and which focused on Patton West’s criminality in Montana, were followed by another article published in October 2008 by the Ravalli Republic newspaper.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


This article announced the fact that a Montana court had awarded Watson $736,000 after finding Patton West guilty of defrauding him in 2002 .  The judgment can be viewed by going here and the award by going here.  Patton West’s response to this news article was the same response she gave in April 2008, when she was found guilty of assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD – she denied it.  Below is a statement she posted on her website.  This is in addition to the 15 or so defamatory statements posted online about Watson & Cole.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Above: Patton West refers to Watson’s win in court as a ‘technical’ error. She states that there were no business contact between her and John Watson and that his legal dispute was fabricated as part of an extortion scam by Watson against her! Patton West admitted the crime in 2003, and the documentary evidence shows that there was a business relationship!



Dr. Julio E Williams MD & Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, both senior members of Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang, knew for certain that Patton West had defrauded Watson in 2002.  They both knew that Watson was one in a long line of victims of theft, frauds and extortion.  They knew she was guilty of defrauding Watson long before the audio recordings of Patton West admitting the crime in 2003 were posted to Watson’s website in 2006.  However, Williams & Reynolds, being senior members of Patton West’s cult / criminal gang, both agreed to play their parts in a criminal conspiracy orchestrated by Patton West, whose objectives were three fold:-


1. To avenge Watson’s win in court against her.


2. To ‘neutralize’ his win and the financial award from the court, by obtaining a win of her own and an even larger financial award for herself.


3. Most important of all, obtain an injunction against Watson forbidding him from sharing what he knew with the public so she could move to Arizona and reincarnate herself as The Rishi, Divine Mother and the Regent of the Western Hemisphere.


The plan was to use the $2,000,000 that Dr. Julio E Williams MD had pledged to Patton West in January 2007 to launch multiple frivolous (without merit) lawsuits against Watson.  Remember, Dr. Julio E Williams MD, though not a party to the fraud lawsuit Watson had brought against Patton West, the leader of his cult / criminal gang, had promised to do everything in his power to bring Watson down.  He also states that he will ‘personally’ see that Watson’s actions have consequences.  He promises all of this plus $2,000,000 knowing that Patton West was guilty.  Below is an excerpt of Williams’ email sent to Watson in January 2007.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



All three gang members believed that because Watson had just fought an expensive fraud lawsuit against Patton West for over 5 years, he would not have the financial resources to fight another two lawsuits for potentially another 5 years.  Additionally, Watson (and his family) had immigrated abroad in 2005 (for his own safety) so that added to the lawyer’s costs, would-be flights and hotels.  In 2010, Patton West and her accomplices got the chance to put Plan ‘B’ into operation when Watson travelled to court in Montana, to see what the court was going to award him after Patton West’s unsuccessful appeal.  Upon entering the court, Watson was served with two defamation lawsuits both for $5,000,000 each.  One of the lawsuits was issued by Patton West herself, and the other was issued by Geoffrey Reynolds; the person who had announced Watson’s murder in August 2007.  As Rebecca West pointed out in her emails (1, 2 & 3) Reynolds had fallen totally under Patton West’s control since loaning her $300,000 shortly after he started his employment with her in September 2006. 


Geoffrey Reynolds CPA perjures himself / makes false pleadings to the court as part of a $10,000,000 extortion scam.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Above: Reynolds’ part of the conspiracy to ‘silence’ Watson was to submit totally false pleadings to the court, which in reality, were an exact copy of Patton West’s.  If Watson could not defend the case, Patton West gets double the pay out!


As Geoffrey Reynolds’ resume on his own personal website showed in 2007, and still shows to this day, Reynolds could not possibly have been defamed by Watson between 2002 & 2006 because Reynolds did not move to Montana from California until September 2006.  Reynolds’ pleadings to the court were an exact photocopy of Patton West’s pleadings which were for the most part, a pack of lies.  Remember, Patton West’s mantra – the truth does not actually matter if she can convince the public (or the courts) that her lies are their truth.  You can hear Patton West say this in her own voice, by going here.  Watson could not afford to defend both lawsuits in view of the exorbitant cost of flights and the likely cost of lawyer’s fees over another five years.  So, Patton West and her stooge Reynolds, were each granted a default undefended judgment and awarded $5,000,000 each.  A detailed look at Reynolds’ & Williams’ role in Patton West’s conspiracy against Watson & Cole can be viewed by following the link to a previous bulletin entitled ‘Gang Members.’


This is what criminals do, if they cannot intimidate you or murder you, they outspend you in court and ‘buy’ the result they want.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Because of Dr. Julio Williams’ willingness to fund organized crime to the tune of $2,000,000 and Geoffrey Reynolds’ willingness to bear false witness, Patton West obtained her big win in court to avenge Watson’s earlier win against her for fraud.  More importantly, Patton West obtained the injunction she needed to stop Watson from sharing with the public what he knew about Patton West’s criminal history in Montana and New Mexico.  As a result, Patton West moved her criminal racketeering business model to Arizona where she is currently targeting Sedona as The Rishi, The Divine Mother and The Western Regent.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


7. Dr. Julio E Williams MD is still an important member of Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang.


In January 2018, when the internet began to be flooded once more with details of Patton West’s past criminality, Dr. Julio E Williams showed once more that he was very much a part of Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang.  He proved this by posting a lengthy ‘propaganda’ statement about Patton West’s injunction online, on a website he appears to have bought specifically for that purpose. 


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Dr. Julio Williams, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Follow this link to view a detailed analysis of Dr. Julio E Williams’ lies and propaganda.  Remember, according to Patton West and Dr. Williams, the truth does not actually matter if they can convince you that their lies are your truth.  You can hear Patton West say this in her own voice by going here.  This is wire and mail fraud on a gigantic scale.  And which has involved between $30 to $50 million over the past 28 years.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Dr. Julio Williams, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Above: Dr. Julio E Williams MD does not say that Patton West’s request for an injunction against Watson was granted when Watson failed to turn up to defend the lawsuits brought against him.  Williams ‘spins’ the truth by asserting that a judge, in the course of an independent investigation into cyber-crime involving Watson, grants an injunction to Dr. Devra West.


Firstly, Devra West is not a doctor of anything - unless you count the two fake doctorates she told her students that the Christ awarded her in person.  Trust me when I tell you that her doctorates are as unlikely to be genuine as Patton West’s claim that she was single-handedly holding open the gates of time.  Though Dr. Julio E Williams and many of her brainwashed students might be believers!  Secondly, and most importantly, while the injunction forbids Watson from sharing details about Patton West’s criminal past with the public, it does not make that criminal past go away!  Below is a copy of the link to the statement that Dr. Julio E Williams MD posted on the web for Patton West. The ‘headline’ is DR DEVRA WEST “The Rishi” WINS PERMANENT…


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Dr. Julio Williams, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


What it does not obviously say is that several of her victims won PERMANENT VICTORIES IN COURT AGAINST HER.  To view the list of PERMANENT VICTORIES won against her in Montana, go the our web page entitled,’ Legal Wins by Victims Against Patton West AKA “The Rishi.”


In summary, it is clear from the mountain of evidence that Patton West is not a guru, but a vicious criminal masquerading as a guru, because doing so means her lies and propaganda are ‘protected’ by religious freedom laws.  Additionally, the weapon she uses to facilitate crime, intimidate victims and witnesses into remaining silent is not recognized as a weapon under legal statute.  This has allowed Patton West for the past 28 plus years, to get away with a catalogue of serious crimes ranging from theft to murder, aided and abetted by low-life’s like Dr. Julio E Williams MD & Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Dr. Julio Williams, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


This is not just about victims like John Watson and Dr. Pat Cole MD.  Though Watson was the victim of fraud, a murder plot and then a criminal conspiracy to bankrupt him by Patton West and her accomplices.  Last week’s bulletin dealt with the campaign of vicious assaults by Patton West on Dr. Pat Cole MD, the object of which was to extort $1.3 million from her, which Patton West succeeded in doing at a cost of a $500 fine.  One of her employees overheard Patton West planning Cole’s murder.  Both of these crimes involved gang members Williams & Reynolds in the denials, cover ups of both crimes and in Watson’s case, the plot to murder him and when that failed, the planning, funding and execution of a criminal conspiracy to bankrupt him.  The motive being to allow Patton West to move to Arizona and do it all again there!


But this is not just about these two high profile victims.  This is also about scores of victims of mental and physical abuse, theft, fraud, extortion listed on this webpage.  Victims that when questioned about in court on July 12 2007, Patton West denied existed.   And, if Watson, Reynolds and Patton West’s ex-husband Jack West, are to be believed, multiple murders written off as death by ‘natural’ causes.  This was supposed to be Watson’s fate and almost certainly was the fate of ex-student, Lisa Swidler, who tried to escape the cult in 2005 and died shortly afterwards.  This campaign will continue until Patton West, Dr. Julio E Williams and Geoffrey Reynolds are the subject of an investigation under RICO statutes for Racketeering.


Let us give the last words to Dr. Julio E Williams MD, who in 2018 invited cancer patients and others suffering from serious illness to visit his home for a “Sacred Sunday with Rishi.”


Dr. Julio WIlliams,  The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Dr. Julio Williams, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Take the invitation above to attend a “Sacred Sunday with Rishi” at Dr. Julio E Williams’ home.  Now, although Patton West stated in her interview with the Whitefish Pilot newspaper on July 12 2007 that she was teaching physicians and cardiologists how to cure cancer, surely a respectable physician like Dr. Julio E Williams MD would not dream of hosting a venue for a con artist like Patton West to sell her wares?  And if he did, surely he would not encourage sick people to ‘buy’ fake cures from her?  There are laws against that. Right?  Then, it is probably just a coincidence, in addition to claiming in July 2007 that she was training physicians and cardiologists to cure cancer, that in a recent Face Book posting, Patton West claimed to be able to deliver the phenomena of ‘Divine Grace Healings.’  For those who can afford the six figure sums she demands for her miracle cures.


 The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Dr. Julio Williams, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Probably nothing to worry about…


Dr. Julio Williams, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Above, Dr. Julio E Williams statement “My humble salutations to thy lotus feet” says it all.


This campaign against Patton West and her accomplices Dr. Julio E Williams MD & Geoffrey Reynolds CPA will continue until they are the subject of an investigation under RICO statutes.




The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Patton West has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, on fancy websites cultivating the idea that she is a guru / minor deity.  Taking advantage of ‘religious freedom’ laws, Patton West makes the most outrageous claims about herself that have no foundation in reality. And even though the obvious motivation is fraud, she has escaped criminal prosecution up until now.  In Montana, while masquerading as the Ascended Master Surya Ma, she was asked by one of her students (attending her unaccredited school for occult studies) when and how did she acquire her two doctorates.  Patton West declared that the Christ had given them to her


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


In one of the posting made on her website in 2007, she stated that she was single handedly holding open the gates of time.  

After her Victor MT charity was struck off for fraud in January 2004, she declared that she needed to move from Victor MT to Flathead MT because she was moving from the 5th dimension to the 7th dimension and needed to move to a new location where the vibrations were higher.  She further announced that the new location, a hundred miles north of her current location in Victor MT, was to be called Shamballa and that she could only take 12 disciples with her and only those willing to dedicate 66% of their net worth to her.  Patton West goes on to inform those trapped in her cult that she will not tolerate ‘financial withhold’ and that it will be their privilege to seed her financial transition.  She also states that it is their need to do so (finance her) not her need as she will be provided for anyway.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Another example of Patton West’s insanity appeared in 2006. Dr. Pat Cole MD was one of the 12 ‘disciples’ that had agreed to commit 66% of their net worth in exchange for being allowed to accompany Patton West 100 miles north to Shamballa (Flathead MT).  It appears that Dr. Pat Cole MD was slow in emptying her bank account into Patton West’s bank account.  To assist Dr. Cole MD to do the ‘right thing’ Patton West commenced a campaign of violent assaults against her which, in early April 2006, resulted in the police being called and Patton West being charged with assault. 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Another victim of Patton West’s ‘enlightened teachings’ was employee Carlida Finch who was given the choice of either joining her cult as a ‘low paid or no paid slave’ or being fired.  Carlida resigned and made a complaint to the labor board.  The above image contains two excerpts from the ‘Statement of Fact’ that she submitted as part of her complaint.  The three following comments are additional evidence that Patton West is criminally insane:-


1. Note to the right of the red arrow Patton West threatens to take a hammer and break every bone in Pat Cole’s hands.  The following day Carlida notices that Dr. Cole comes to work with bruises on her hands and wrists.


2. Patton West commented to Carlida later that she did not care if she killed Cole because as an enlightened being she has no ego and could just as easily spend the rest of her life in prison as in a $6,000,000 mansion! Of course being insane Patton West does not comprehend that enlightened beings are non-violent!


3. Note next to the yellow arrow.  Carlida then refers to a document written by Patton West who alleges asking the ‘Masters’ about the altercation with Dr. Cole.  More evidence of insanity as Patton West’s claims to channel messages from long dead Ascended Masters.  In reality Patton West uses this subterfuge to justify her actions after the event.  And it comes as no surprise that the message she ‘received’ was self-serving even to the point of justifying her assault on Cole by asserting the victim was a Nazi in the WWII death camps – in another lifetime!  No mention of $1.3 million Patton West extorted from Cole the objective of the campaign of violence.  You can review Patton West’s message from the voices in her head by going here.


4. Note next to the green arrow. Though Patton West is a pathological liar, a thief, a con artist and we suspect a serial killer she believes everyone else operates from the lesser mind.  She also believes that her employees have no value.  When in court on July 12 2007 Patton West was asked about the many statements posted on the whistleblower’s website.  Statements from ex-employees that allege they were mentally and physically abused and in some cases victims of theft and extortion.  Patton West’s response was to say that the employees mentioned were ‘fabricated and fictitious.’  From a pathological liar who believes that her employees have no value this was to be expected I suppose.


Proof that Patton West’s employees were of no ‘value’ to her unless they agreed to submit to her ‘will’ and become members of her cult came in an email that her office manager sent Watson in March 2007.  Rebecca West, no relation to Patton West, stated the following:-


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Rebecca West <>
To: John Watson <>
Sent: Wednesday, 7 March, 2007 3:02:50 PM
Subject: RE: Help me w/ Devra Patton West

Dear John,

After more than 30 employees coming and going, (16 just since I started May 1, 2006, not counting myself, current employees or contract labor), there are currently three employees remaining.  Two of the three are very much in her control due to fear and/or ignorance and have proven to me, I cannot trust them. I have been trying to get the monies she owes me before I end my contact with her, specifically a missing paycheck, overtime, overdraft charges and (wishful thinking) the bonus she promised me for the hundreds of hours of overtime I incurred


The above mentioned 30 employees are the employees that Patton West, when questioned in court on July 12 2007, would refer to as ‘fabricated and fictitious.’  You can read the statements referred to above from 30 or so ex-employees and ex-students by going here and scrolling down the webpage.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Like so many other victims before and since, John Watson was defrauded by Patton West in 2002.  Watson  responded by suing Patton West for fraud a lawsuit he won in 2008.  In 2006, Watson launched his own website to counter the lies, propaganda and the many defamatory statements posted by Patton West and members of her cult on her website.  After receiving a series of harrowing emails, via his website, from Patton West’s office manager, Rebecca West (1, 2 & 3), no relation to Patton West, and a copy of a letter John Mark Young sent to the police, Watson decided to share what he had with two local newspapers. On 12 July 2007, the Whitefish Pilot newspaper published a detailed story about the crimes being committed by Patton West in Montana, leading with the assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD.  This was followed on August 9 2007, by a similar story published in the Bigfork Eagle newspaper. 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Above: Patton West’s response to multiple newspaper articles announcing the court’s decision to find her guilty of assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD and defrauding John Watson, was to deny both crimes from her website.  However, her criminal racketeering business model was finished in Montana, but before she could move to Arizona, she needed to force down Watson’s website. 



The following year in 2008, the Ravalli Republic newspaper published a story about Watson winning his fraud lawsuit against Patton West.  Patton West’s response being found guilty of assaulting Cole and defrauding Watson was to issue two statements on her website denying both crimes. Go here and here to view her denials.


The Conspiracy by Patton West, Williams & Reynolds to Murder Watson.


In 2008 and onwards, Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model was dead in the water in Montana and, as long as Watson’s website remained up, it was dead in the USA period.  People tend not to walk into a trap if they know it is there.  Losing millions of dollars a year in ‘donations’ (based on her lies) and from theft, fraud and extortion Patton West tried to do what any self-respecting leader of a criminal racketeering gang would do which was to solve the problem by murder.  The secret of Patton West’s power over others is her use of occult (hidden) knowledge as a weapon. Go to our webpage entitled ‘The Secret Weapon’ for more information.  


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Patton West recruited two senior members of her cult in her vendetta against Watson; namely Dr. Julio E Williams MD and Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.  Both were total strangers to Watson, but both willingly agreed to be complicit in the plot to intimidate Watson and when that failed, murder Watson and when that failed, conspire to bankrupt Watson. 


Dr. Julio E Williams MD.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



The first image above features two statements currently posted on Essentia Health’s website  The statement on the left (above) indicates the kind of ‘services’ that Dr. Julio E Williams MD provides to their Essentia Health 32nd Avenue Clinic (Fargo) at 3000 32nd Ave S FargoND 58103.  The ‘Essentia Health Welcomes Dr. Julio Williams’ statement on the right (above) was posted on September 13 2018 shortly after Dr. Julio E Williams MD commenced his employment there.  This is Williams’ ‘day job.’  In January 2007, when it looked like Watson was going to win his fraud lawsuit against her, Patton West persuaded senior cult / gang member Dr. Julio E Williams MD to send a threatening email to Watson in an obvious attempt to intimidate Watson into withdrawing his lawsuit.  You can read the full length version of Williams’ threatening email to Watson by going here.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Geoffrey Reynolds CPA


Geoffrey Reynolds was a senior member of Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang between 2006 & 2014.  Whether a willing accomplice or because he was blackmailed after being duped into loaning Patton West $300,000 is unclear. However, Reynolds took to crime like a duck to water.  Money laundering, complicity to commit murder, criminal conspiracy all in a day’s work for Geoffrey Reynolds CPA who is currently making his talents available to McSwain & Co. and Olympia firm of accountants. 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


This link will take you to a blank page for Geoffrey Reynolds at McSwain & Co.  It appears that after removing his photo (above right) they went ahead and removed what was left of his ‘sanitized’ resume.  According to the link below, Reynolds was allegedly involved in stealing ‘Stealing Industrial Injuries Benefits’ this is small fry for Reynolds who in 2006, fraudulently applied for $30,000,000 in government grants.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


On August 9 2007, while being interviewed by the Bigfork Eagle newspaper, Geoffrey Reynolds CPA announced in what he thought was an ‘off the record conversation,’ that Watson would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Patton West was going to do to him and his family.  According to Reynolds, these attacks were intended to provoke Watson into reacting in a way that would send him to jail.  Remember, Patton West was chased out of New Mexico in 1995 by a gun wielding victim who realised that the police would not be able to help him as the ‘weapon’ Patton West uses is not regarded as a weapon under legal statute.  A fact that the murdering psychopath has relied upon for 28 plus years.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


The Conspiracy by Patton West Williams & Reynolds to Bankrupt Watson.


After the August 2007 murder plot failed and the campaign of intimidation failed to provoke Watson into reacting in a way that would send him to jail, Patton West and her two stooges, Williams & Reynolds, waited until 2010 to put ‘Plan B’ into effect.  As he promised in January 2007, Williams put up $2,000,000 of his own money to fund multiple frivolous civil lawsuits against Watson, whose objective was to bankrupt Watson into silence.  Reynolds’ contribution was to make totally false statements to a Montana court as part of a $10,000,000 extortion scam orchestrated by Patton West.  In Reynolds’ pleadings to the court, he maintained that he was ‘defamed’ by Watson between 2002 & 2006 and yet, as the resume on Reynolds’ own website shows, he did not join Patton West’s ‘employ’ until September 2006.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Williams’ and Reynolds’ involvement in Patton West’s conspiracy to murder Watson and, when that failed, bankrupt him into silence is spelt out in detail in a previous bulletin entitled ‘Gang Members.’   The obvious motive, apart from Patton West’s desperate need to be worshipped, is the millions of dollars a year she normally gets from organized crime.   


In 2010, when Watson attended court to see how much he was going to get for winning his fraud lawsuit against Patton West, she and her accomplices successfully executed ‘Plan B.’  

Having moved abroad in 2005, Watson could not afford to travel to the US to defend the two frivolous lawsuits that Patton West & Reynolds had launched against Watson.  As a result, Patton West and Reynolds were granted default judgments (based on Watson’s no show) and each were awarded $5,000,000.  If confirmation were needed that this was a criminal conspiracy, Reynolds signed over his $5,000,000 award to Patton West.  More importantly, Patton West got her injunction forcing down Watson’s website; the only source of the truth about Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gangs activities going back to 1991.


This is what criminals do, if they cannot intimidate you into silence or murder you, they ‘buy’ the law they need to silence you.  This is what Patton West did using Williams’ money and Reynolds’ lies!


In March 2003, after Watson announced he was going to sue Patton West for defrauding him, she demanded a private meeting with him at which she made the following statements:-


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


1. Patton West agrees she has defrauded John Watson but does not see herself paying him!

2.The truth actually does not matter to Patton West [if she can convince the public that her lies are their truth].

3.  West admits to disposing of people like used Kleenex.

4.  West accuses Watson of ‘f*cking over a Spiritual Teacher’ because he is suing her for a crime she just admitted.

5.  West says that if Watson sues her she’ll get so f*cking down and dirty huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers because Williams will pay her legal fees.

6West says she feels stabbed in the back and f*cked up the arse by Watson’s insistence that she pay him the $50,000 she owes him.


In item (1.) above, Patton West admits defrauding Watson but does not see herself writing out a check for what she owes him.  If one needs any more evidence that Patton West is a con artist and a criminal, then item (5.above should be conclusive proof.  In that excerpt, Patton West states that if Watson sues her for the crime she has just admitted to, she will get so f*cking down and dirty, huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers because the wealthy members of her cult (Dr. Julio E Williams MD) will pay her legal fees. 


The important thing to remember here is that Patton West admitted defrauding Watson, has no intention of paying him and if Watson seeks justice she’ll tie him up in endless litigation with others paying her legal costs.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,




Dr. Julio E Williams MD a total stranger to Watson, but disciple and student of Patton West’s, issues a threat in January 2007, telling Watson that he would be tied up in litigation that he was going to fund to the tune of $2,000,000, and that is exactly what happened.

Geoffrey Reynolds CPA  a total stranger to Watson, announces Watson’s murder to the press on August 9 2007.  Within days, just as Reynolds predicted, Patton West makes a failed attempt on Watson’s life.  A campaign of intimidation is launched against Watson and his family, just as Reynolds predicted.  In 2010 Reynolds, a total stranger to Watson with their periods of ‘employment’ separated by more than four years, claims he has been defamed by Watson since 2002, even though he did not commence his employment with Patton West until September 2006.


If this is not a criminal conspiracy orchestrated by Patton West using two of her cult / gang members to silence Watson by intimidation, murder and bankruptcy, I do not know what is!


As a result of the successful ‘take down’ of Watson, Patton West got to move to a third western state where she reincarnated herself as ‘The Rishi’ complete with a new fake life story / bio and a plethora of testimonials mainly from Dr. Julio E Williams MD!  Meet the new and improved occult thief / suspected serial killer in her latest disguise…..


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


As it is said, the ‘victor’ gets to write history. After the material that Watson accumulated about Patton West between 2002 & 2009 started to appear on the internet again, she tasked Dr. Julio E Williams MD with the task of discrediting the truth and countering it with more lies and propaganda.  In response, Williams authored a propaganda piece designed to portray Patton West as the victim of Watson’s lies, while portraying Watson as a criminal.  He attempted to do this by portraying the injunction, he effectively ‘bought’ for her by outspending Watson in court, as the result of an independent investigation by a judge into cyber-crime.  As anyone knows with half a brain, judges do not investigate, they adjudicate.


If you’re on the internet now and search for Rishi Devra injunction on Google you’ll end up seeing a posting like this one:-


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Above we see that Patton West has used the phrase DR DEVRA WEST “The Rishi” WINS PERMANENT… [INJUNCTION].  Below are a few examples of ‘PERMANENT WINS’ by some of “Her victims.”  For an honest analysis of Patton West’s injunction and how she acquired it go here.


We do not dispute that Patton West was able to ‘buy’ an injunction with the $2,000,000 that senior cult member Dr. Julio Williams MD gave her.   We do not dispute that the injunction forbids Watson from sharing details of Patton West’s criminal past with the public.  However, the presence of the injunction does not change the details of Patton West’s criminal past or make that criminal past go away.  It is just hidden from public view, so that it does not contradict her lies and propaganda.  Lies and propaganda that nets her millions of dollars a year from fraud and extortion


What follows, is a fraction of the information that Patton West and her accomplices Williams & Reynolds tried to keep off the internet.  Motive?  The truth would destroy the ‘Divine Mother’ bullshit that forms the basis of her criminal racketeering business model.  No divine mother equals no donations, no private sessions, no adoration and worship of her by the sheeple (confused spiritual seekers that believe they need a teacher).


Follow the links for the supporting documents.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,




The Ravalli Republic newspaper gives details of the permanent judgement given by a Montana court against Patton West after it was found she had defrauded Watson.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,




The Whitefish Pilot newspaper article of 24 April 2008 gives details of Patton West’s conviction for assault.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,




Patton West’s charity, ‘The Circle of Divine Unity’ struck off for fraud.  Letter from former board member AJ White gives details.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,




Follow this link to read about how Patton West defrauded and stole several million dollars’ worth of assets from her charity.  Putting the main asset a property worth $1,250,000 in 2004 into a trust for herself and hiding $4,000,000 worth of artwork and valuables in a lock up for ten years until after the statute of limitations on theft had expired.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,




According to comments made by Larry Brazda to the Whitefish Pilot newspaper Patton West got behind on her payments and was evicted and sued for fraud.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,




Supreme Court of Montana refuses to set aside a judgment against Patton West who ignored the complaint while it was going through a lower court.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,




After writing a bad check for several million dollars to a realtor and arrest warrant is issued for Patton West with bail set at $5,000.  See Whitefish Pilot newspaper for details.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,




Bail set at $20,000


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,




This court action by Wells Fargo brings to an end yet another corporate container used by Patton West for fraud this in addition to several used in Montana the Bigfork Eagle newspaper has details.


In closing…


Patton West is not, nor never was, a guru.  Before she acquired occult knowledge between 1990 & 1991, she was a pot grower, drug dealer, thief, con artist and bankrupt.  Since 1991, she has used her occult knowledge to leverage her criminal tendencies.  Below is an image which depicts her sudden rise from con artist to her current self-declared status as ‘The Mother of Ten Thousands Suns’ and ‘Divine Mother’ and ‘Regent of the Western Hemisphere.’


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


The above is a fraction of the information that Patton West, conspiring with Dr. Julio E Williams MD and Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, tried to murder Watson to hide from the public.  Patton West is clearly criminally insane, but Williams and Reynolds are not.  We hope that they will get at least ten years each in jail for their role in Patton West’s conspiracy – long enough to reflect on the wisdom of their actions.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


This campaign for justice will continue until Patton West, Williams and Reynolds, are indicated for their crimes preferably under RICO statutes.  In the short term, we will keep warning the spiritual community in Sedona of the very great dangers of associating with Patton West.  Which the evidence shows to be a narcissist occult thief and suspected aerial killer.



‘The Rishi’ AKA Con Artist & Violent Convicted Criminal Devra Patton West.  A ‘Devil’ Marketing Herself to the Public as a ‘Divine Being.’ 

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


What we are going to share with you here will not appear in her life story / bio or anywhere else on her current website.  Her website and its contents are a total fantasy, a huge lie and part of the propaganda designed to suck in spiritual seekers who after being brainwashed and conditioned, are used like ‘batteries.’  Batteries that finance her luxurious lifestyle and batteries that fuel her ego and rampant narcissism.  Though the obvious motive is fraud, (born out by decades of evidence) apparently those who masquerade as quasi-religious figures appear to be immune from prosecution - however serious the crimes. 


Below is an overview of her career as the leader of a cult / criminal racketeering gang that has operated in three western states since 1991.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Pre 1990.  Evidence prior to 1990, comes from two victims who responded to the whistleblower’s website which was up between 2006 & 2010.  The first statement came from Jeremy Samuelson, whose business partner was Jack West, Patton West’s then husband.  Jeremy was defrauded out of $10,000 by Patton West, who Jeremy described as totally dominating Jack West to the point of ‘running him.’  The second statement comes from Satya, who attended the ‘The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery’ with Patton West between 1990 & 1991.  Satya was defrauded out of $6,000 by Patton West, who she described in her statement as a manipulative, delusional psycho/socio path.  So even before declaring herself as an Ascended Master, there is a pattern of manipulation and fraud.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


1991 to 1995.  Little is known about this period. What we do know is that after finishing a lengthy course at ‘The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery’ (itself a cult) between 1990 & 1991, Patton West declared herself to be an Ascended Master.  She then proceeded to form a personality cult around herself, part of which was to brainwash and condition recruits into ‘submitting’ to her will.  The processes she uses to achieve total submission from her slaves could have been taken directly from the CIA interrogation handbook.  Essentially, it meant mentally and physically abusing those in her cult until their personalities broke down and they became totally submissive to her.  This process is described in a statement by Debra Coffey, a member of the cult who was both on the receiving end of this treatment and who took part in delivery the abuse to others.  A document sent to the police in Flathead Montana, refer to dozens of statements by ex-employees alleging abuse by Patton West, dating back to her time New Mexico.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


1995 to 2010.  This period exactly mirrored what happened between 1991 & 1995. All that changed was the number of victims and the scale and frequency of the crimes.  Go here to review the statements of approximately 30 ex-employees and ex-students who were mentally and physically abused, and in some cases robbed, defrauded and were the victims of extortion.  Go here to review what happened to two of the best documented victims, Dr. Pat Cole MD and John Watson.  Both were ‘business’ partners of Patton West’s, with Cole being the subject of a series of vicious assaults and extortion.  Patton West was overheard talking about Cole’s murder.  Watson was a business consultant who was defrauded by Patton West. 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



After Watson sued Patton West for fraud in 2003 and went public in 2006 by putting up a website about her criminality in Montana, he became the subject of a murder plot by Patton West which her accomplice, Geoffrey Reynolds, announced to a local newspaper on August 9 2007, just days before she made a failed attempt on Watson’s life.  When Patton West could not intimidate or murder Watson, she conspired with senior cult members Dr. Julio E Williams and Geoffrey Reynolds to bankrupt Watson into silence.  A detailed blow by blow analysis and timeline of Williams’ & Reynolds’ involvement in racketeering, attempted murder and criminal conspiracy can be reviewed by going here.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Go here to review Patton West’s court record in Montana.  During this time she attended court as the defendant, on no less than nine occasions and was found guilty in all of them!  Included in these numbers are two arrest warrants, one for criminal check fraud, and one for felony theft, and a conviction for assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD.  There is also the matter of her having to sell her assets publicly at a Sheriff’s Sale, to force her to pay past victims of crime $2,000,000 in court fines and interest.  After all the bad publicity that arose from her frequent visits to court and the publication of three newspaper articles by the Whitefish Pilot, Bigfork Eagle and Ravalli Republic newspapers, her cult / criminal racketeering business model was dead in the water in Montana.  However, before she could reincarnate in Arizona with a new name and another fake life story / bio, she needed to silence John Watson and force his websites down.  After all, who in Arizona would believe all the bullshit, lies and propaganda on her current website if they had access to the TRUTH?  The answer very few.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


We have dealt with the attempt by Patton West to silence John Watson for good by murdering him elsewhere.  After the conspiracy to murder Watson failed, Patton West had to wait until 2010 to put Plan ‘B’ into effect.  Plan ‘B’ was a criminal conspiracy to bankrupt Watson into silence and involved senior cult members Dr. Julio E Williams MD and Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.  In January 2007, in a failed attempt to intimidate Watson into dropping his fraud lawsuit against Patton West, Dr. Julio Williams sent an expletive laden threatening email to Watson.   For a break down and analysis of Williams’ email go to this webpage and scroll down.  In that email, Williams promised to give Patton West $2,000,000 to fund multiple frivolous lawsuits against Watson, the objective being to outspend Watson in court, get judgment against him and force down his websites. 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


In 2010, when Watson flew to the US to see what the court was going to award him for winning his lawsuit against West for defrauding him Patton West and her stooge Geoffrey Reynolds, served Watson with multiple defamation lawsuits – for telling the truth!  For more on Geoffrey Reynolds’ role in Patton West’s conspiracy against Watson, go here and here.  For more on Julio Williams’ role go here and here and here. Long story short, Patton West, using Williams $2,000,000 and Reynolds false pleadings to the court got a $10,000,000 default undefended judgment against Watson (for telling the truth) and the injunction she desperately needed to force down his websites.  In so doing, all mention of her past criminality in New Mexico and Montana was removed from the internet.


Whatever name she is using and whatever version of her fake life story / bio she is using, it must be obvious to all that Patton West is not a guru but a vicious, cruel criminal and quite possibly a serial killer.


2010 to Present Day.  Enter the latest iteration of Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering business model.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



Patton West has now been operating in Arizona for nearly ten years and as of late, she has been targeting Sedona & Scottsdale.  We know that a leopard cannot change its spots and that being the case, there may be many more victims of organized crime at Patton West’s hands that we do not yet know about.  If you are a victim, or know someone else who is a victim, of theft, fraud, extortion or mental and physical abuse at the hands of ‘Divine Mother’ then please email us about your experiences.  Send your email to Richard Squires at, we will not publish your email without your permission.


Below are three examples of crimes committed by Patton West against victims in Montana. 


1. Below Susannah Felder – Employee.  Notarized witness statement from charity board member, AJ White.  This was the same charity, The Circle of Divine Unity, that was struck off by the Montana Secretary of State after it was revealed Patton West was stealing cash donations from the public.  AJ White refers to one donation of $80,000 that Patton West stole to pay her son’s legal fees.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



2. Below Dr. Patricia Cole MD -  Student and Business Partner to Patton West.  After Patton West’s charity was struck off for fraud she had to move her Victor MT ashram and her cult elsewhere.  Not one to miss an opportunity, Patton West told her students / disciples that she could only take 12 disciples with her to Shamballa (Flathead MT) and only those willing to commit 66% of their net worth to her good causes (always herself).  Dr. Pat Cole was a bit slow in handing over her 66%, so Patton West decided to beat it out of her.  In early April 2006, after a particularly vicious assault on Cole, the police were called and Patton West was charged with assault and convicted of assault in April 2008.  Days after the assault, on April 17 2006, Patton West wrote to her entire mailing list in a missive entitled ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification,’ in which she sought to justify the assault on Cole by asserting that Cole was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime.   Patton West went on to say that because of Cole’s alleged role in the death camps, the beating she administered to Cole was long overdue and that, though administered with severity, was none the less delivered with grace.  Have I said that Patton West is criminally insane?


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


3. Beatrice McGuire Student.  Beatrice was attending a seminar in Montreal with scores of others students when she challenged Patton West on an obvious lie.  Patton West responded physically attacking Beatrice, which resulted in part of Beatrice’s ear being ripped away.  Witness Debra Coffey describes what happened in a statement she gave to the whistleblower John Watson.  Shortly after the attack, Beatrice had a lawyer write to Patton West, and the other board members of the charity, insisting that Patton West pay for her medical expenses.  Patton West wrote to Beatrice agreeing to pay for the cost for her to have plastic surgery. However in her letter to Beatrice, Patton West said that her recollection of the events differed from Beatrice’s version of events.  In other words, in spite of attacking Beatrice in front of 30 or 40 witnesses, Patton West appeared to be distancing herself from the assault.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


About a year after the assault on Beatrice McGuire occurred, John Watson announced that he was going to sue Patton West for fraud.  In March 2003, Patton West insisted on having a private meeting with John Watson at his home, which he recorded using a hidden digital tape recorder.  You can listen to the entire exchange by going here.  During the meeting, Patton West admitted defrauding Watson but did not see herself writing out a check for what she owed him. She went on to threaten him as to what would happen if he went ahead with his lawsuit.  During the conversation, Watson brought up the assault on Beatrice McGuire to which Patton West went into a tirade and insisted that she had not assaulted Beatrice McGuire, and by the way, Beatrice McGuire was mentally ill


Again, Patton West had forty witnesses who saw her attack Beatrice McGuire.  Patton West paid for her medical expenses.  And yet a year later, Patton West is denying the assault and accusing Beatrice McGuire of being mentally ill!  In the same conversation Patton West admitted defrauding John Watson but did not see herself paying him what she owed him!  She goes on to say that her agreements are worthless and that she disposes of people like Kleenex.  Now you can see why Patton West, conspiring with Julio Williams and Geoffrey Reynolds, tried to murder John Watson so that no one Arizona could access this information. 


Now you can see why Patton West, conspiring with Julio Williams and Geoffrey Reynolds, tried to murder John Watson so that no one Arizona could access information like this…


The Fake Bio - The Secret Weapon - The LiesThe Crimes - The Narcissist - Evidence of Insanity

Fake Miracle Cures - Fake Career Opportunities - Fake TestimonialsRacketeering in 1,000 Images


Now let’s look at the part that cult / gang members Williams & Reynolds played in the attempted murder of Watson, and when that failed, the conspiracy to bankrupt him into silence.


4. Dr. Julio E Williams MD.  Williams had in 2005, at Patton West’s instructions, defamed Watson in an attempt to discredit him and his lawsuit.  By sending Watson a threatening expletive laden email, Williams had committed a felony called ‘witness tampering.’  When Watson refused to stop his lawsuit, Williams waited to see if Patton West could silence Watson by murdering him and when that failed, he funded a criminal conspiracy to bankrupt Watson into silence.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


5. Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.  Reynolds joined Patton West’s ‘employ’ in September 2006.  Like Watson and many before and since, he thought he was joining a proper corporation as opposed to a cult / criminal racketeering gang.  After being duped into loaning Patton West $300,000, did it dawn on Reynolds that he was not working for a proper corporation.  As a result of being $300,000 down, Reynolds fell totally under Patton West’s control as is made obvious by this series of emails from Patton West’s then office manager, Rebecca West, (no relation to Patton West).  You can review some of Rebecca’s emails here (12 & 3).  Reynolds took to organized crime like a duck to water, agreeing to money launder some $436,000 that Patton West had extorted from Dr. Pat Cole through West’s business as ‘normal’ business receipts.  He did this even though his predecessor had resigned rather than be forced to ‘manufacture’ false invoices.  He also announced Watson’s impending murder to the press days before Patton West made her failed attempt on Watson’s life.  Reynolds then waited 3 years and ‘fronted’ the criminal conspiracy to bankrupt Watson.  Reynolds pleadings to the court were totally false.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


6. Jack West.  Jack West has been an important part of Patton West’s criminal life, as is made clear by Jack West’s ex-business partner, Jeremy Samuelson.  After Patton West acquired occult (hidden) knowledge and elevated herself to the godhead, Jack West continued to be fully engaged and a willing accomplice to his wife.  Jack West’s role was to recruit potential victims from his mediation group and to provide false witness for his wife, as and when needed.  For instance, after Patton West viciously assaulted Susannah Felder (see above) Jack West acted to cover up the matter by asserting it was the victim’s fault she had been assaulted and partially scalped. 


AJ White’s statement goes into detail.  After details of Patton West’s vicious assault on Dr. Pat Cole, and her defrauding of John Watson went public in July 2007, Jack West posted a statement on his wife’s website which included the following phrase. “She remains as utterly free of wrongdoing and as ethically virtuous as any human being can be.”


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


7. The Murder of Lisa Swidler.  Patton West uses murder or the threat of murder as a weapon.  Just as Jack West stated, “Those who oppose my wife have a habit of dying suddenly.”  We know that Patton West attempted to murder the whistleblower; unfortunately for Patton West, he survived the failed attempt and has lived to tell the tale.  We know Reynolds announced Watson’s murder days before Patton West tried to kill Watson.  Why was Reynolds so confident that Patton West would get away with the murder?  For all we know, Reynolds was told that Patton West had murdered Lisa Swidler in 2005 and gotten away with it.  Why was Reynolds so sure that there would be no consequences to him for announcing the murder ahead of time?  Well we suspect that Reynolds had received the same briefing that Watson got in 2002, which was that Patton West had murdered several people and got away with those murders because they were ruled by the authorities as death by ‘natural causes.’  Why?  Because the authorities can only prosecute murders that are committed by a recognized weapon i.e. a bomb, a gun, a knife, poison or a blunt instrument. 


The weapon Patton West uses to murder those who oppose her is not regarded as a weapon under legal statute, therefore she cannot be prosecuted no matter how many murders she commits.  Or can she?


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Patton West sits at the head of a dangerous cult / criminal racketeering gang and we believe she is responsible for multiple murders.  Clearly, gang members Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, Dr. Julio E Williams MD know all about this and along with ex-husband, Jack West, they seem perfectly aligning themselves with a suspected serial killer.


Over the past 28 years, we estimate that Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering business model has netted her some $30 to $50 millions of dollars.  Some has been raised from the public or members of her cult as cash donations.  If one compares her actual track record over the past 30 years or more, it is obvious that her bio / life story is totally false, as are the two doctorates she touts, as are many of the testimonials.  Donations are being acquired from the public based on lies and propaganda. At the very least this is mail and wire fraud. 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


The fake bio, the lies and the fake testimonials are the ‘shop window’ to a giant fraud scam whose objective is to separate victims from their bank balances.  This is a multi-level fraud / extortion scam.  In addition to receiving cash donations from the public, predicated on her totally false persona, for ‘good causes’ that will never receive those funds, Patton West uses two other tried and tested strategies:-


1. She advertises non-existent ‘career opportunities’ which involves recruiting employees from all over the US to nonexistent jobs.  She then mentally and physically abuses new recruits in an attempt to brainwash and condition them into submitting to her will and joining her cult as low paid or no paid slaves.  Those that refuse are summarily dismissed before 90 days, after which she would have to pay employment insurance.


2. She invites wealthy members of the public to attend ‘Private Sessions’ etc. like the ones advertised below.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Those attendees who are identified as wealthy, are targeted in one of three ways.  Either they are made ill by Patton West’s use of occult knowledge and then forced to pay for a cure.  Or Patton West convinces the targeted individual that they were sisters in a past life and that the targeted individual did Patton West wrong in a past life and now it is time to pay in this lifetime.  The targeted individual either pays or starts to get ill.  Patton West has already, ahead of time, filled their heads with the idea that the Ascended Masters are watching and if they do not pay, the target will be made ill (by the Ascended Masters). The target quickly becomes believer and pays up.  If you think this is too far-fetched, then read a copy of ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification.’  Which was Patton West’s appeal to the Ascended Masters for an opinion on her vicious assault of Dr. Pat Cole MD.  Patton West may be criminally insane, but she is not stupid.  The vicious assault on Dr. Pat Cole MD, a wealthy heiress, occurred while Patton West was extorting $1.3 million from Cole.  According to Patton West’s Ascended Masters, her assault on Cole was sanctioned because they alleged Cole was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime!


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


The third route is Patton West offering miracle cures to the public fully supported by Dr. Julio E Williams MD who is a 20 year member of her cult.  Patton West made it clear in an interview she gave the Whitefish Pilot newspaper in July 2007, that she was training cardiologists to cure cancer.  Have Williams’ medical regulators approved this?  I seriously doubt it.  So why has Dr. Julio E Williams MD made his home available for Patton West to use as a venue to con sick and terminally ill patients in to buying her fake cures?


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


In spite of all the crimes in Montana & New Mexico before that, many of which we have featured here, Patton West insists that she is the ‘Regent of the Great Masters’ and that she is able to dispense the phenomena of ‘Divine Grace Healing.’  See below.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



And clearly Dr. Julio E Williams, a 20 year member of her cult, believes her. Why else would he:-


1. Send an expletive laden threatening email to John Watson, the plaintiff, in a fraud lawsuits against her.


2. Give her $2,000,000 of his own money so she could mount multiple lawsuits against John Watson after he had won his fraud lawsuit against her.


3. Receive 400 plus emails from Watson alleging an ongoing campaign of intimidation by Patton West against him and his family and fail to pass them on to the police.


4. Continue to provide her with a series of ‘testimonials designed to use his perceived respectability as a physician to suck in more victims of fraud and extortion.


Testimonials like these…


Dr. Julio E Williams, Essentia Health, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


And this…


Dr. Julio E Williams, Essentia Health, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


And this…

Dr. Julio E Williams, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



And this..

Dr. Julio E Williams, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Is Dr. Julio E Williams MD mentally ill or a willing accomplice in organized crime, racketeering and murder?  These are questions for a judge and jury to decide.


Dr. Julio E Williams, The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Who knows? After an extensive review of the evidence, a judge and jury might decide that Dr. Julio E Williams MD is not mentally ill, is not a willing accomplice in organized crime, and that Devra Patton West really has been preparing to lead humanity for thousands of years.  They may also decide that all the lies, the crimes, the victims of mental and physical abuse, the multiple arrest warrants, the conviction for assault and the suspicious deaths are just all one big misunderstanding.


Our role is to get Patton West and her accomplices, Dr. Julio E Williams MD and Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, into a criminal court so that a judge and jury can review the evidence.  God knows there is enough of it.


Subject: Why is it that self-appointed deity Patton West AKA ‘The Rishi’ is not serving life to 100 years for racketeering and multiple murders?


Why is it that self-appointed deity Patton West AKA ‘The Rishi’ is not serving life to 100 years for racketeering and multiple murders?

We explain why the FBI and law enforcement have not (so far) investigated or arrested Patton West and her accomplices, Julio Williams, Geoffrey Reynolds and Jack West.  After Patton West committed several suspected murders (according to her ex-husband), countless acts of theft, fraud, extortion and mentally and physically abused scores of victims, why after nearly three decades is Patton West not in jail or on death row?


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


It all comes down to serious flaws in the criminal justice system, which Patton West has exploited for 28 plus years.  She and her accomplices continue to exploit these gaps in the criminal justice system, in the belief that she and they are totally beyond the reach of the law.  The following explanation will explain to the FBI, law enforcement and others how it is that Patton West has, for nearly three decades, avoided a criminal trial for racketeering and murder.  It will also shine a spotlight on how Patton West has accumulated tens of millions of dollars, either via theft, fraud or extortion or through the low paid or no paid labor of those recruited into her cult since she declared herself to be an Ascended Master in 1991.


Paying homage to the very popular board game Cluedo, we are going to explain why Patton West has not been jailed for 28 plus years of racketeering that includes multiple murders, multiple violent assaults and scores of financial crimes.  In Cluedo, the winner of the game is the person who correctly identifies the victim, the murderer, the room in which the murder took place and the weapon the murderer used to kill the victim.  So to start with let us line up three of the variables.  The Perpetrator(s) of the Crimes.  The Location of the Crimes. The Weapon Used.


The Perpetrator of the Crimes & Her Accomplices.

Dr. Julio E Williams, Geoffrey Reynolds CPA,The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


The Location Where the Crimes Were Committed


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


The ‘Weapon’ used by Patton West to Facilitate Crime and, where Victims go to the Police or Law Courts for Restitution, used to Subvert Court Cases by Intimidating Victims & Witnesses.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


FBI TAKE NOTE.  Just because the occult is not recognized as something real by 95% of civilized society, does not mean it does not exist.  Just because the occult is not recognized by legal statute as a weapon, does not mean that it is not being used as a weapon by psychopaths and parasites like Patton West and John of God; the latter having just been given 19 years in jail for multiple rapes.  Just FYI, Sabrina Bittencourt, the investigative reporter who blew the story that ended up in ‘John of God’ being jailed allegedly committed suicide.  However, we suspect she was driven to doing so after becoming the target of a sustained campaign of occult attacks by ‘John of God.’  The same playbook has been used by Patton West against many of her victims to subvert court cases or police investigations. She also used this weapon against two of her ex daughter-in-laws who were fighting for custody of their infant daughters against Patton West’s son.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


We have a section on Patton West’s Secret Weapon on our two websites.  Clearly, her victims believe this weapon exists and that it is the source of Patton West’s power over them and the members of her cult.  Victims like her office manager, Rebecca West, (no relation to Patton West) who in a harrowing email entitled Help Me’ asked the whistleblower for help with Patton West’s ‘shamanic witchcraft.’  Clearly Jamie Haywood, Patton West’s ex-daughter-in-law was a believer, as she made clear in her email to the whistleblower and during her testimony in court.  The whistleblower, John Watson, is also a believer as he told the Whitefish Pilot news reporter in July 2007 who mentioned it in her news report.  Clearly, Patton West’s ex-husband, Jack West, is a believer as he told the whistleblower in 2002 that those who oppose his wife had a habit of dying suddenly.  Clearly accomplices Reynolds & Williams believe it to be true as Reynolds announced Watson’s impending murder to the same reporter, and Williams has been a disciple and a student of Patton West’s unaccredited school for occult studies for 20 years.

FBI TAKE NOTE.  If the ‘occult’ (it means hidden) is still too hard to swallow, then please apply the same logic that astronomers use to detect the presence of planets that they cannot see.  They deduce that something must be there because it is having a gravitational effect on objects that they can see.  So, as we list below tens or scores of crimes committed mainly against victims inside her cult, ask yourself the question why most victims decide to walk away without going to the police or law courts for restitution?  The answer is that most are too afraid.  Too afraid because they will not be believed.  Too afraid because while the police and the courts line up their ducks over months or years their lives will be made a living hell or ended prematurely.

Some of the Victims of Theft, Fraud, Extortion, Murder and Attempted Murder while Patton West was Masquerading as ‘Surya Ma’ between 2005 & 2010 in Montana.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Victim 1 Rebecca West.  Ex-employee Rebecca West, no relation to Devra West, was employed as an office manager by Devra West in early 2006, when Devra West assaulted Rebecca’s friend Dr. Pat Cole MD.  As a favorable witness to Dr. Cole, and a hostile witness to Devra West, Rebecca became a victim of a  campaign of ‘under the radar’ occult violence directed at her by Devra West, who sought to intimidate her into withdrawing her damning statement about Devra West’s assault on Dr. Cole MD; the subject of two newspaper articles in the Whitefish Pilot and Bigfork Eagle newspapers.

Like several other hostile witnesses, Rebecca West went to the police in the summer of 2007 and reported that they were the subject of occult attacks directed at them by Devra West. 

While the police acknowledged that the victim’s claims of being on the receiving end of violent attacks were credible, they explained that the weapon being used was not recognized as a weapon under legal statute, therefore there was nothing they could do, as a successful prosecution was unlikely unless all the victims acted together and brought forward a civil lawsuit on the basis of Devra West’s intent to ‘cause actual bodily harm.’  A series of three harrowing emails (12 & 3) sent by Rebecca West to the whistleblower in March 2007, clearly shows that Devra West was running a cult, which in reality was (and still is) a criminal racketeering business model masquerading as a quasi-religious organization with Devra West labeling any criticism or investigations as ‘religious persecution.’

Verdict – Rebecca West

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,Geoffrey Reynolds CPA,


In early April 2006, Patton West viciously assaulted the victim, Dr. Pat Cole MD, in the Cult as part of a massive extortion scam that netted Patton West $1.3 million.  The police were called and Rebecca West and other employees gave witness statements affirming the assault.  Geoffrey Reynolds CPA was aware of what was going on but told Rebecca West he was not going to tell the truth unless he was asked to do so by the authorities.  Dr. Pat Cole and Rebecca West were the victim of occult attacks / intimidation for two years, during which time Patton West tried to intimidate Dr. Cole to withdraw her complaint, and Rebecca West to withdraw her witness statement.


Victim 2 Dr. Pat Cole MD.  Local female doctor, Pat Cole MD, as one of the more wealthy members of Devra West’s cult, was targeted for extortion by Devra West in early 2006.  In one of the most vicious assaults in April 2006, Devra West repeatedly hit Cole over the head with the heel of her shoe until blood ran down the victim’s blouse.  The police were called, Devra West was charged with assault and convicted two years later in April 2008.  On April 17 2006 Devra West, in an attempt to justify the assault to her cult, wrote a lengthy missive to her mailing list entitled ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification’ wherein she stated that that the victim was a Nazi in the WWII death camps therefore the beating was not only justified but long overdue!  West also stated that the beating administered to Dr. Cole though severe was administered with grace!  In July 2007 and August 2007 respectively, the Whitefish Pilot and Bigfork Eagle newspapers published two news articles about West’s criminality in the Flathead Lake area of Montana.


Verdict Dr. Pat Cole MD


Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, Dr. Julio E Williams,


Patton West orchestrates a campaign of vicious assaults against Dr. Pat Cole, with the violence kept secret inside the cult.  When it goes public in July 2007, senior cult members and ‘liars for hire’ Geoffrey Reynolds CPA & Dr. Julio Williams MD posted several statements of denial on Patton West’s website along with other members of the cult. 


You can read these statements in full by following the links below. 


1. Geoffrey Reynolds 1             2. Geoffrey Reynolds 2             3. Geoffrey Reynolds 3 4. Reynolds & J Williams          5. Julio Williams 1                       6. Jack West    7. Bret Jahola                             8. Dani Osborne

9. Devra West 1       10. Devra West 2


‘Liar for Hire’ Reynolds’ statements were posted by him at the same time he was desperately trying to force a copy of ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification’ off the whistle-blower’s website.  To be clear, Geoffrey Reynolds had posted four statements of denial on Patton West’s website while simultaneously trying to get her written admission of guilt removed from the internet.  Go here to view Reynolds’ email to the service provider of Watson’s website, to read about how Patton West actually claimed copyright of her admission of guilt.  In April 2008, Patton West was convicted of assaulting Cole.  Patton West responded by posting a statement of denial on her website.


Victim 3 Susannah Felder.  If you review the notarized statement given by ex-charity board member, AJ White, you will see that employee Susannah Felder discovered that Devra West had stolen $80,000 from the charity she ran, to pay for her porn loving, wife beating son’s legal fees.  Her son, Chris Haywood, was fighting for custody of his infant daughter from his first wife, Kendall.  When Susannah confronted Devra West about the stolen $80,000 donation, Devra West viciously assaulted Susannah, partially scalping her in the process.  As mentioned above, Patton West was using her occult weapon to subvert the outcome of the child custody court case which she succeeded in doing.  By a conspiracy involving fake witnesses from her cult and by using her occult weapon to destroy the mental health of her son’s first wife, Patton West succeeded in getting the court to award custody to her son, Chris Haywood.


Verdict Susannah Felder.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Susannah Felder was viciously assaulted by Patton West, who partially scalped her.  This all remained within the cult because Susannah was fearful of what would happen to her if she went to the police.  The following day at a meeting to discuss the incident, Jack West, in an attempt to absolve his wife, Patton West, blamed the victim for the attack.


Victim 4 Dave Kushner.  In 2005, ex-student Dave Kushner the victim of fraud at the hands of Devra West who used fellow student Lisa Swidler as a go-between to negotiate a $30,000 loan that Devra West had no intention of ever repaying.  Like most victims in the cult, Dave Kushner was aware of Devra West’s reputation and feared he would be murdered if he pursued her through the courts for the return of his money.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona, Geoffrey Reynolds CPA,


Verdict Dave Kushner.  Like every other member of her cult, Dave Kushner was looked upon as a ‘resource’ by Patton West rather like a farmer looks upon his cattle as a resource.  In 2005, the consummate con artist Patton West, was herself conned out of $650,000. We know this because it was the subject of a lawsuit by the Securities and Exchange Commission with Patton West appearing as one of the victims.  Patton West’s response to the loss was to start ‘harvesting’ cash from members of her cult.  In 2005 & 2006 alone, the following cult members were either robbed, defrauded or fell victims to extortion.  Dave Kushner $30,000, Marion Cantwell $50,000 (Marion was kidnapped and held captive and told she would be murdered if she went to the police) and Mike Hendrickson $200,000. Dr. Pat Cole MD had $436,000 in cash extorted from her right under Geoffrey Reynolds’ nose and was forced to sign over her home worth $700,000 to Patton West.  Like Las Vegas, what happens inside the cult stays inside the cult.


 Victim 5 Marion Cantwell.  Ex-student Marion Cantwell, was pretty much ignored until she sold her home in 2005. Immediately after which, she too, became the victim of extortion at the hands of Devra Patton West. 


The whistleblower got first-hand knowledge that circumstances around Marion’s story were correct when, after initially fleeing the US and returning a year later to Texas, her new employer phoned the whistleblower for a reference.  Having seen Marion’s name mentioned on his website, he sought assurances that Marion was a victim of Devra West and her cult, and in no way a perpetrator of organized crime.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Verdict Marion Cantwell.   According to witness Dave Kushner, shortly after Marion sold her house she was kidnapped by Patton West, held captive and beaten until she agreed to make a large donation to Patton West. Clearly, Jack West was aware of what was going on.  Upon release, Marion was told that if she went to the police she would be murdered.  The use of occult knowledge to enforce discipline and secrecy within the cult meant that most victims of crime, like Marion and Dave Kushner etc., do not go to the police or to the law courts for restitution for fear of being murdered.  


Victim 6 Beatrice McGuire.  In 2002, ex-student Beatrice McGuire, was attending a seminar in Montreal for ‘students’ of Devra West’s unaccredited school for occult studies, then called the Sacred Arts Institute (SAI).  When Beatrice publicly challenged Devra Patton West in front of other students about some of the lies Devra West was spouting to the audience. Devra West reacted by violently assaulting Beatrice in front of the rest of the audience, with the result that part of Beatrice’s ear was ripped away.  Devra West, after receiving a lawyer’s letter from Beatrice, while not acknowledging the assault, agreed to pay for Beatrice to have plastic surgery to fix the injury.  This assault and Devra West’s violent nature is well documented in student Debra Coffey’s statement to the whistleblower.  When questioned by the whistleblower about the assault on Beatrice McGuire in March 2003, Patton West denied she had assaulted Beatrice McGuire saying that Beatrice McGuire was mentally ill!  Patton West is clearly the one who is mentally ill, as was pointed out in a statement volunteered by her housekeeper Tanya Hurley.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Verdict Beatrice McGuire.  Clearly, Patton West had assaulted Beatrice McGuire and did so in front of 40 plus witnesses.  That said, she told the whistleblower in March 2003 that, and I quote, “It doesn’t matter what is actually true” (if she can persuade the public and her cult that her lies are their truth).  

So, Patton West believes that her authority, based on fear of occult attacks, is such that she feels quite comfortable about rewriting history and forcing those in her cult to go along with her version of events – however dishonest.


Victim 7 John Watson.  The whistleblower John Watson, hired as a business consultant in January 2002.  Was defrauded out of wages and shares in August 2002; launched a fraud lawsuit in March 2003, which the courts awarded him judgement for in 2008.  Follow this link to read the news article published by the Ravalli Republic and follow this link to learn how much he was awarded by the courts.  During the five years he was researching his lawsuit, John Watson discovered scores of victims of organized crime and racketeering.  After putting up a website to counter Patton West’s lies and propaganda, and to share his research about Patton West’s criminality in Montana, he became the subject of a failed murder plot by Devra West and her accomplices Dr. Julio E Williams MD and Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Verdict John Watson.  After Watson decided to sue Patton West for fraud in 2003, he became the subject of dirty tricks that included false witnesses forced to ‘manufacture’ negative statements about him.  He was sent an expletive laden threatening email from senior cult member Dr. Julio E Williams MD; clearly intended to intimidate him into dropping his lawsuit against Patton West.  When that failed, senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds CPA told a newspaper reporter that Watson would be dead within 12 months or in jail for what Patton West was going to do to him and his family (occult attacks).  When that did not deter Watson, Dr. Julio Williams MD put up $2,000,000 of his own money to fund multiple lawsuits against Watson with the intention of bankrupting him into silence.  Geoffrey Reynolds role was to front the conspiracy and make totally false statements to the court about the timing of his employment.  A full analysis of Reynolds’ and Williams’ part in Patton West’s conspiracy can be read by going here to a previous bulletin entitled ‘Gang Members.’  Watson and his family have been continuously under attack by Patton West since December 2006. And why not? Patton West and her accomplices are convinced she can never be prosecuted for racketeering and murder.  Dr. Julio E Williams has received 400 plus emails over the past 4 years about these attacks from Watson but Williams refuses to pass them on to the police because he believes Patton West, and by extension him, are safe from prosecution.


Victim 8 Lisa Swidler.  In 2005, after being ‘used’ to negotiate a loan from Dave Kushner that Devra West had no intention of ever repaying and after witnessing the kidnap, false imprisonment and beating of Marion Cantwell, Lisa Swidler decided to escape the cult.  Worried that Lisa knew where the skeletons in West’s cupboard were hidden, Devra West decided to murder Lisa Swidler.  As with previous murders that ex-husband, Jack West, hinted at to the whistleblower in 2002, the victim’s death was ruled as ‘death by natural causes’ by the coroner.  Most of the cult knew that Lisa was murdered by Devra West; follow this link to see Lisa’s gravestone.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Verdict Lisa Swidler.  It was made clear to John Watson by Patton West’s husband, Jack West in 2002, that those who opposed his then wife (Patton West) had a habit of dying suddenly.  Lisa Swidler was a classic case of this.  After witnessing the crimes committed by Patton West against Dave Kushner, Marion Cantwell and Mike Hendrickson (see above) Lisa Swidler tried to leave the cult and died suddenly and mysteriously shortly afterwards.  Though Lisa was a young mother of two children under the age of ten, with no previous health issues, Lisa apparently died of internal bleeding.  Completely unaware of Patton West or her occult weapon, the coroner ruled Lisa’s death as the result of natural causes.  John Watson was supposed to have died of natural causes had Patton West been able to murder him remotely.  In the Statement of Fact that employee Carlida Finch gave to the authorities, she states that she overheard Patton West talking about the murder of Dr. Pat Cole MD.  So Dr. Pat Cole MD was also destined to die suddenly of ‘natural causes’. However, after handing over $1.3 million Dr. Cole was allowed to live.  How many others have been murdered quietly?  It all remains a secret in the cult.


9. Robert & Tabby Ivy.  For Devra West’s criminal racketeering business model to be a success, it is very important that she presents herself to the public both as a successful business woman as well as a minor deity – even if neither is true.  The say an image is worth a thousand words.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Above from left to right:  The first two images were taken from her 2007 website when she was calling herself the Ascended Master ‘Surya Ma’ and targeting spiritual seekers in Flathead Lake MT. The third image is the only one based in reality.


The image above left is of Robert and Tabby Ivy’s property.  This would be the property that Patton West fraudulently depicted on her website and in her brochures as belonging to her.  The middle image above was a photo-shopped poster Patton West put together for one of her ‘seminars’; note the lakeside image in the poster, again implying that she lived on the lake.  Far right: Actual / Factual photo from one of two arrest warrants issued against Devra West in Montana.  When interviewed by the Whitefish Pilot newspaper Robert & Tabby Ivy explained that they repeatedly asked Patton West over a two year period not to use images of their property in her brochures and on her website.  Patton West ignored all the requests from them.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Verdict Robert & Tabby Ivy.  Patton West is a violent convicted criminal, a con artist and a pathological liar.  The life story and fake bio she was using in Montana was just as fake as the one she is using now in Arizona.  She sits at the head of a cult / criminal racketeering gang based around a totally fake persona which changes on a regular basis.  Both Julio E Williams MD and Geoffrey Reynolds knew that the property belonged to Robert & Tabby Ivy and that Patton West was using it fraudulently.  Dr. Julio E Williams MD even had his own bio posted on the same website right next to images of the Ivy’s property, but he seemed to be quite comfortable with that.  Just as Reynolds was quite comfortable with money laundering the $436,000 extorted from Dr. Cole through Patton West’s business as ‘normal’ receipts.  Even though Reynolds’ predecessor resigned rather than be forced to ‘manufacture’ false invoices.


Victim 10 Mike Hendrickson.  Ex-student Mike Hendrickson, a partner in a Colorado firm of accountants, had previously signed a $200,000 bank guarantee at Farmers Bank in Victor MT for West’s charity ‘The Circle of Divine Unity.’  In January 2004, the charity was struck off the Montana charity register for ‘paper work irregularities’ which is ‘code’ for fraud.  Shortly afterwards, Devra West transferred the bank guarantee amount of $200,000 into a trust fund for herself and her eldest son, Rob Meador.  The 2007 Whitefish Pilot news article mentions Mike Hendrickson as a victim of West’s.  A Montana judge unwound the trust fund in 2008, ordering that the contents, which included a property worth $1,250,000 that she also stole from the charity, be sold at a Sheriff’s Sale to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court fines and interest.



The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Verdict Mike Hendrickson.  After Patton West’s charity was struck off the Montana charity register, because she and husband Jack West were using it as their own personal bank account, Patton West emptied the bank account into her personal trust fund with the result that Mike Hendrickson had to make good the bank guarantee to the tune of $200,000.  Just as with Dave Kushner, Marion Cantwell and scores of other victims, Mike Hendrickson chose not to go to court to recover his losses because he did not want to become a victim of occult attacks or be murdered.



Witness Carlida Finch.  In 2006, ex-employee Carlida Finch was given an ultimatum by Devra West - join her cult or be fired – Carlida resigned and made a formal complaint to the authorities about the ‘dangerous working environment’ while employed by Devra West.  During her testimony to the authorities, Carlida stated that she overheard Devra West planning the murder of Dr. Cole who, as a disciple of West’s, had previously promised 66% of her net worth to Devra West but was too slow in transferring her wealth into Devra West’s bank accounts.


Witness 12 Barbara Costantino.  This statement from Barbara Costantino asserting that each time someone leaves after a dispute with Devra West, she, (Devra West) lies about the circumstances and rewrites history to show the departing employee / student / consultant in a bad light.


Witness 13 Tanya Hurley.  This statement from Tanya Hurley asserting that Devra West is mentally ill.


Witnesses Diane Stoner & Kathleen Francisco.  A small sample of audio statements from ex-employees Diane Stoner & Kathleen Francisco, evidencing some of their experiences at the hands of Devra Patton West.


Diane Stoner – Personal Secretary


DS on being hired and pay decrease on first day!

DS on West wanting all the money for herself!

DS on wherever the rich are, that is where Devra will go!

DS on West's contempt for people who gave her money!

DS on West the con artist!

DS on West's mental illness and demanding money!

DS on West should be shut down - she is stealing people's money!

DS on West constantly shopping and spending $2K of charity's money to buy pearl necklace!

DS on swapping West's dry cleaning for her last pay check!

DS on West using employee’s personal money to pay for bills!


Kathleen Francisco – Executive Assistant


KF on checks bouncing and West's expensive lifestyle

KF on West's financial impropriety

KF on West the financial 'tricks' up her sleeve!

KF Pressure on staff to join cult!

KF on propping up West with her own money and being asked to 'leave her children!'

KF on Ms. West 'bringing $500K for herself not the charity - spending binge!

KF on Ms. West paying her masseuse with 'rubber checks!'

KF on West's mental health!

KF on dreading going to work and nightmares!

KF on West's rages and excessive drinking

KF on West's alcohol problem!

KF on West's belief that she is God & Christ!

KF on the lies about health benefits etc.

KF on West's cult and the mind conditioning!

KF on West sucking the life out of employees!

DS & KF on shredding documents and the deceit





People are being robbed, defrauded, are the victims of extortion and of mental and physical abuse.  In some cases they are murdered to keep them quiet.  What we have shared here cannot be found on her current website, which is full of propaganda and lies.



The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Above: Patton West is not a recluse like all narcissists she craves attention, she demand attention.  The truth is that Patton West left so many enemies behind in Montana that she is forced to live behind a gated secure property for her own safety.  She was chased out of New Mexico in the middle of the night by one gun wielding victim who realized the police could not help!



What we have shared with you here, will not appear in her life story / bio or anywhere else on her current web site.  Her website and its contents are a total fantasy, a huge lie and part of the propaganda designed to suck in spiritual seekers who after being brainwashed and conditioned will be used like ‘batteries.’  Batteries that finance her luxurious lifestyle and batteries that fuel her ego and rampant narcissism.  Though the obvious motive is fraud (born out by decades of evidence), apparently those who masquerade as quasi-religious figures appear to be immune from prosecution - however serious the crimes. 



The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


While Patton West’s name has changed since arriving in Arizona to ‘The Rishi’ and while she has awarded herself several new accolade sand titles such as ‘Divine Mother’ and ‘The Western Regent’ her criminal racketeering business model remains the same.



The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,



The VerdictPatton West still runs a cult.  Patton West is still masquerading as a guru when in reality, she is an occult master masquerading as a guru.  Guru’s do not rob, defraud, and extort money from victims.  Guru’s do not mentally and physically abuse their followers.  Guru’s do not use occult knowledge to intimidate, make ill, injure and murder those who oppose them or tell the truth about them. Gurus are not pathological liars.   Patton West is guilty of all the above, and her disciple of 20 years Dr. Julio E Williams MD knows it.   And yet, after everything he witnessed in Montana, Williams continues to provide Patton West with a series of idiotic testimonials in an attempt to suck in more victims? 


Go to this webpage to review the many ‘testimonials’ Williams has given to Patton West.  Like this invitation below here to attend a “Sacred Sunday with Rishi” at Dr. Julio E Williams’ home.  Maybe it is a coincidence that Patton West stated, in her interview with the Whitefish Pilot newspaper on July 12 2007, that she was teaching physicians and cardiologists how to cure cancer.  Surely a respectable physician like Dr. Julio E Williams MD would not dream of hosting avenue for a con artist like Patton West?  And if he did, surely he would not encourage sick people to ‘buy’ her fake cures?  Would he?


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,



It is probably just a coincidence that in addition to claiming in July 2007 that she was training physicians and cardiologists to cure cancer that in a recent Face Book posting Patton West claimed to be able to deliver the phenomena of ‘Divine Grace Healings.’  For those who can afford the six figure sums she demands for her miracle cures.



The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Probably nothing to worry about…



The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


FBI TAKE NOTE.  We have given you a huge head start.  Serious crimes have been committed (including murder) against scores of victims involving tens of millions of dollars.  Here is what we know for sure:-



WHERE               IN THE CULT



This Criminally Insane Narcissist wants the public to believe

that she has been planning to lead humanity for thousands of years!


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


In the previous bulletin, we used the board game ‘Cluedo’ to explain the workings of Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang.  We also explained who her close associates were and the roles they played as willing accomplices in racketeering and murder.  We posed the question, ‘Why is it that self-appointed deity Patton West AKA ‘The Rishi’ is not serving life to 100 years for racketeering and multiple murders?’  We gave the answer.  You can review the ‘Cluedo’ bulletin by going here.


We believe that Patton West is a serial killer and we believe that her accomplices, Jack West, Julio Williams & Geoffrey Reynolds know this.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Using some of the imagery from the previous bulletin, we’ll share some of the evidence we have and let you the reader decide.  The two competing claims are:-


1. That based on the FACTS, Patton West really is ‘Divine Mother,’ the ‘Regent of the Western Hemisphere’ and a ‘divine being’ that has been planning to lead humanity for thousands of years.


2. Based on the FACTS (and the actions of her accomplices) Patton West is a criminally insane narcissist who, since acquiring occult knowledge in 1991, has robbed, defrauded, mentally and physically abused and murdered her way through countless victims over the past 29 years.  And as a result, Patton West has become a multi-millionaire on the backs of those victims.


FACT 1. Comment from ex-husband Jack West about the use murder to silence those who oppose Patton West.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


The documentary evidence is as follows.  In 2004, her charity The Circle of Divine Unity struck off for fraud.  July 2007 Confession of Judgment Brazda Life.  A 2008 Arrest Warrant for Criminal Check Fraud.  A 2008 Conviction for Assault and an April 2008 newspaper article announcing same.  A 2008 Conviction for Defrauding John Watson.  The subject of a 2008 Sherriff’s Sale to force her to pay past victims of organized crime $2,000,000 in court fines and interest. 2009 Judgment for Top to Bottom Construction defrauded by Patton West.  2009 Arrest Warrant for Felony Theft.  2013 Judgment against Patton West for Wells Fargo.  Patton West’s son Chris Haywood’s Criminal Record.  The Transcript of the Custody Hearing between Chris Haywood and Jamie Haywood gives a real insight into what Patton West’s home life is really like ( Parts 1, 2 & 3 ). Patton West gives her testimony in Part 1 and her daughter in law Jamie Haywood gives her testimony in Part 2.  The Whitefish Pilot & Bigfork Eagle newspapers published their stories in 2007; you can read an in depth analysis of those two stories here


The Ravalli Republic newspaper published another story in 2008.  All three newspapers give details of Patton West’s World Service Criminal Racketeering activities in Montana around that time period. 


Jack West’s comment about his then wife Patton West, “Remaining utterly free of wrongdoing and as ethically virtuous as any human can be.” Is seen for what it is lies, bullshit and propaganda from the chief ‘liar for hire,’


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


FACT 2. The use by Patton West of the threat of murder to silence victims and witnesses of crime.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


The documentary evidence is as follows.  Patton West is criminally insane; that is to say, she ran her cult like a medieval fiefdom inside which state and federal laws did not apply.  She brutalized, robbed defrauded and extorted from anyone she chose, knowing that she could intimidate most victims and witnesses into remaining silent for fear of being targeted for violence and murder.  Here are some of the crimes committed by Patton West up to and including 2005 these are the ones that we know about.


1. Susannah Felder attacked and partially scalped after challenging Patton West about an $80,000 donation that Patton West stole from her charity which was later struck off by the Secretary of State for MT because of Patton West’s fraud.  Board member AJ White’s statement goes into detail about this and Jack West’s role in the ‘cover up.’


2. Mike Hendrickson defrauded out of $200,000 when the bank guarantee he had signed for the charity was called in by the bank after Patton West moved the $200,000 into a personal trust fund.  The Whitefish Pilot newspaper mentions this.


3. Dave Kushner agreed to loan Patton West $30,000 for two weeks as a bridging loan.  Patton West signed the loan agreement and then after receiving the money reneged on the agreement and refused to even talk about it to Dave Kushner who was, as a result, defrauded out of $30,000.  Listen to the audio statement he gave to the whistleblower in 2005.  Patton West told John Watson in March 2003 (in an interview he recorded) that her agreements were worthless.  You can hear her say this in her own words by going here.



The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


4. Shortly after closing on the sale of her house, Marion Cantwell was kidnapped, held captive, beaten and only finally released after she agreed to make a huge financial donation to Patton West.  Dave Kushner relates the story to John Watson which you can listen to by going here.


5. Beatrice McGuire was viciously assaulted in front of scores of witnesses.  As witness Debra Coffey explains, in her statement about the incident, part of Beatrice’s ear was ripped away and needed plastic surgery.  After receiving a letter from Beatrice’s lawyer, Patton West agreed to pay for Beatrice to have plastic surgery to repair the damage.  However, within a few months, Patton West began denying that she had assaulted Beatrice McGuire and accused the victim of being mentally ill for accusing Patton West of the crime.  In March 2003, John Watson challenged Patton West about the assault on Beatrice McGuire.  You can listen to Patton West’s response by going here.


None of the above went to law after becoming victims of fraud, extortion or violent assault because they were genuinely afraid of being murdered by Patton West.  After witnessing crimes numbered 1, 2 & 3 above, Lisa Swidler tried to escape the cult and was murdered by Patton West. 


John Watson went to law after being defrauded in 2002 by Patton West.  In a meeting in March 2003, Patton West admitted defrauding Watson but said that she did not see herself writing out a check for what she owed him.  You can hear her say this in her own voice by going here.  On August 9 2007, senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds announced Watson’s murder with Patton West making an unsuccessful attempt on Watson’s life later that very month.  Just as Reynolds had predicted.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


FACT 3.  Sudden mysterious death of student / cult member Lisa Swidler


Lisa was a senior student / confident of Patton West’s.  We do not think it was a coincidence that Lisa died suddenly of internal bleeding after trying to escape Patton West’s cult shortly after witnessing two serious crimes.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Those who do not believe that it is possible for Patton West to murder someone remotely, should read the comments from someone who went to the same cult training school as Patton West i.e. The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery.  Read what one student had to say about the threat to her life by the same person who trained Patton West. 


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Fellow student Satya, attended the Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery with Patton West.  Satya had this to say in a statement she gave to the whistleblower John Watson in February 2010. 


Devra was a powerful, manipulative, delusional psycho/socio path and it saddens me to see that her illness and her destructiveness and manipulation of others has escalated over the years.  She is a powerful and charismatic personality - as most psychopaths are and is it very tragic that she abuses her power to abuse and victimize others.


Satya was defrauded out of $6,000 by Patton West.



The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,

Fact 4. Witness Carlida Finch overhears Patton West talking about murdering Dr. Pat Cole MD.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


Only someone criminally insane would suggest that ‘enlightened’ beings go around murdering people.  On April 17 2006, just days after the police were called and Patton West was charged with assault, Patton West sends out a lengthy missive to her entire mailing list admitting the assault but saying it was sanctioned by the Ascended Masters.  In the missive entitled, ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification,’ Patton West seeks to justify the assault by asserting that Cole was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime.  She goes on to say that while the beating meted upon Cole was severe it was administered with grace.  There is no mention of the $1.3 million that Patton West extorted from Dr. Pat Cole.


Patton West is criminally insane.  Her brother who was confined in a mental institution for many years which is where Patton West belongs.


Another victim, Ingrid Smith, whose 6 year old son was assaulted by Patton West had this to say about the psychopath.


I am a firsthand witness to the physical and emotional abuse from Devra as I experienced it myself, as well as witnessing the abuse of my 6 year old son by Devra. Devra attacked me viscously because I had been responsible for certain people leaving which meant loss of money to her and the breaking of her web of control. I also am witness to her psychological techniques of breaking people down which is nothing short of a form of brainwashing. I am certain you have already researched the mind techniques of cults, but it falls right in line. Charismatic leader who declares themselves above God and rationalizes all activity for the self-aggrandizement of self, including all forms of abuse and manipulation.


I also have knowledge of Devra's psychological profile. She never got over her severe childhood abuse and hence became the abuser and controller in her life. She is psychologically unstable. If you research child abuse and the ramifications of the behaviors she falls right in line with the behaviors and is a classic case of the abused child. Put that together with an intelligent mind, creativity, allot of anger and you have the makeup of a cult leader.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


FACT 5. The not so subtle threat by Patton West to murder  Dr. Pat Cole MD.


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,


We recommend that everyone read the statement that Dr. Pat Cole MD gave to the Whitefish Pilot newspaper in July 2007, thanks to the whistleblower handing over his research to the press.  The three emails from Rebecca West (12 & 3) and one email that John Mark Young sent to the police, show that Dr. Pat Cole was psychologically ‘broken’ by Patton West. Indeed, as fellow employee Carlida Finch reported to the authorities in her ‘Statement of Fact’ she overheard Patton West discussing Cole’s murder. Then there is a document that was sent to the Flathead police department, which refers to the many employees that were mentally and physically abused by Patton West in New Mexico.  The reality is that Patton West is a dangerous psychopath, who after acquiring occult knowledge set herself up as a God and required that everyone around her submit to her will and become peasants / serfs.  After new recruits were brainwashed and conditioned, their main role was to fund Patton West’s lavish lifestyle. 


In 2005, Patton West wrote to her entire mailing list telling them, and I quote, “It will be your privilege to seed my financial transition.”  And, “Only those who are prepared to commit 66% of their net worth to me can become my disciples.”


After brainwashing and conditioning, Dr. Pat Cole MD committed 66% of her net worth to Patton West but was too slow in handing it over.  Patton West was overheard planning the murder of Cole but after a campaign of severe beatings, Cole handed her entire net worth over.  All $1.3 million of it a large proportion of which ‘liar for hire’ and senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds money laundered through West’s business as ‘normal’ receipts.



FACT 6. The subtle threat of murder by Patton West in correspondence with an employee who refused to withdraw her hostile witnesses statement against Patton West after witnessing the assault on Dr. Cole MD.



Patton West sits at the head of a cult / criminal racketeering business model that she has successfully operated in three western states over the past 29 years.  She remains free because the secret weapon she uses to commit scores of crimes, and keep victims and witnesses silent, is not recognized as a weapon under legal statute making prosecution of her for individual crimes very difficult.  John Watson launched a fraud lawsuit against Patton West but along the way, he faced false witnesses, threats from senior cult member Julio Williams, a murder attempt which senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds announced to the press in advance and a campaign of violent intimidation against his wife and children. 


After winning the lawsuit, Patton West, working with accomplices Williams & Reynolds, sought to bankrupt Watson by launching multiple frivolous lawsuits against him.  They did so knowing that senior cult member, Dr. Julio E Williams MD, had put up $2,000,000 to fund Patton West’s legal expense.  In this way, they knew they could outspend him in court and ‘buy’ the result they wanted which is exactly what happened.   



The only route that promises success, is the launching of a criminal investigation into Patton West’s activities over the past 29 years.  When this happens, the evidence will clearly show that her ‘World Service’ is a front for racketeering and murder.    One of Patton West’s favorite fraud scams is to advertise nonexistent career opportunities.  This is explained fully on this webpage.   In brief, new recruits were enlisted for jobs that did not exist.  Upon arrival, they would be given a 20% pay cut and then the brainwashing and conditioning started immediately.  Those that agreed to become her low paid or no paid slaves remained,  and those that refused to submit to her will were fired before the 90 days were up, after which she would have to pay employment insurance.  That Patton West had a ‘revolving’ door to employees was made obvious by Rebecca West’s harrowing email to the whistleblower entitled ‘Help Me.’  Here is the first paragraph.


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Rebecca West <>
To: John Watson <>
Sent: Wednesday, 7 March, 2007 3:02:50 PM
Subject: RE: Help me w/ Devra Patton West

Dear John,

After more than 30 employees coming and going, (16 just since I started May 1, 2006, not counting myself, current employees or contract labor), there are currently three employees remaining.  Two of the three are very much in her control due to fear and/or ignorance and have proven to me, I cannot trust them. I have been trying to get the monies she owes me before I end my contact with her, specifically a missing paycheck, overtime, overdraft charges and (wishful thinking) the bonus she promised me for the hundreds of hours of overtime I incurred. She sent her intimidating demand of me through her finance controller last evening, and I have until 5 p.m. today to talk to her. I must return and either give a 2-week notice and/or plan to be demoted from office manager to some other lowly position, (seems from historical accounting, I would become her personal care assistant).  

When Rebecca West went to the labor Board and made an official complaint about her dangerous working environment she got an email from Patton West with the following comment:-


“Stay and face the enemy once and for all.  It is a good day to die.”


Another employee, Carlida Finch, explains in her Statement of Fact to the authorities how she was given the choice by Patton West, to either submit to her will and become a member of her cult or be fired.  Patton West was questioned in court on July 12 2007, about the statements that many of her ex-employees had posted on John Watson’s website.  When asked by counsel if those employees alleging they were mentally and physically abused were referring to their treatment by Patton West, she lied and said that the employees mentioned were fabricated and fictitious and did not exist.  Go to this webpaqe and scroll down for details.



FACT 7.  Patton West’s ability to manipulate idiots like Dr. Julio E Williams MD into risking all to stand between her and her adversaries.



When it looked like the whistleblower John Watson was going to win his fraud lawsuit, Patton West mobilized senior cult member and chief funder of organized crime, Dr. Julio E Williams MD. 


Williams had already been persuaded in 2005 to post a defamatory statement about Watson on Patton West’s website, but in January 2005 Williams not only crossed the line of what was legal and permissible, he jumped over it.  The threatening email that Williams sent to Watson (obviously on Patton West’s orders) amounted to ‘Witness Tampering’ a felony punishable by up to ten years in prison.  You can read the full email exchange by going here.  What Williams also did was put in writing his contribution to the 2010 conspiracy orchestrated by Patton West whose objective was to ‘silence’ Watson by bankrupting him.  The plan involved Patton West issuing multiple frivolous (without merit) lawsuits against Watson that were to be funded by Williams’ $2,000,000, which is exactly what happened in 2010. 


That this was a criminal conspiracy orchestrated against Watson by Patton West is not in doubt, as Patton West told Watson in their March 2003 meeting exactly what would happen if he went to law against her.  Below are some excerpts from their meeting which Watson recorded with a digital tape recorder.



1. Patton West agrees she has defrauded John Watson but does not see herself paying him!

2.The truth actually does not matter to Patton West [if she can convince the public that her lies are their truth].

3.  West admits to disposing of people like used Kleenex.

4.  West accuses Watson of ‘f*cking over a Spiritual Teacher’ because he is suing her for a crime she just admitted.

5.  West says that if Watson sues her she’ll get so f*cking down and dirty huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers because Williams will pay her legal fees.

6. West says she feels stabbed in the back and f*cked up the arse by Watson’s insistence that she pay him the $50,000 she owes him.


Dr. Julio E Williams MD knew 100% that Patton West had defrauded Watson, but still agreed to defame Watson and try to intimidate him into dropping his lawsuit against Patton West the leader of his cult.  However, when his efforts failed to deter Watson (and Patton West’s 2007 murder attempt failed) Williams doubled down in his contribution to Patton West’s criminal conspiracy against Watson.  Williams did so by funding Patton West’s multiple frivolous lawsuits to the tune of $2,000,000.  In other words, just as Patton West threatened and predicted, in 2003 (see item (5.) above) someone else would be paying her legal expenses but Watson’s would be coming out of his own pocket. 


After outspending Watson in court and forcing down his websites, Williams continued to be Patton West’s go to stooge when it came to telling lies and posting propaganda online.  Williams next mission was to ‘spin’ (tell lies) about the injunction Patton West obtained as a result of outspending Watson in court with Williams’ money.  Instead of explaining that the injunction was granted as part of a default judgment granted by the court, because Watson could not afford to travel to the USA to defend Patton West’s lies, Williams maintained that Patton West was granted the injunction by a judge investigating cyber-crime.  You can read a full analysis of this by going to this webpage dedicated to Williams’ lies on this subject.   Remember, Patton West is a pathological liar.  After she was found guilty of assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD in April 2008, this newspaper article announced the conviction, Patton West posted the following statement on her website.



And when John Watson was granted judgment against Patton West for fraud, Patton West posted the following statement on her website.



Williams defamed a total stranger in 2005 on the orders of his cult leader, Patton West.  Williams put himself in harm’s way by threatening the plaintiff in a fraud lawsuit against Patton West, the leader of his cult.  Williams funded the legal expenses of the leader of his cult to the tune of $2,000,000 so that Patton West could issue multiple frivolous lawsuits against Watson to avenge his win in court against her for defrauding him.  He also ‘bought’ an injunction with his money so that Patton West could move to Arizona, where she now claims to be ‘Divine Mother,’ a ‘Goddess’ and the ‘Mother of Ten Thousand Suns.’



There is zero evidence that anything on Patton West’s website is based in truth.  There is a mountain of evidence that proves Patton West is a pathological liar, a con artist and a vicious psychopath. 

There is a lot of evidence from victims that Patton West has murdered at least once, and if her ex-husband and the whistleblower are to be believed, Patton West is more than likely a serial killer.



FACT 8.  Patton West manipulates another idiot, Geoffrey Reynolds CPA into risking all to stand between her and her adversaries.



While being interviewed by the Bigfork Eagle newspaper on August 9 2007, Reynolds let slip, in what he thought was an ‘off the record conversation’ that Watson would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Patton West was going to do to him and his family.  There is a word in the English language for a person like Geoffrey Reynolds, and the word is ‘scum.’  The Miriam Webster dictionary defines the word thus:-


a low, vile, or worthless person.’ 


In the Bigfork Eagle newspaper article Reynolds, speaking on behalf of his employer Patton West, tried to assert that Dr. Cole’s injuries were from a previous fall and not as a result of an assault by patton West.  Reynolds made this assertion even though his employment with Patton West commenced some 6 months after the assault on Cole.  Reynolds made the assertion even though at the time, Reynolds was frantically trying to remove a copy of Patton West’s written admission that she had assaulted Cole from Watson’s website.  Patton West’s admission of guilt entitled, ‘The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification,’ was sent out to Patton West’s mailing list on April 17 2006.  In November 2007, Reynolds sent an email to the service provider of Watson’s website (this being one of several failed attempts) in an attempt to force a copy of Patton West’s admission of guilt off the website.  In a move worthy of dumb and Dumberer, Patton West gets Reynolds to claim copyright of her written admission that she had assaulted Dr. Cole MD.  Go here to read Reynolds’ email.



To come to the point, Reynolds knew full well that Patton West had assaulted Dr. Pat Cole and yet, Reynolds posted four statements of denial on Patton West’s website. And, while denying Patton West was guilty of the assault to the Bigfork Eagle newspaper reporter, Reynolds admits money laundering $463,000 that was extorted from Cole through Patton West’s business as ‘normal’ business receipts.  Reynolds did this in spite of his immediate predecessor resigning after less than six months, rather than being forced to ‘manufacture’ false invoices by Patton West.  No such problem for scum like Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.  It appears that Reynolds took to ‘organized crime’ like a duck to water.  In a statement Patton West to court, while being deposed by Watson’s lawyer in 2009, she referred on multiple occasions to Reynolds being the ‘money man.’ This is probably true, as at the time, she was living on Reynolds’ property and having her living expenses paid for by him.  The statement makes very interesting reading and implicates Patton West in several other multi-million dollar crimes.  Telling lies, money laundering and the fraudulent application for $30,000,000 in government grants are small beer for Reynolds, who quickly moved on to complicity to commit murder, perjury and criminal conspiracy. 



As stated above, while being interviewed by the Bigfork Eagle reporter on August 9 2007, Reynolds let it slip in what he thought was an ‘off the record’ conversation, that Watson would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Patton West was going to do to his wife and children.  The reporter took the threat seriously enough to share it with the authorities, who briefed Watson.  Several days later, a failed attempt was made on Watson’s life by Patton West, just as predicted by Reynolds.  Also, just as Reynolds predicted, a campaign of occult ‘under the radar’ violence was launched against John Watson, his wife and children.  This campaign of violence was intended either to intimidate Watson into dropping his lawsuit against Patton West or intended to provoke Watson into taking direct action against Patton West in self defense of his family. 

Had Watson taken the bait, as Patton West and Reynolds intended, he would have been jailed for taking the law into his own hands when clearly the ‘law’ is totally impotent against a vile and despicable creature like Patton West and her accomplices.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


We remind you that in 2002, Jack West confided in John Watson that he, his then wife Patton West and their young daughter Anna West, were chased out of New Mexico by a gun wielding victim who knew the police would not believe what Patton West was doing to him and his family.  And, even if the police did believe that victim, they would not be able to prosecute Patton West because the Secret Weapon being used by her was not recognized as a weapon by legal statute.  Patton West has relied upon this fact for 29 plus years.  So this victim did take the law into his own hands. 


The campaign of occult ‘under the radar’ violence that Reynolds announced would be directed against Watson and his family, continues to this day and is now approaching its 14th year.


While Watson is an ex-marine and undoubtedly possesses the skills to take direct action against Patton West in self-defense of himself and his wife and children, Watson was not stupid enough to fall into the trap set for him by Patton West, as explained to the Bigfork Eagle reporter Constance See by Geoffrey Reynolds CPA on August 9 2007.   Watson is a very patient man and would rather work with the authorities to bring Patton West, a suspected serial killer, and her accomplices to justice.  The fact that 13 plus years have elapsed since Patton West’s attempt on his life and during that same period, his wife and children have been constantly violently assaulted by Patton West speaks volumes about where he is coming from. 


However, we would make the following very important observation about psychopath Patton West in respect of her own family members.  Below is a collage of three photographs taken from Patton West’s website.  The photos can be found by going here


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


If you review the contents of these two websites and you will see that both sites are populated with legal documents, newspaper articles and statements from ex-employees.  These ex-employees of Patton West’s, many of whom Anna west knew as friends, allege that they were mentally and physically abused by Patton West and in some cases robbed, defrauded and were the victims of extortion.  If one visits this webpage entitled ‘Enlightened House Holding Rishi Style’ one will get a glimpse into Patton West’s real home life as opposed to what is portrayed above which is just more staged managed propaganda.  To come to the point, contrary to what is stated in the image below Patton West is not a recluse, she lives behind a gated community for her own safety and protection.


Just like the victim who chased her, Jack West and young Anna West out of New Mexico in the middle of the night with a loaded gun, there are many, many victims who would like the opportunity to ‘settle the score’ with Patton West – if they could get close enough.



However, while Patton West hides behind her gated community, and will only meet people by appointment and then only after an extensive vetting process, she is more than happy to pose for photos with her children and grandchildren as part of the propaganda effort to make her look ‘human.’  To make her look cuddly and motherly instead of the vicious violent psychopathic killer that she really is.  She poses for photos with her daughter and grandchildren, knowing that they do not live behind gated communities.  She poses for photos with her own daughter and her own grandchildren, knowing full well that she has a long history of targeting the children of those who oppose her.  She targets the children of those who oppose her in a strategy intended to force her adversaries into remaining silent or giving up their attempts to get justice for the crimes she has committed against them.  Of course Patton West will deny this, in spite of the mountain of evidence to the contrary.  Go here for some of it.


The Fake Bio.  The Secret Weapon.  The Lies.   The Crimes.  Evidence of Insanity.   The NarcissistFake Miracle Cures.  Fake Career Opportunities.  Fake Testimonials.  Racketeering in 1,000 Images.  Enlightened Householding Rishi Style. 


Like all psychopaths, Patton West lacks empathy and compassion for other human beings; that includes her own family.  The very fact that Patton West, herself, is living behind a gated community, must mean that she has calculated that there is a risk that one or more of the hundreds of victims that she has screwed over these past 29 years may want revenge.  Patton West must know that just as she has relentlessly targeted the ‘low hanging fruit’ (the children of her adversaries) with the intent to cause injury, illness or even death.  One of her adversaries might respond in kind by visiting harm on her children or grandchildren. 


Remember the plan that Reynolds shared with the reporter on August 9 2007 was to target Watson’s wife and children, in the hope of provoking Watson into reacting in a way that would send Watson to jail.  Obviously, they hoped he would take the law into his own hands and go after Patton West and her family!


However Patton West, being a card carrying psychopath, was quite prepared to risk her children and grandchildren while hiding away from her enemies in her gated community, pretending to be a recluse.  Were Patton West’s children or grandchildren to be caught up in the violence she was visiting upon other families, she would just consider this to be ‘collateral damage.’  Collateral damage in her family is obviously a price she is prepared for them to pay. 

And since Watson’s family and countless other families are being targeted in this way, clearly it is a price Patton West is still prepared for her family to pay.  Perhaps there is room in Patton West’s family for her children and grandchildren?



We make the point once again, that the whistleblower John Watson would not go there, as he considers Anna West and her son as innocent bystanders, though doubtless Anna West has benefited from the millions of dollars her mother has robbed, defrauded and extorted from scores of victims.  Doubtless, Anna West has witnessed many of her friends being abused by her mother over the past three decades.  Perhaps she remembers Lisa Swidler who her mother murdered?  Doubtless, Anna West has studied the information on these two websites about her mother.  Again, we make the point that taking the fight to Patton West’s children and grandchildren would make the perpetrator of such an action no better than Patton West.  However, we are conscious that there have been scores of victims over the past 29 years and that not all of them may be as patient and level headed as the whistleblower.  It is obvious that Patton West is more than happy to take that chance with her children and grandchildren. After all, she is hiding inside a gated community.


If Anna West thinks this is some kind of a threat against her and her family (which it is not) she should contact the police or the FBI immediately, though by the time she reads this, the Sedona FBI and Police departments will have received their copy. 


If Anna West believes that her mother is a Goddess, a Divine Mother and the Western Regent then what has she got to lose?  If Anna West does not believe that the same weapon being used against Watson and his family was used against Kendal Haywood in a strategy designed to subvert the court process by making Kendal appear to have mental issues, so Chris Haywood got custody, then what has she got to lose?  If Anna West does not believe that her mother used the exact same strategy against Jamie Haywood to try to subvert the custody hearing a second time, to obtain custody of Jamie’s infant daughter, then what has she got to lose?  If Anna West does not believe that occult knowledge has been used by her mother for 29 plus years to facilitate crimes of theft, fraud and extortion against scores of victims what has she got to lose?


One way or another, there will be a criminal investigation and once underway, it will follow the evidence to where it leads.  When this happens, Patton West’s daughter Anna and Patton West’s grandchildren will become big time victims as they are forced to witness a serial killing psychopath publicly answer for three decades of crimes against humanity.



FACT 9. Williams has done everything in his power including being complicit in the ongoing campaign of violence and intimidation being directed at John Watson and his family.



Williams, a total stranger to Watson but a disciple of Patton West’s, defamed Watson in 2005, sent Watson a threatening email in 2007, and put up $2,000,000 in 2010, so that Patton West could afford to mount multiple frivolous lawsuits against Watson with the objective of bankrupting him.  Williams then characterized the injunction that his money ‘bought’ for Patton West as coming from the investigation by a judge into cyber-crime.  Which is rich coming from Williams, because he knows that Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model is made possible by the lies and propaganda she puts on her website whose only purpose could be cyber-crime!


However, Williams’ role in Patton West’s criminal racketeering gang did not end there.  Williams, as a 20 year student of Patton West’s unaccredited school for occult studies, is totally aware that Patton West is using occult (hidden) knowledge against Watson, his wife and children and scores of other victims.  We know Williams knows, not just because Patton West is teaching him to do the same thing but because over the past 4 plus years Watson has sent Williams some 450 emails cataloguing the violent assaults by Patton West against him and his family.  We are in the process of putting these emails into a PDF, at which point, we’ll make them all available online.


Watson has emailed Williams 450 times, telling him that ongoing campaign of violent intimidation directed at him, and his family, now approaching 14 years in duration, will not change a thing.  That justice will be done, regardless of what Patton West does and that accounts will be balanced one way or the other.  Why has Williams not passed these emails on to the police or the FBI?  We hope Williams will explain this to a judge and jury soon.



FACT 10.  Williams is either mentally ill or a brainwashed and conditioned droid of Patton West’s, who is being shamelessly used by her regardless of the damage to his life and career.



In 2005 Dr. Julio E Williams MD, a member of her cult for only five years, made the following statement.:-


“I, Julio Williams have been a long term student of Surya Ma (as Patton West was calling herself then) and I stake my honor and credibility on defending her personal integrity and establishing the truth.”  Here is a small portion of the truth.


Arrest Warrant for Criminal Check Fraud


Arrest Warrant for Felony Theft


Conviction for Assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD


Conviction for Defrauding John Watson


Conviction for Defrauding Top to Bottom Construction


Conviction for Defrauding Brazda Life



Conviction for Defrauding Wells Fargo Bank



Montana Charity Struck Off for Fraud




Montana Businesses Involuntarily Dissolved or Revoked



Sheriff’s Sale to Pay Past Victims of Crime $2,000,000


Fifteen years later, Dr. Julio E Williams MD is still being shamelessly used by Patton West to promote her as guru when he knows all too well that she is a vicious criminal and perhaps a serial killer.



What we have shared with you here will not appear in her life story / bio or anywhere else on her current website.  Her website and its contents are a total fantasy, a huge lie and part of the propaganda designed to suck in spiritual seekers who, after being brainwashed and conditioned, will be used like ‘batteries.’  Batteries that finance her luxurious lifestyle and batteries that fuel her ego and rampant narcissism.  Though the obvious motive is fraud, (born out by decades of evidence) apparently those who masquerade as quasi-religious figures appear (so far) to be immune from prosecution, however serious the crimes. 


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Go to this webpage to review the many ‘testimonials’ Williams has given to Patton West.  Like this invitation below to attend a “Sacred Sunday with Rishi” at Dr. Julio E Williams’ home.  Maybe it is a coincidence that Patton West stated, in her interview with the Whitefish Pilot newspaper on July 12 2007, that she was teaching physicians and cardiologists how to cure cancer.  Surely a respectable physician like Dr. Julio E Williams MD would not dream of hosting avenue for a con artist like Patton West?  And if he did, surely he would not encourage sick people to ‘buy’ her fake cures?  Would he?




It is probably just a coincidence that in addition to claiming in July 2007 that she was training physicians and cardiologists to cure cancer, that in a recent Facebook posting Patton West claimed to be able to deliver the phenomena of ‘Divine Grace Healings.’  For those who can afford the six figure sums she demands for her miracle cures.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


Probably nothing to worry about…


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,




People are being robbed, defrauded, are the victims of extortion and of mental and physical abuse.  Some have been murdered to keep them quiet.  What we have shared here in this missive, cannot be found on her current website which is full of propaganda and lies.  Patton West’s website is a tool for her criminal racketeering business model which has operated in three western states over 29 plus years right under your noses.


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,


The Rishi’s Gateway, Clarion Call, The Clarion Call of the New Genesis, Sedona Gateway to Enlightenment, Sedona Gateway Retreats with an Enlightened Master, The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Rishi Adi Maa, Awakening, Mastery and Service, Sedona Retreats,

we suggest you visit Patton West’s latest website at where you can review the latest ‘alternative facts.’


The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Ascended Masters, Sedona Arizona,